Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

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88Blackbirds said:
Thanks atfm and kaylyne too, for the pics up top. Damn Sofia looks good in black, reminds me of that scene from Poppin' Tags when her and Sara go strutting into that party looking all "glam butch". She's very striking and just a little scary when she’s all business isn't she.

Damn, now I want to see that episode again :p
I've been watching LV since ep 1, but someone I only "recently" started getting..erm.."into" Sofia..maybe it is a good idea for me to start watching from "Formalities" again to see what I have missed.

Glam butch, I gotta tell ya..I learn new words and expressions every day on this forum ;)
Luckily I got into her in season 5 already, though not right from the beginning, I barely noticed her back then. I did remember the red dress, though. ;)

Speaking of season 5, I was wondering something. In Spark of Life, when Greg asks her how to get the image of the burn victim out of his head, Sofia says, "You hug your cat, your dog, your pillow." In Law of Gravity, she says, "I wouldn't leave her with my cat" about the supposed babysitter. Both of those might very well be just sayings but do you think Sofia has a cat? Somehow she would strike me as a cat person. And does anyone apart from me care about this? ;)
I would see Sofia as more of a dog person, but a cat makes more sense, since her job takes up much of her time and it would be easier to take care of a cat than it would a dog where you'd have to take it out for exercise all the time. A cat would have a litter box and doesn't require all of the exercise.

Maybe the cat brings out her softer side, since being a cop has her always bringing out her tough side.
I see Sofia as a dog person, but it seems like the writers have written her as a cat person.
Maybe she has a guard cat. ^_^
Naw, I'm just joking. No, actually I'm not. I can picture her sitting and training her cat to attack people attempting to climb through the window.
Okay, the thought of a guard cat is downright scary. Maybe she has a cougar. ;)

The reason why I see her as a cat person is that cats are independent and have a mind of their own, similar to Sofia herself.
What is this, our topic on page 2? *bumps*

Not much Sofia on Fallen Idols but damn, I loved her in that coat (though it did make her look a little thin).
Drumchik said:
*jaw drops*

Wow. That is. Wow. *thud*

That. *g*

kaylyne said:
To me, she still seemed a little subdued as well. Maybe the cop's death is still on her mind.

Good point, I hadn't noticed that. I wonder if it's simply how her scenes were written for that episode or if there was an underlying implication that she's still trying to come to terms with what happened.
atfm said:
What is this, our topic on page 2? *bumps*

Not much Sofia on Fallen Idols but damn, I loved her in that coat (though it did make her look a little thin).

Thx for the pic (again). Think she could use some extra muscle if you ask me. She can have my excess amount of fat anytime by the way :p

And I seem to be hearing more and more "glitches" in her American English, or is it just me? It sounds a bit odd, like she has been drinking too much ..err..tea ;) And yes, she still seemed to be shook up from that cop-died-in-front-of-me deal from the previous ep. Well written though, she is human after all.
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