Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

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No problem about the pic. :)

I haven't noticed about the glitches, I only notice the more obvious ones as I'm not a native speaker. Perhaps she was tired, I imagine it's hard to keep up the accent all the time.
Yep, that was when Nick was shoveling the sand out of the pit and he suggested that she helped him. Sofia was just priceless!
That was one of my favorite scenes with Sofia as well. There is nothing like a woman who knows what she wants and is not afraid to go after it full force. She was making a point that she spent her time getting dirty. Now she can stand back and watch someone else do all the hard work. He he. But something tells me if it came down to it and she had to get in deep she would do what it takes to help out anyone.
I totally agree. She would lend a helping hand without a second thought if it was really necessary, no matter whether it would mean getting dirty. She strikes me as a rather altruistic sort of person. But yes, if she can avoid it and tease others about digging in the dirt, why not. ;)
Remember she printed the phone booth before Sara arrived in Werewolves because she was bored!! Also in Shooting Stars, she was willing to lend a hand with Nick in printing the broken cabinet with the missing drugs.
You can take the girl out of the lab, but you can't take the CSI out of the girl!!
Yeah. That was cute. I remember in Formalities, she got Grissom to talk to himself and Cath called him on it.

Plus, Gluing the bow tie. I'll love that forever.
Not only did she glue that bow tie but if you notice in the scene in the beginning of Formalities when Sofia is changing into her CSI jumpsuit Gil and Brass are standing off to the side watching her change. Watch Gil wring and twirl the bow tie in his hands nervously. He was trying his hardest not to look at her while she was stripping of that red dress. I absolutely love that scene. I have watched that over and over. :devil:
LadySaraButterfly said:
Not only did she glue that bow tie but if you notice in the scene in the beginning of Formalities when Sofia is changing into her CSI jumpsuit Gil and Brass are standing off to the side watching her change. Watch Gil wring and twirl the bow tie in his hands nervously. He was trying his hardest not to look at her while she was stripping of that red dress. I absolutely love that scene. I have watched that over and over. :devil:

Let me guess..in slow motion with "The Lady In Red" playing in Winamp? :devil:

I think my girlfriend almost slapped me when my jaw was dropping/I was drooling all over the place while watching that scene :p
OOOOOH! "Lady In Red" would have been a perfect song to have playing in the background. Must watch that scene over again and let that song rip while they volume is down. Hmmmm you have given my music video making muse a great idea. Never can get enough Sofia.

Have not said this in awhile but welcome to any new posters who has joined this group.

Looks like we have a repeat again this week so no new Sofia scenes to look forward too but let me leave a picture nonetheless. This is our lady at work in "Monster in the Box".

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