Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

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Kellogs said: thanks for the heads up 88Blackbirds, finally i got to watch another of Louise's movies (the other was Hidalgo over a cable channel) and i have to say i LOOOOVE IT!! wish that i could find a copy though, it's real hard to look for her movies over her

You can find Hidalgo most anywhere to buy. PM me if you want further information. I liked how she played a sort of shady character Lady Davenport in that movie.

Kellogs said: i think it's Louise herself who suggested the "toothpick" as to build that tough persona of Sofia as a detective

I agree I believe Louise may be the one with the personal like for the toothpicks. Some people just have oral fixations. I have seen George Eads character "Nick" chew gum. As you said to give Sofia a tougher image they may have chosen the toothpick. Course she could just be the type of person who after she eats she uses a toothpick to secure she has no food stuck in her teeth. I know several people who carry toothpicks around. LOL. But not matter what the reason, its attractive in an odd way. I wouldn't mind being the toothpick. Ha!

"Burnout" was a great episode. As a matter of fact other than Grissom, Sofia and Brass actually are who made the episode interesting. They had a vast majority of the screen time.

The story revolved around two missing boys and a sex offender who's house burned to the ground right around the times the young boys went missing. Sofia and Cath had the task of questioning the one boys grandfather. In an interesting twist, like in "Double Cross" Sofia spots evidence before the C.S.I.'s again. She caught site when she was watching the grandfather talk that he was missing teeth. As they further investigated the scene Cath finds that missing dental piece and I love the line Sofia throws out at Cath.

Sofia: Grandpa was lying through his teeth.

Sofia further investigates the Grandpa down at the station and gives him the hot lamp treatment because he pushed his grandson's young friend into a door and caused him to bleed and have a contusion in the head. He tells her he was just being a good role model and kids needed discipline. She told him it was abuse and in the end she takes his ass down.

Another scene i adored and trying to cap a good picture of was when she and Cath were investigating the property (YES this is when the gun came out again). That is not the only part of it that was great. Like in another episode, she has a crew of guy cops behind her and she is leading the troops. One wave of her hand and they fall in behind her like soldiers. Nothing more sexy than a woman who can command.

Viva Sofia!

EricaSJ said: I remember seeing Louise in The House of Elliot and she was brunette in that show. I prefer her blonde, too. Loved her in Burn Out, especially when Sofia was reaching out to Jason. Aw!

*waves to LSB and Anne*

*waves back at Erica*

Yes, there is no doubt Louise is a natural brunette. I agree blonde suits her better. As you age (for those of us in our thirties) look better with lighter hair. I just recently added blonde highlights to mine and I like it better.

The scene where Sofia got sent to Arizona to see if Jason was on the bus was so precious. There is no doubt she is talented with kids. If you liked her interaction with the victim in "Burn Out" then you need to watch her in the movie "Heaven Must Wait". Its about an orphan boy she friends. Can't tell you much more without spoiling the movie. PM me if you want and I can show you were you can see a clip.
*after watching burnout*
I loved her compassion with the little boy, it was sooo cute... And her agression with the grandpa in the interrogation room was awesome....
Thanks for the info on Burnout LadySaraButterfly, I too love it when Sofia leads in the troops, nothing like a woman in charge. I’d love to hear about where that clip from “Heaven must wait” is. Oh, as for “oral fixations,” I’m reading Freud for class and you have no idea how funny that sounded. It’s amazing how she can chew that toothpick and not look like an idiot.

That demographic thing is interesting, I got the feeling that most of the forums were posted in mostly by women, well actually, I’d be willing to bet that the Nick thread is overrun by teenage girls. Anyway, I’ve always wondered how many gay women were here “doing the worshiping” like me, especially seeing how we tend to spend most of the time talking about how hot Louise is looking.
Hey everyone, just stumbled across your thread. Thought I should speak up and represent the male Sofia fans ;) Gotta say my favourite Sofia moment so far is the interrogation scene in Fannysmackin' - "Am I supposed to know who Uncle Lenny is?". Brilliant.
Hey, you can be our resident stud. :D

I loved it in Burnout when the grandpa (I keep on wanting to write grampa. I watched the Simpsons too much.) asked how to get home because they took his car and Sofia goes "There's a bus stop down the street." ;)
:lol:. I think that toughness is one of the reasons Sofia is popular because every so often we see her softer side. If that makes sense...
"...what is most beautiful in feminine women is something masculine".
88Blackbirds and Built_01 glad to have you aboard the Louise/Sofia thread. All this talking about "Burn Out" made me want to post my favorite cap from the episode.


Here she is working that gun. This was when she was looking for the boys behind the grandfather's house and found evidence of the grandfather abusing the boy.
Does anyone else notice that since ABRT, Sofia is portrayed as slightly more pensive with her gun? Just look at the expression Louise is showing... Do you think that it's on purpose? I do.
Nice picture LadySaraButterfly, I really like the gun/torch action, did you find that somewhere on the Internet?

Please keep the quotes coming everyone. You’re all making me so frustrated at having not seen any of the season 7 episodes yet. :(
88Blackbirds said:
Nice picture LadySaraButterfly, I really like the gun/torch action, did you find that somewhere on the Internet?

Please keep the quotes coming everyone. You’re all making me so frustrated at having not seen any of the season 7 episodes yet. :(

No, that is a attempt at capping a picture myself but if you want to check out some great caps you can go to this website. Erica does a great job of keeping us updated on screencaps of all the episodes. *thanks Erica* I will pm you the link.

Here is one of Sofia in "FannySmackin" when she was getting info from the store owner who got held up.


I always love her stance when she shoves her hands in her pockets.
Thanks so much for the link; Sofia was looking mighty fine and the bus scene looked good. Now I really, really want to see this episode.

I too also love how she puts her hands in her pockets, she looks very intimidating and it reminds me of that scene for ABRTI, another nice little character trait.
I was channel surfing the other morning and caught Louise on a movie with Alec Baldwin. Awful movie, but yay Louise!

I think Sofia is the only thing on CSI I look forward to. She's such a hard ass. I love her. The accent still freaks me out sometimes, though. I wish they'd just reveal she's an Army brat.
I just watched Hidalgo the other night. It was so weird seeing her as a "bad guy" LOL.

And if you're a member of BTA, there is an interview from a recent Early Show that Billy was on that includes an interview with Louise - It's funny seeing her dressed up as Sofia and talking in a British accent!
“Hard ass,” very funny.

I’m not sure about everybody else but I don’t actually have a problem with the accent she does on CSI, I really don’t notice it. But then again, living in Australia maybe I don’t notice it as much as an American or English person would.

Since most of you are Americans, and everybody seems to be going on about the accent so much, is it really that noticeable? If it is that much of a problem they probably could have done something more constructive with her back-story, like the army brat thing or even made her an ex pat. But after watching the House of Eliott, it would have been so great if she got to keep her English accent, she sounds so cute.

Oh, and Drumchik what is this BTA thing? I’d really like to see that Sofia interview.
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