Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

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but sometimes she slips...in one scene, her "Stand up!" sounded like "Stand OP!"
:p In season 5 you can notice it more, especially first eps. IMO she's improved the accent since then, but what do I know. :rolleyes:

As for the origami napkin - she didn't seem sad or bitter. I found it a cute scene.
I don't think that she was particularly sad, but it made ME sad, if you catch me? :rolleyes:
atfm said:
CSI_Dani said:
I'll "re-second" that! Even though I have no idea if I can do so :lol:

You can third it. ;) That first episode with her was called Formalities. I loved the red dress (and the fact that even in the dress she did her swagger) but I, too, prefer the work look. :)
Oh, so that's the way you say it. I figured there was a correct word for that, but I didn't know what it was. It makes sense, though. Thank you for the explanation. And forgive my poor english :p

Welcome eggbe4thechicken :) I think she will be back for season 8. At least I hope so. About her accent, and as you have already understood in this same post, English is not my mother language and I am not good at it either, so I have no idea if her American accent is convincent or not :rolleyes: Don't we have an American Louise fan?
I think of the regulars, MUTTMO's the only American here.

eggbe4thechicken said:
IMO she's improved the accent since then, but what do I know. :rolleyes:

I haven't noticed. I suppose it becomes harder for when she's tired. In the Five US interview she also said that she sometimes has to do additional dialogue recording.

I don't think that she was particularly sad, but it made ME sad, if you catch me? :rolleyes:

Yup, gotcha. ;)

CSI_Dani said:

Oh, so that's the way you say it. I figured there was a correct word for that, but I didn't know what it was. It makes sense, though. Thank you for the explanation. And forgive my poor english :p

I don't know if it's an official phrase but you say it in jest. If somebody seconds something, the next persons third and fourth and fifth it. And your English is just fine. :)
Her accent isn't bad . I think it sounds east coast like New York or something..but if you know shes English its real obvious when shes slips. I think its cute.
Damn, I just watched part of Heaven Must Wait, and this totally cracked me up:

"This is my house, and I decide who sleeps in it and who doesn't, and you doesn't.......don't."

I think Louise does a great job with the accent (I'm Canadian). There's a slight british undertone to it... but it's barely noticable, and I just love the way she sounds :D
atfm said:
Damn, I just watched part of Heaven Must Wait, and this totally cracked me up:

"This is my house, and I decide who sleeps in it and who doesn't, and you doesn't.......don't."


I own that movie and love the role she portrayed in that film. I cracked up when she tossed the guys suitcases and all out the door at him. Great scene. I found that as one of the top acting roles..well in her British career...that shows her incredible abilities as an actress.
I love that movie. I've watched it twice now and she's so funny in it. How she keeps slapping the poor guy and keeps having to apologise to him. LOL.

And I love the scenes where they're JUST about to kiss and then...interrupted again. LOL
I haven't finished it yet (yes, I have the attention span of a fly) but her role seems definitely different from what I've seen from her before. She does a great job, though, I almost got teary-eyed when she told the woman about the baby.
Ok, first, I need to watch that film.

We always end up back on the accent don’t we. To me it sounds like an ok accent, just every now and then the pronunciation sounds a bit funny, like the very suspect way she says 'Gettysburg' in Way To Go. I’ve only heard Americans pronounce it one way, and that definitely wasn’t it, but I find that much more endearing then annoying.

I didn’t actually see Formalities until only about a few months ago. I missed it the first time around because at the time I figured that since there was no Sara in that episode I wasn’t gonna bother with it. It was only a couple of months later that I was absolutely kicking myself for doing that, especially since that was one of the few times we got to see Sofia in a blue jumpsuit, I loooove those jumpsuits, on any of the CSI ladies really, but especially on Sofia.

vegaslights said:
I love Louise because she has some of the greatest expressions
Hay, what about in Room Service when that guy was having that little problem from taking one too many pills and he's sitting down playing with the front of hi's dressing gown and Sofia's all “stand up” and she looks down with the funniest ‘what the’ expression and then starts smiling, I love that entire scene.

atfm said:
"This is my house, and I decide who sleeps in it and who doesn't, and you doesn't...don't."
vegaslights said:
I love Louise because she has some of the greatest expressions:

Haha, I love the expressions on her face, and even more so when she follows them up with the greatest intonations of her voice. Like, when the Room service scene was mentioned, I always remember the scene where the kid is pulling on the robe to tie it tighter and you can first see on Sofia's face that she's confused, then annoyed and then she cracks: "What's with the robe?!" I laugh at that every time, especially when she sees's what's up (no pun, I pwomise :D) with the robe and then smiles as if she thinks "Well, aren't I glad I asked." Priceless. :lol:

And you can tell that sometimes, something is off in her accent, but to me it just ads to her apeal. She has a mouthful of some words that she has to pronounce and it just comes out sounding a little... different than it usually does when her American colleagues say them. But once again I say, that and so many other little things is what makes me love her so much. :D
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