Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

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Just popping in to leave a big Thank you for the screencaps you guys post, especially MUTTMO. Those pics are adorable hehe =)

BTW, I just recently watched Hidalgo, not nearly enough of Louise in that movie but the sight of her blonde curls and that dress definitely made it worth watching :p
MiaCharlize I like your icon! I just watched Built to Kill last night and I actually paused the screen at that moment :devil: Louise was wonderful in that episode.

I loved the scene in which Nick was digging through the sand trying to find a purse and asked her to help. And she gave him a devious smile and just told him "no"
Lovely pics, Birdie, her smile is just adorable. And you're right about the anime smile. :eek:

Kristina_K said:

Somebody sholud alert the authorities! There are Sofia fans EVERYTHERE!


Oh no! It's a conspiracy! They...they are forming a network! ;)

I agree about about the dishevelled look, it has something to it. Makes it so easy to imagine what she looks like when she wakes up or when she spends a lazy afternoon lounging on the couch.

I taped Hidalgo, haven't watched it yet. But I bought Countdown today! It's one of the few Louise movies available for purchase here.
I order that one last week. I hope to get it soon so I can cap and share!!!!

If anyone can get their hands on Claim....I need it! If you can buy it where you are I'll pay to have you ship it to me!
atfm said:
And the pigtails! Dude. The facial expression is so Sofia. It's Sofia with pigtails. :lol:

I just realised that I know like half of the people in here on LJ. It's a small world. ;)

atfm, the entire movie is a bit like Sofia in it. She tells the guy (she owns a B and B) that since he can't pay he's going to work for it, then she says he has to get out of bed - she'll be making it at 7.30.

And she keeps tossing him out only to take him back in again. It's a really great movie.
I haven't watched Countdown yet but I had a look at the making of and there's an interview snippet with Louise. Unfortunately you can barely hear her speak because they did a Russian voiceover that you can't switch off, so I had to watch with subtitles. Anyway, she said that at some point the car which she was in overturned and that it really scared her. Damn! :eek:

Oh, and btw, MUTTMO, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to get my hands on Claim, sorry, can't help you there. You get virtually nothing here.
I'll "re-second" that! Even though I have no idea if I can do so :lol:
And Drumchick, I just love your "she is so hot" posts. They say it all ;)

I haven't seen any of the movies. I really tried to access the link MUTTMO kindly PM'ed me, but for some reason it didn't work properly. Anyway, thank you so much MUTTMO :)

Oh, and I just watched the first episode where Sofia appears (I completly forgot its name now :p), and it was so cool to see her being new :rolleyes: She was so beautiful with the red dress and all, but I have a slight preference for the informal/work ponytail look. Have I said how much I love the ponytail? Oh, I have. Sorry, then :p And well, Grissom trying her new technique was awesome. Especially because it showed that even Grissom (who we all know is smart and intelligent) folowed her techniques! He just realized imediately that she is super smart and awesome, so he decided to try the same thing she did. Not that he isn't enough intelligent, but a little bit of Sofia's cool methodes would never hurt, would it? :rolleyes:
Hey, I don't think I've ever posted in here before. :rolleyes:

Anywho, I have a question for the americans. See I'm British, and LL's accent in CSI to me sounds like a good american accent. I was just wondering if it sounded as good for you guys. (be honest) :rolleyes: I know that when it's the other way around I can be a bit critical. :lol:

Yeah, that was my question. :p

I was watching TGTBATD last night, her convo with Catherine was so sad, don't you think? (About the napkin origami thing.) She needs someone. :( I'd love to see that side of her character too, we've never really seen it before. There was the whole Grissom thing, I suppose, but never a relationship. I guess that's one of my wishes for season 8. She is coming back right?

Wow, I'm full of questions. :lol:

Thanks peeps. :)
CSI_Dani said:
I'll "re-second" that! Even though I have no idea if I can do so :lol:

You can third it. ;) That first episode with her was called Formalities. I loved the red dress (and the fact that even in the dress she did her swagger) but I, too, prefer the work look. :)

eggbe4thechicken said:

I was just wondering if it sounded as good for you guys.

I'm not American, not even a native speaker, but sometimes she slips...in one scene, her "Stand up!" sounded like "Stand OP!" and she pronounces handkerchief funny (though I say it the same way). I think it's very cute when her British accent comes through. No idea if her American accent is convincing but there's something about her pattern of intonation that doesn't sound completely American.

As for the origami napkin - she didn't seem sad or bitter. I found it a cute scene. :)
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