Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

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MUTTMO, you're so good to us :) Thank you!

So, operating on the assumption that Louise IS coming back for Season 8 - and I'm 99.9% sure she is - can you see any character developments. Or what would YOU like to see happen to her character?

atfm, I almost cried too when she was talking about her baby. It was so sad.
There really needs to be some development for Sofia...just to know a little more about her background and her past would be nice. As for a personal story, I think I've said before that I'd like to see something with her mother. Also, a few more friendly scenes with the other characters would be nice instead of the mere, "Here's your body, I'll go find witnesses" and "We interviewed the suspect and he made a confession." You know, just little things like the origami scene with Catherine.
"This is my house, and I decide who sleeps in it and who doesn't, and you doesn't.......don't."
Oh gosh, I need to see this film.

So, operating on the assumption that Louise IS coming back for Season 8 - and I'm 99.9% sure she is - can you see any character developments. Or what would YOU like to see happen to her character?
I agree with atfm, scenes that give more depth to her and let her show more personality. I haven't seen the origami scene yet, though.

About her accent, the only time I really noticed it was when she said "Stand up". Guess I'm not American so I don't really notice such things.
*randomly pops in again* :rolleyes:
I just watched Rashomama in spanish, lol, and Sophia has THE zexiest spanish dubb overer. (I think I just invented a new word. :lol:)
You guys have got to hear it. It doesn't beat the real thing though, just verrry interesting. :p
Sofia in Spanish. LOL. I could see her speaking a bit of Spanish. That would be fun.

I've just started on War Stories - I love Louise's giggle btw, she's so adorable.

Louise didn't even make it out of War Stories alive. I was actually enjoying her character, and then the Al Quada people shot her and a bunch of other journalists. The other journalists I would have been happy to do without - but why Louise? Surely there should be some sort of law against killing off Louise Lombard

She did die well. What, you mean she's not really dead? It's a dream? Jeff Goldblum is having a lot of flashbacks in this movie

Woohoo! Bullet proof vests rock.

And Louise is hot in sunglasses with a long ponytail. :devil:
Drumchik said:

Surely there should be some sort of law against killing off Louise Lombard


Rotfl. I'm all for it. Let's take it to Congress! ;)
I did finish it.

I was glad that Louise's character didn't end up dead, because I really liked her, and I liked the moment that Gayle and Ben had in the room when she was telling him what it felt like to get shot. The last Gayle/Ben scene was him leaving the bedroom while she slept onward, and I felt that it was rather an odd conclusion to that storyline. Do they stay together? Do they end? What the heck's going on there? LOL
It was a pilot for a series...............they had to leave it somewhat open ended in case it got picked up. They had to have enough of a storyline for a whole season. But I loved it as well , I'm surprised that it didn't get picked up. I think it would of done well.Especially now with all the B.S. going on here now.

Am I the only one here in the U.S.?
I read the return list on the new season, and Louise is not there? I thought she signed on for season 8, but her name is not in the credits there as returning MAIN cast memebers. She is a main cast member now right? She is in the credits, so that makes her a main cast member. So if she is not there; Does that mean that Sofia is gone for good? Oh this is so upsetting to me. No Judy, No Sofia, No Louise; Someone up there does not like me. :mad:
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