Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

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LOL, Drumchik, you never fail to amuse me with your outbursts of affection for Louise. :D

MUTTMO, I have seen season seven.

Kristina_K said:
Well it's nice to know that I'll get another round with SE7 on RTL just in time when my withdrawal kicks in after it finishes on Croatian TV. :)

I really don't know when they show it, they are a little capricious like that, but it should be around that time. :)
Kristina_K said:
It's a clip of moi and her riding on a Harley. The fun way. :D
Ohhh, I could get into that :devil:.

They’ve shown the first 9 episodes down here, is Sofia in Loco Motives at all?
Hello greglover107. ;)

There's a little bit of Sofia in Loco Motives, yes.

Drumchik said:

You mean like this:


Yes. *chuckles* And I wholeheartedly second it. ;)
MUTTMO said:
ahhhhhhhh you guys haven't seen season seven yet or am I misunderstanding you?..........I can help with that!

Oh I'm watching it right now. Well, not NOW, but it's running on TV here. I just saw "Leaving Las Vegas" on Monday, so I still got a nice number of episodes ahead of moi. *looks forward to it* I'll be so sad and lonely when the season finishes. How will I ever survive?
Hmmm, knowing you two from livejournal I can already see this conversation veering into dangerous (read: wonderful) slashey territory.
Kristina_K said:
Or reading someone else's. *hint hint* :D

Wait, that was a hint for you. You're putting pressure on me. ;)

88Blackbirds said:
Hmmm, knowing you two from livejournal I can already see this conversation veering into dangerous (read: wonderful) slashey territory.

Rotfl. And more pressure. I'm not at my best writing fic these days. ;)

But back to Louise. Remembering her saying in an interview that she's not a domestic person at all, this cap from Heaven Must Wait made me laugh a little. ;)

*giggle* I find the shot of her in apron slightly amusing. Not just because of what she said, but because her hair is pulled back like she does often in CSI. *giggle* Sofia in an apron.
She's just such a gorgeous woman. I really love her with the hair she has now in CSI and also the hair she had in Season 2 of HoE. Just so stunning.

Thanks for the pics foxdvdgh!
i definetly prefer it long but I'm torn on color..........

blonde is cute and hot
dark is just plain beautiful

and there something about the way that woman says the "f" word that is just sexy!!!

I'm a little twisted that way............
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