Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

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atfm said:Other than that, we basically gush over Louise most of the time or discuss in how many ways Sofia rocks.

Haha. Seems like I'm in the right place, then. I only saw Louise in Hidalgo so far (I fell in love with her diring that failed seduction scene in Lady Davenport's tent). Since then, nothing has been the same for me.
Wow...those pictures of her in 1993 - she's so young! And so gorgeous!

Welcome to the thread, Kristina_k! We love Louise and Sofia!

Yay, Muttmo, thanks for all the caps! They're really awesome :)
oh umbrello...thanks do you have that movie?

Capital City was actually a TV series, she played a young runaway named Louise, who was taken in by one of the main characters. I only have season 1, there's a season 2, but I don't know if she's in it. I think it's just been released, hopefully it will end up on e-bay someday. :D I loaned it to my friend, so I only have a few screencaps to share with all.

I would live to get my hands on Metropolis. Too bad we couldn't arrange a trade. :p :lol:

Private Salsa Lessons

I rememeber reading somewhere that she was one of the dance instructor's partners. Hopefully they were right. Anyway, it does look like her in the banner, or is it just me?

In the meantime.....cuz I'm such a nice girl :D

More Capital City

Wouldn't you take her home, if you could?

And one last one
Hay there so_wicked, it’s nice to see you in here. Working on any good fics lately?

Ok, once again I cannot open those files, I don’t know what I’m doing wrong :(.
Thanks for all the screencaps, I haven't looked at all of them yet but I'm looking forward to do so.

Birdie, will upload them to PB again so you can look at them, too.

Damn, that really looks like Louise in the Salsa banner. :eek: If she knows how to dance salsa, then that makes her even hotter. ;)
88Blackbirds said:
Hay there so_wicked, it’s nice to see you in here. Working on any good fics lately?

Yep, I got a few in the works. I'm just waiting for my Muse to come back home from her holiday.

*daydreams about Salsa lessons from Louise* I've been surrounded with Salsa dancing people for over a year. They are relentless to teach me how to dance. I just might, now. In case I meet Louise and all. :D And it TOTALLY looks like her on that banner!
Damn, you have a few and I'm struggling with my one ficathon entry? Not fair. ;)

The facial features and the ponytail and the arms...they all look very Louise-ish.
Well I'm sure that when you do get an idea for the ficathon it'll be smashing! I'd rather have that than 4 so-so ones. We should get a working group together and brainstorm. But back to the topic:

Is there like a video or something? Like, a training thingie? I think I saw on the site that they sell DVDs. Maybe Lou is in some of them. If that is her. And it looks like it is.

I'm rambling. Sorry.
Louise can salsa???
(does her own lil hot latino dance)

BTW, how do you open a .rar file? I mean, with what program?

Technologically challangedly yours,
atfm said:
Birdie, will upload them to PB again so you can look at them, too.

Damn, that really looks like Louise in the Salsa banner. :eek: If she knows how to dance salsa, then that makes her even hotter. ;)
Thaaaank you :D, and yes it totally does. I think it’s her on the banner; it’s got to be, the likeness is way too close; and if it is then I really like that dress.

MUTTMO, thanks for all the caps, you’re a legend.

foxdvdgh said:
BTW, how do you open a .rar file? I mean, with what program?
Oh good, then I’m not the only clueless person here.
Well if that's not her on the banner at the Private Salsa Lessons, it's someone doing a very good impression of looking like her!

*giggle* Alessandro likes to watch CSI: Las Vegas. I wonder why? ;)

Those Capital City pictures are just gorgeous.

*wants to watch Louise dance the salsa*
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