Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

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Back in Black by AC/DC -- or is that too obvious? :p

I think Glen Close would be a good choice for Sofia's mom, should they ever show her. They both have that take no crap from anyone attitude. And if anybody's seen The Shield they would know that she can a cop real well.
umbrello said:
I think Glen Close would be a good choice for Sofia's mom, should they ever show her. They both have that take no crap from anyone attitude. And if anybody's seen The Shield they would know that she can a cop real well.

My vote goes out for Vanessa Redgrave. I'd say she would make a very good Capt. Curtis. And they look alike a bit.
Hmm, a Sofia song? Let's think about that one... I'm thinking either 'Cocoon' or 'Lullaby' by Assemblage 23. Just the beat makes me think of her with a gun.

Ps, she is so going to find Sara. ^_^
I was thinking about something the other day regarding Sofia. What sort of Sofia fics are there out int he wide world of fandom? Any suggestions? Is there a Sofia fanfic archive?
There’s also Passion and Perfection, with has a bucket load of Sofia slash.

Hmmm, funny that, from what I’ve seen, there seems to be a bit of a disparity between the amount of het and slash fics written about Sofia, with a lot of it leaning towards the latter. Not that I’m trying to get into a discussion on specific ships but does anybody else get that feeling too?
Fan fiction should really be discussed in the "Fan Fic" forum and promoted there as well. Thank you.
sarahvma, I haven't heard specifically, but everything I've seen says everyone will be back. I'd guess that means Louise as well. Apparently the JGAG pilot is still gonna be shown on June 1st? Don't know how true that is.

As far as songs go, Dude by Aerosmith kinda fits. ;)
That kinda makes me feel better...It would be unfair to show a pilot if you weren't picking up the show. Just as an aside - if Louise has a development deal with CBS, how come JGAG was on the alphabet? Or was it a Paramount production? (I was wondering...because in an interview she made it sound like she was going to get her own show on the eye).
Hey Destiny - sorry about that ;)

I'm pretty sure that Louise is returning - as far as I know she is still under contract to CSI and CBS.

I hope that we do get to see JGAG in some form - maybe as a TV movie? As long as we get SOME sort of Louise fix :D
88BlackBirds, thank you for the information ;) I haven't seen it yet, but I will next week.

About the JGAG pilot, I would like to know they would air it. I say this because I wouldn't be able to watch it, but still, would be happy for knowing everyone's opinions and maybe see some screencaps :rolleyes:

Hmm, about the actresses you're talking about for playing Sofia's mom, I don't know any of them, but no matter what actress they choose, they should put her mother in an episode, it would be a good thing to bring up about her personal life...
Hey, lurker here! Decided to pop out of hiding :D

I think Tyne Daly should play her mom... That would be cool. she'd fit the part well and it would explain Sofia's personality!
I agree, she'd be great as her mum. Besides, she certainly knows how to play a cop.
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