Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

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*steps in and waves*

Hey. I think it's about time I registered on here... though I must confess, it's only to live in this topic!

Some of you know me from LJ (sleepy_jaffa), and perhaps some from other CSI sites. But yah..

Louise = love. And I must have somewhere where I can squee about her and not be stared at like a lunatic. =D
Welcome to the thread, Kylie! Always good to have another Louise fan around :)

And OMG, Muttmo, that salsa vid is obsessive. They're so cute!

*runs off to see the new goodies*

ETA: I was just looking at Alejandro's myspace, where he mentions being married and a proud parent - and here is a comment from someone:

I just saw the youtube video of you and Louise dancing with your son - how cute! He's gotten so big!! Give him a little kiss for me :)

I have to admit - their kid is adorable and Louise looks like a natural mother. I love the little boy just dragging her off the dancefloor. Soooo cute!
Hey Kylie, good to see you here. :)

Gotta check out the new stuff, too! I agree that her son is adorably cute. He's gonna be a heartbreaker once he grows up. ;)

I dreamt about Louise in very short shorts. *goofy grin*
They were more like running shorts:

Hey Kylie! :D

Muttmo, the new stuff's great! Yeah, her son is really cute :)

I dreamt about Louise in very short shorts. *goofy grin*
Sounds like a hot dream! Actually, I'd think any dream with Louise in it would be hot ;)
I don't have a clue, but I love her British accent :) and sometimes I miss it on the show, although it's perfectly logical that she has to use an American one. Hmm, I have a really stupid question :eek: ... I checked Muttmos link out (great!! Congrats!!) and saw everything, eccept the forementioned dancin baby-video (her dancing). I see the link, but I can't access, so do I have to open an account with the group or myspace? Thanks

Semper fi
not sure its on youtube. you should be able to get to it. but you could open an account and be-friend us. I don't think she speaks spanish but I'm sure shes learning.
It is on youtube, mati, so if you join the group and you still can't see it, let me know and I'll send you the link.

And yeah, I think she'd probably have to learn Spanish ;) If she's just as good at learning Spanish as she is at learning Salsa, I bet she'll do it quickly.

Besides, she did Fine Arts at college. She is good in the literary studies type of thing, so I'm sure she'll pick it up easy.

Hola Louise! ;)
Speaking of picking up things easily - my brother knows how to salsa, so I'll let him teach me and then I'll go and dance with Louise. ;)
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