Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Part IV

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I have been away from watching CSI and was just curious... how did they write Sofia out?
They didn't, wierd as that sounds, one ep she was there, and after that she wasn't. No explainations, no nothing that I recall, I don't even think anyone asked about her on the show.
I have been away from watching CSI and was just curious... how did they write Sofia out?

Just like Destiny said. She was in the first ep of the 8th season and then gone. It's really strange especially when she was in the 7th season credits. They should explain it but never did. And I'm afraid that we never gonna know something about it.
Earlier, someone was saying that there was a Sofia arc that never was, which was her being sexually harassed by McKeen. I wonder if Louise's original exit was with regards to that storyline, and because of the writer's strike, it got dropped, along with Louise's original exit?
Wow, it's possible Drumchik. I remember scene in 7th season when McKeen tried to flirt with Sofia. This arc would be really interesting and 'cause 8th season was so short - eps with Sofia possibly never been made. Sad, but possible.
That would be indeed a very good consideration and also a shame that the writers never used such a story arc to just give a way of explanation as why she had fallen out of the show. I found very confusing the way the show handled the "credits", she was in and out and in, but at the end she wasn't really in the episodes although listed in the credits. It seems to me they couldn't make up their mind. Or maybe it was "payback" (now I'm a little mean ;) to the show, but weirder things had happen in the past to a lot of people in H), because she was also looking for other filming opportunities? Speaking of the now and here, I went surfing and a few sources are telling that she's currently filming/ post productions the movie Clock tower (we also spoke about the movie, if I recall correctly). Do you know something more? Well, I had the pleasure to look anew the DOK on bbc and from time to time I look the old CSI episodes, but it's not the same as having the pleasure to know she'll be on TV next week. It was something to look forward to :(. For the future I hope we'll see her a little more on TV or in movies, but I also hope that the movie industrie will give her the credit that she deserves; there are many fine acting people, but sometimes a think nowadays the only thing that counts it's the glamour that often blinds you and covers up bad acting skills. Guys, take care
My more optimistic (not very optimistic but always something, I think) thoughts are that this arc wasn't in the show 'cause of the one reason - no time to make it. Main problem in 8th season was Warrick and his connectins with Gedda. And Gedda was a way to McKeen. Finally, arc McKeen-Sofia would be a way to show what a snake was McKeen. All are theories but quite possible if we consider 8th season like it was. They knew that at the beginning of the 9th season McKeen will be caught... So Sofia arc wasn't able to come in the new season. It was too much into 8th season which is not complete. Writers etc. made signals for this arc in 7th season but cause of strike we didn't see it.
Well, yeah, you're propably right.
For all you who are able to watch the German channels VOX and/or 13th Street, be aware LL is on TV :drool:: Friday 19th Dicember, 02.15 p.m - 03.45 p.m. "The claim".
The posters look incredibly creepy. Can't wait to see it.

ETA: Here is some more info on the movie:

Martin Weisz (The Hills Have Eyes II) is directing the flick which stars Brittany Snow, Alyssa Jayne Hale and Louise Lombard. In the movie a woman is tormented by an evil that has haunted her family for generations, but the only man who believes her is the psychiatrist she meets in a mental institution. Together they must find the source of her family’s damnation and then fight for their lives, until the curse is finally laid to rest.
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Thank you guys for the infos. I hope all is true and they just keep making this movie in a secret. Posters are really creepy and I hope it'll be a really good one (horror, right?).
Yeah, me too:), so I will watch the movie, there's no doubt in my mind, but only because L is in there too. Thank you for the links, I didn't post also a few German links about the movie because they showed the same pics and gave the same information. I wish you all a merry Christmas, take care. I'll see you next year.
Louise Lombard is joining the cast of the NCIS spinoff where she'll play Clara, a role perceived as the female lead on the ensemble drama. A former major in the military police, Clara is an intelligent, sharp investigator who can look after herself. (source: Hollywoodreporter).
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