Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Part IV

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Man, I don’t think I’ve posted anything since page one, laaazy Birdie.

Hay there drummer_girl; a fellow Melburnian, cool :D. How great was Big Shots last night; Sofia was in like every second scene, I don’t know what was better, the Sofia/Catherine bonding or Sofia getting all mad when the drink was thrown at her, I’ve rewound and rewatched that scene a good handful of times now (still not sure of what to make of the scene with the Sheriff though, he was being awful friendly, wasn’t he). Oh, and that pinstripe suit, I love those plain blue shirts she’s always in but that woman can really rock a suit.

atfm said:
Since she's listed as recurring cast, I'm prepared for the worst.
Yes, I’m expecting the worst on the whole ‘recurring’ thing as well. It could mean a lot of things; she could pop up randomly quite a lot, or, for all we know, she could be in like four episodes, either way, she’s gonna be in the show less. :(

Oh and thanks for the link to the interview atfm, much appreciated, she’s completely adorable.
*jaw hits the ground* Wow that pic is amazing!!

Yes, I’m expecting the worst on the whole ‘recurring’ thing as well.

Do you think she may be pregnant again? I can't hink of any other reason she could be reducing her role :confused:
There is more then just personal lives as a reason for reduction in roles, though some do it for health or more family time. Alot of them do so, so that they can do more (movies, tv specials, guest appearances, etc) or even their own show, etc). Sometimes they even just want to have a bit of a change so they aren't type cast (drama actress only) in one set role.
But some stars when a show is in this late (ie 8th season) they take the reduction incase the powers that be decide this will be the last. If it goes on for anything more they [Louise] still has the option to stay in this status (if the show so see's it) or leave off to do something more.
Hey drummer_girl! *waves* Welcome, nice to have you aboard. :) And to all you lurkers out there, come and join us!

Birdie, nice to see you, too (update that LJ of yours, will you ;)). No problem about the clip, and I fully agree about Sofia in a suit. Most women look good in suits but she look amazing in them. Very nice, especially with her aviators hooked into her shirt.

Here's a screencap from Bodyguards:

Good grief ;) are you trying to give me a heart attack ? You're succeding :D What a picture , thank you so much :eek:
o you think she may be pregnant again? I can't hink of any other reason she could be reducing her role

Don't mean to spread rumors here and I don't seriously think she is, for it might have leaked if that was the case, but that's an idea I haven't come up with. Made me smile, even if it isn't true.

If it was though, can I request a girl this time, please? :p

On a random note: Louise is sooooooo beautiful. I felt like stating that. :)
I assume Louise is still going to be in the opening credits of the show like she was last year right? I feel so out of the loop but I am excited about Season 8 finally arriving tomorrow night. Hip Hip Hooray! :D
We're not sure yet, LSB. She has been bumped to "Recurring character" but David Rambo did assure me she's back.

I really don't think we'll know for sure until the premiere.
We just had Big Shots here in Australia the other night, and I watched the credits just for the hotness that is Louise (Marg and Eric weren't bad on the eyes either ;) )

I loved the scene in Big Shots (apart from the origami rose which is now forever going to be associated with bad punctuation thanks to the vid I made with Erica), where Catherine finds the blood in the truck and Sofia just turns to this guy and raises her eyes to look at him. Louise did that so brilliantly - it was hilarious.
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