Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Part IV

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GSRfanatic25 said:
does anyone have and caps of her from living doll
i love it when she barges into natalie's apartment w/ her gun and flashlight!

and louise, leather, motorbike....*gulp*

Some caps here :)

Mmmm, Louise in leathers. Now that's an image I can die happy with!
*whimpers* MUTTMO! That picture suddenly popping up nearly made me fall off my chair.

mati, yay for the pink shirt. ;)

Screencaps from Living Doll are also at The Curtis Page.
OMG! Are you TRYING to kill us?

BTW, I bring MAJOR Confirmation about Louise and the new season...do I need spoiler space for this? It's not that big a deal, but David Rambo replied to my email about whether Louise was staying with this:

Thanks for writing about Sofia Curtis/ Louise Lombard. She returns with the CSI Team on the Season 8 premiere, Sept. 27th. I hope you'll be watching; it's a terrific episode that picks up where the Season 7 finale left off.

Of course, I won't be watching because I'm in Aus and we won't get it then, but yay for Louise confirmation!
The answer "Sofia will be in every damn episode this season and will have a major storyline over half of these episodes" would have been even better but that's just me being greedy. ;)

Thanks for the info. :)
Well, it's only a few more days until we'll find out. Since she's listed as recurring cast, I'm prepared for the worst. But I can't wait to see her in the premiere (even if it's perhaps just for ten seconds). :)
hey everyone, im new here, and spent the last hour reading through this thread - im a huge louise fan, so this place is just awesome! Here in Aus, we're only up to ep 7x19, so we're abit behind, but any louise is certainly better than nothing! See you around!
Hi and welcome and yeah, you'll find a few L nuts here among us ;)
I do hope that she won't be only in a few episodes and before she was listed in the main cast she had really good screening time, so I want to be positive and think that her "recurring " status won't mean 5 seconds for every episode! Man, that would be unlogical. She has a good fandom supporting her and as a writer I would exploit it. Or do you have news we aren't aware of? Anyway, looking forward and counting the days, hours, seconds although I won't see the episodes for at most 6 months! Viva LL!
drummer)girl! Another Aussie!!

I've noticed that Channel 10 is offering some of its shows beginning at the same time that the US does. Damn Channel 9 for not doing the same with CSI.

I just think it's weird that they dump her out of the opening credits after one season. It's just a little odd.

Then again, this is TPTB that we're talking about.

But like atfm said, any Louise is better than no Louise!
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