Louise Lombard/Sofia Curtis

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Well, speaking of throwing some love Louise's way I must say that she looked very beautiful as a brunette. I think she should go back to that color - it made her features stand out much better.

BTW - Is she English? Australian? I remember seeing her in Hidalgo, but I can't quite recall the accent.

Speaking of Hidalgo, though - I think judging by that film, she does get typcast as the 'rival woman' or like someone said above - the person who shakes things up romantically for better or worse. I mean, when you're playing a character who is supposed to be unlikeable (I'm speaking of Hidalgo here) it's hard for people to call them a good actor. Clearly Louise did a fantastic job in that film because I hated her - lol. In a good way.

So that's my beef - in the beginning she was being presented as this temptress love interest (red dress anyone - going commando - changing in front of him?) and then all of the sudden she's Sara's rival... I think this original plan that they had for her got scrapped and they've just been tossing her in as a plot device.

Again - Louise does a terrific job with what she's given, I just wish they would give this character something tangible. While my GSR friends will hate me, if she did get Grissom, at least that's something. But at this point, she's tantamount to a Det. Vartan but a Det. Vartan we expect way more from.
Source: LouiseLombard.net

Louise was born near Redbridge in Essex, England. She was the fifth child to Sean and Maura who subsequently had two further children. Louise was educated at a local Catholic school and left at 16 with 9 O levels. She studied English Literature at Cambridge and has also studied photography and printing at St Martin's in London. She divides her time between London and Los Angeles.

At the site listed above you can read her bio, you can view a gallery of her with different hair colors and styles, as well. Though i should warn its hasn't been updated in a while.
Re: Sofia Curtis

Happy Holidays and for you WP, I send you a extra special have a Billy-fest Holiday Season, just please don't OD on his DVDs over the weekend, I want you to make it into the New Year girlfriend. :lol:

Hey Tazzer

Happy Holidays to you!

I won't OD on Mr HOTTNESS! :p I'm patiently waiting for Feb. :D Will he or won't he lose his balance again? :lol: Ok, ok I just had to put that in. :lol:

I also want to wish L. Lombard and family a very Merry Christmas.

Like all new mommies I'm pretty sure she bought many things that have "Baby's First Christmas" :) and I bet their baby pics are sooo beautiful. :D
I bet she even brings him occasionally to the set. :rolleyes: Before you know it, he'll be celebrating his "First Birthday" awww soooooo sweet. :D

Happy Holidays to All!

Re: Sofia Curtis

Just a quick announcement of Sofia Lovers......

I finally finished screencapping Bullet 1 and they are now up over at my Yahoo Group - CSI Curtis Apprication Page . Yes, yes, I will get going on the caps for Bullet 2 now. A mothers work is never done
Re: Sofia Curtis

I see you survived Christmas Tazz :lol:
Nice screencaps Thank You!!!

I just love a female cop! :D Looking forward to more Sophia in the coming new year!! :)

Re: Sofia Curtis

Great screencaps, Tazz! And I hope everyone had safe & happy holidays!

I agree with the above folks who said they don't want to see Sara/Sofia not get along. No reason why they shouldn't, is there? After all, neither one is dating Grissom, neither one is "above" the other position-wise since they're in different departments, neither is vying for the same promotion, neither is better-liked or respected by their peers and colleagues than the other one, etc. They have probably got more similarities than differences, and I hate to see the writers go that old tawdry, tacky "Dynasty" route of catfights. Eeeeeew. As someone mentioned, they have already had Sara and Cath clash, why Sara and Sofia, also? Come to think of it, Cath/Sofia clashed last season but have seemed to mend things this season. Dagnabbit, writers, get your arses out of the Dark Ages. Women.Get.Along. Sheesh! I know the writers brought Sofia in with the intention that she and Grissom have an immediate rapport/connection, but that doesn't have to mean "Instant Hatred" for Sofia/Sara. Give us a break. Cat-spatting over a guy? (Especially one who doesn't pay an inordinate amount of attention to either woman especially lately). I haven't done that since I was 13...maybe 12. LOL
Re: Sofia Curtis

BTW if anyone is interested I saw that on amazon.com that there is a movie coming on DVD on 2-14-06 with Louise Lombard and Andrew McCarthy called "Heaven must Wait" for those that are fans of Ms. Lombard.
Re: Sofia Curtis

Great post MBG!

Just in time for a new show tonight, you Sofia lovers will be glad to hear the screencaps from Bullet 2 are now up at the Curtis Group. Here's a little taste of what you'll find.


Blue-eye lady lovely lady
Re: Sofia Curtis

Loved how she stuck up for herself tonight (Werewolves), and refused to become a CSI Doormat. Also loved seeing her and Cath play off eachother "Good Cop/Bad Cop" with Allison. Cath and Sophia seem to have finally struck a bit of a rapport finally, after the tension of season 5. Nice to see, I think Cath/Sophia could find a lot in common, and would probably have one helluva time hanging out. Cath, Sophia and Grissom, hanging out at a diner after work, sharing old "war" stories, playing truth or dare, and eating greasy food. :D

That said, once again I echo my post from a few days ago, and I deplore the road the writers are taking Sara/Sophia down, tension-wise. I talked to a couple of guy friends of mine tonight after the show, they're hard core CSI fans, and both of them said the same thing: that the "Chick Snit Fest" (their words obviously, not mine) was a useless waste of time, and it was lame of the writers to even include it. I concur. One of them even went as far as to say that if CSI continues that kind of thing (which he despises) he's probably going to stop watching it, just because one scene like that ends up pi$$ing him off for the rest of the show because he thinks it's so stupid. Listen up, writers!
Re: Sofia Curtis

I find it interesting that the writers make Sara confrontational with most female characters. First Cath and now Sofia. I don't understand their thinking. Grr.

Anyway, I loved Sofia in werewolves. I liked how she stuck up for herself. I also liked how when she was bored she went ahead and printed the phone booth. Initiative.

I think the thing I liked the most about Sofia tonight was when she was left outside Allison's room with Allison. It was obvious she wanted to stare at Allison, but was polite enough to try not too. Louise would look at her and then glance away. It was a great perfomance.
Re: Sofia Curtis

MBG that is a great description your guy friends use 'chick snit fest' and it was totally not needed in this show - stupid writers once again pulling out the Dynasty script. One thing they did keep true to Sofia's character like when she stayed to help Nick process the vet clinic in Shooting Stars, she again gets the ball rolling and starts on the phone. I can relate to this 'let's just get it done' attitude when there work to be done, I’m exactly like that – Just Do It!

Now I do love how they allowed Cath & Sofia to work together and get along. Interesting that only these two were allowed to interact with Allison. Cath being the 'older' and I believe in the peri-menapause stage of life, so her actions with Allison are seen as above and beyond kind and accepting. But this is what happens to woman at this stage of life, your focus goes beyond yourself and immediate family outward to the whole of society and its unfairness, injustice, etc.

They use Sofia as the example of how many of us would be and thank God, much more decent the 3 juvenile lab rats were. You can see her curiosity, yet knowing the girl is uncomfortable being around people, makes her somewhat uncomfortable (just like working in a hospital, what do you say to someone that is sick while you have to wait for the test to conclude…? How’s the weather? How about them UT Horns? A very uncomfortable situation, been there, done that.) And Sofia still has to keep her defenses up since Allison had been not very truthful up till then. Good cop/bad cop is a good description of the ladies getting Allison to finally tell the truth and stop wasting time.

All in all they did a pretty well rounded job at highlighting this genetic condition and explaining why the brother killed the poor guy. Last kudos to Sofia for recognizing the sister was threaded by the brother not to talk or implement him. A very difficult situation for the sister to be in.
Re: Sofia Curtis

Ahh plenty of Sophia time last night and it was great. :D
Great performance indeed! :)

Both ladies would make a great team, though, I would love to see Sophia work a few cases with Grissom. :rolleyes:

And ITA with this Sara/Sophia crap. Enough already! :mad:
And it always seems to do with Sara. :rolleyes: Talk about "jealousy gene" and making her look bad. :(

TPTB needs wake up! No wonder CSI isn't getting nods for awards. :mad: :mad:

GRISSOM: Yeah, I'm glad they're not looking at me.
Re: Sofia Curtis

(( YAY Sara, Cath, Sofia, Nick and Warrick said my name! they said Michelle :D )) < Sorry had to say it!

I think Sofia was lovely in this epi ^^.
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