Well, speaking of throwing some love Louise's way I must say that she looked very beautiful as a brunette. I think she should go back to that color - it made her features stand out much better.
BTW - Is she English? Australian? I remember seeing her in Hidalgo, but I can't quite recall the accent.
Speaking of Hidalgo, though - I think judging by that film, she does get typcast as the 'rival woman' or like someone said above - the person who shakes things up romantically for better or worse. I mean, when you're playing a character who is supposed to be unlikeable (I'm speaking of Hidalgo here) it's hard for people to call them a good actor. Clearly Louise did a fantastic job in that film because I hated her - lol. In a good way.
So that's my beef - in the beginning she was being presented as this temptress love interest (red dress anyone - going commando - changing in front of him?) and then all of the sudden she's Sara's rival... I think this original plan that they had for her got scrapped and they've just been tossing her in as a plot device.
Again - Louise does a terrific job with what she's given, I just wish they would give this character something tangible. While my GSR friends will hate me, if she did get Grissom, at least that's something. But at this point, she's tantamount to a Det. Vartan but a Det. Vartan we expect way more from.
BTW - Is she English? Australian? I remember seeing her in Hidalgo, but I can't quite recall the accent.
Speaking of Hidalgo, though - I think judging by that film, she does get typcast as the 'rival woman' or like someone said above - the person who shakes things up romantically for better or worse. I mean, when you're playing a character who is supposed to be unlikeable (I'm speaking of Hidalgo here) it's hard for people to call them a good actor. Clearly Louise did a fantastic job in that film because I hated her - lol. In a good way.
So that's my beef - in the beginning she was being presented as this temptress love interest (red dress anyone - going commando - changing in front of him?) and then all of the sudden she's Sara's rival... I think this original plan that they had for her got scrapped and they've just been tossing her in as a plot device.
Again - Louise does a terrific job with what she's given, I just wish they would give this character something tangible. While my GSR friends will hate me, if she did get Grissom, at least that's something. But at this point, she's tantamount to a Det. Vartan but a Det. Vartan we expect way more from.