Re: Sofia Curtis
If it was in this thread, more then likely the problem wasn't what you said, but rather what you didn't say, such as more indepth as to why, giving points for discussion.
If you were yelled at you should have reported it to us
TallyHo & Myself if we are the ones that yelled at you, more then likely it might have broken one of the rules, or it seemed like a bait, then an opinion open for discussion.
Thats why we urge people give a more indepth reason for the dislike, heck there has to be something good that goes with the bad, open yourselves up to think about what others have to say, be it good or bad, agree or disagree with your opinion, it might make you or them think.
No one is always going to agree, if they did it would really be boring, so by saying i don't care for this about the character, but this isnt' to bad, your are opening the bridge to view another side you might not have considered before that might or might not change your mind.
As to GSR that is mainly a "Shipper Central Forum" discussion, there are shades of gray where it is discussed here for instance your thought that Sofia would break them up, that is one thing, even a response back that others may not see it that way and why.
Alot of things are important when giving an opinion that should be considered, Who you dislike, why you dislike them, would you be open to another view point (usually your words answer that), What do you like about them (if anything), i am guess you are seeing where i am going.
People have tried to bait, some have joined to purposely do that, and if it is taken that way (ie no explaination to the opinion) then people might be offended, and while we understand why they might be, its still not right to go off on them, as they say two wrongs a right it does not make.
The great thing about opinions, its like i said food for thought, who knows there could be another side to the character only a fan can show you, and vice versa with something about the dislike that you can show them.
But what makes opinions really great is when you go indepth on why you feel that way, leaving it open for further discussion.
I hope this helps in some way.