LOST # 2 ~ 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Oooo! Oooo! I hadn't remembered that about Claire and the baby. I hope the writers didn't forget it either.

Well, it seems that 'Raised by Another has fallen out of the minds of the writers. Or, at least, there are some continuity issues.

In Claire's flashbacks in 'Par Avion' we find out her mum is in a coma. In 'Raised by Another' Claire is freaking out about her mum finding out... and Thomas makes a remark about her mum (can't remember the exact quote) which seems slightly harsh if he knew that her mum was in a coma.
(Literally as soon as I watched that episode, I jumped up and stuck my DVD of 'Raised by Another' into the TV so that I could check this issue.)
It doesn't add up, which is not unusual for Lost, but it seems more like an error than a purposely thought-up mystery.

The thing about the two dead that Jack mentioned...why not just say "everyone but us died in the crash"? There has to be something about those additional two that the rest of the world has heard about.

That is true...
Michael, maybe? But then, he could equally be the last of the Oceanic 6. But I was thinking that because of the contact he'd had with the outside world, it might explain why they mentioned it. So, if not him, Walt?
Argh. Lost always opens up so many unanswerable questions.
I've not been able to watch episode 7 until just now, I've been away all weekend. I've just finished watching and my tears were tripping me. It was soooo sad :( Poor Sun.

Although for almost the entire episode I was silently victorious of my prediction that Sun and Jin were the remaining two of the O6 and then it all just went to put in the last 5 minutes :lol:. Bless Hurley though, going all that way to S.Korea.

I don't know about anyone else but I'm wondering will they ever address the issue that Claire and Jack are half brother and sister. I want them to find out so much.

I'm missing Mr Ford though, he has been noteably absent for the past few episodes:(
I don't know about anyone else but I'm wondering will they ever address the issue that Claire and Jack are half brother and sister. I want them to find out so much.

I wonder if that has anything to do with why Jack doesn't seem pleased that Kate has Aaron?

Any other ideas about why that might be? I'm thinking it could possibly have something to do with the psychic telling Claire she has to raise the baby herself. Maybe the reason things are going so badly and the reason Jack says they have to go back to the island is related to the baby not being with Clair.
June_85, I know, I was so excited when I thought that Sun and Jin were going to be the last two of the Oceanic 6. *sigh* I was watching it at my viola teacher's house (because I don't have Sky) and she couldn't stop crying after the episode had finished.

And yeah, Hurley is such a good friend, going to visit Sun.

I don't think that Jack and Claire will find out that they are half brother and sister unless we have a random encounter with Jack's Dad. (Which, this being Lost, is entirely possible). Actually, on second thoughts, the Other's probably have it written in one of their files somewhere, since they do know everything. But it would make sense, as Smokey says, for that to be part of the reason why Jack didn't want to see Aaron. Although, I personally took that scene as Jack not liking the reminder of the lies that they are having to tell, and the people they had to leave behind.
I'm not sure what I thought about this week's show. I'm still pretty po'd at Michael for what he did. In fact, I was getting pretty tired of him and his kid.

I did like that they answered some questions this week. Like, Michael and Walt really did get back home. And where Widmore got the bodies and how he staged the crash. Of course, that's assuming that Mr. Friendly isn't lying, and we can never assume that with this show, can we? :wtf:

So, was it a good idea for Sayid to blow Michael's cover? Or has he just doomed everyone? Or, is it part of a larger plan he has that required getting the captain's trust? Except...well, the captain didn't really seem surprised, did he?
Well, i haven`t seen much of the last few episodes... I have watched Kate being judged for her crimes... It was disgusting... I dunno. I probably want the rest of the survivors be stuck in the island forever.
What realy bothers me is what really the black smoke is...
My mom told me, that the "Oceanic 6" is not necesarily people from Oceanic 815.
That's what i was told. But I am more confused as to why KATE has AARON!!!!:confused::confused::confused:
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I guess I was wrong. Aaron is in the O6! Its:


I have been missing LOST bigtime this past month :eek: But its back again next Thursday (Sunday in the UK)
Is Jack's dad really dead then? And if so, does that mean so is Claire now? She seemed a little freaky there at the end of the last episode.

Hurley sharing his candy bar with Ben! Priceless! :lol:

So Ecklie (the doctor) washed up on the shore with his throat slit before he was actually killed. This time warp thing is making my head spin.

And there was poor Nick's stalker again, Horace, helping Locke find the dreaded cabin.

I think that Richard guy must be the devil! Or he's the king of time travel and eternal youth! :lol:
Is Jack's dad really dead then? And if so, does that mean so is Claire now? She seemed a little freaky there at the end of the last episode.

Hurley sharing his candy bar with Ben! Priceless! :lol:

I'm thinking Jack's dad and Claire are both dead. Claire freaked me out the way she was smiling last week!

Smokey said:
So Ecklie (the doctor) washed up on the shore with his throat slit before he was actually killed. This time warp thing is making my head spin.

Yea, I'm not liking the time warp thing, makes it too sci-fi for me. It took me a minute to figure that part out why he was still alive and all.

Smokey said:
And there was poor Nick's stalker again, Horace, helping Locke find the dreaded cabin.

Wait! The guy who played Nick's stalker on CSI is on Lost? I haven't seen that episode where Nick gets stalked for the longest time so I don't recall. I need to see that one again! Who is he on Lost?