LOST # 2 ~ 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Lost is back tonight!

There's a recap clip show on at 8PM then the two hour season premiere at 9PM.

Anybody have any theories? Without being spoilery of course.
Lost is back tonight!

There's a recap clip show on at 8PM then the two hour season premiere at 9PM.

Anybody have any theories? Without being spoilery of course.

Thank goodness there's a recap! :lol: It's been....what? A year?
Thank goodness there's a recap! :lol: It's been....what? A year?

Exactly! I'm hoping the recap hour will make sense of the tangle of time travel and storylines and relationships and dramas, etc. And I'm dying to find out what happened after the white flash. Buuuuuuut... I probably won't even watch tonight because one of the friends I watch with isn't completely caught up on season 5. He's gotta catch up before we all watch together. AAAAAAUGH! But I'll wait. Because I'm a good friend. *pulls hair out* That'll be my mantra. I'm a good friend, I'm a good friend... :scream::scream::scream:
Lost is back tonight!

There's a recap clip show on at 8PM then the two hour season premiere at 9PM.

Anybody have any theories? Without being spoilery of course.

Thank goodness there's a recap! :lol: It's been....what? A year?

Well, the season 5 finale was in May so not quite a year.....I just want to know what happens after Juliet detonated Jughead if she did

Is everyone back in the same year at least?
Ok, the recap was very helpful since it's been so long I had forgotten a few things. And Michael Emerson (Ben) narrating it, even better! (Like on that talk show he did a bedtime story as read by Ben :guffaw:.)

Did everyone see tonight's 2 hours? Are you more confused than ever? I mean, some things are getting answered and making sense but what the hell is with the plane and they made it but yet on the ground they didn't.....I have a headache just trying to wrap my head around it! :wtf: I'm glad this is the last season, I love this show, it's great, but I need answers!
Yeah I am confused on about the plane part too.
I am thinking they somehow are leading two lives now, life not on the island and life on the island after the bomb. I think we got more new questions than answers to the ones we seeked. I think Locke being the Smoke Monster thing incarnate is interesting. I love seeing Ben freaked out and scared. :lol:
"Ben" reading that story was hilarious! :guffaw:

I thought maybe the plane sequences were like...yeah, they made it and that's what happened, but then maybe later they got to the island somehow anyway and ended up in the same place because they were all "destined" to be there.

Aw hell....who knows?! :lol:

Why in the world was Desmond on the plane?? He wasn't on it originally. And then he disappeared. Loved seeing Charlie and Boone again tho!

*sigh* So many (more!) unanswered questions.
Why in the world was Desmond on the plane?? He wasn't on it originally. And then he disappeared. Loved seeing Charlie and Boone again tho!

*sigh* So many (more!) unanswered questions.

Yes, I wanted to know that too about Desmond. He wasn't on the plane to begin with, he was already on the island. Or if time is different he still wasn't on the plane. Looooved seeing Boone (who is just delicious on Vampire Diaries0 again and Charlie! I wonder if we will see them again?
Wow, loved this opener, and was just as confused by all of the above things as all of you. :lol: I'm glad they gave us more than enough to keep us both happy AND wanting more. Very cool.

I have so many questions, but the first one popping into my head right now is that I want to know what happened to Claire! Man, I hope we get resolution on all this stuff. They wouldn't dare leave us hanging on anything, would they?

Poor Sawyer.
I absolutely love this show! What a great season opener. Some answers, more questions. Lots of great acting. Juliet's (first) death scene still makes me tear up. I love how they brought back most of the characters in this first episode of the final season. Figuring out why they are there will be fun. Agree about the bizarre Desmond appearance, then disappearance. Not surprised about Locke/Smokey/devil, but didn't see the Sayid/Jacob/'Jesus' connection coming. So does that make Ben 'Judas'?

I love the parallel universe/alternate reality scenario. Seeing how these 2 worlds converge will be interesting.
It's also fun to read all the different theories. I think the writers have a real challenge to come up with a scenario and ending that no one has thought of. I've never seen a TV show that's been so thoroughly dissected and analyzed down to the smallest detail, or quote. I'll miss it when it's over, but I can't wait to see the end.
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One thing I noticed in the recap and then the new episode....not one mention of Michael or Walt. Apparently wherever they were going with that they decided it didn't matter anymore.
One thing I noticed in the recap and then the new episode....not one mention of Michael or Walt. Apparently wherever they were going with that they decided it didn't matter anymore.

Damon and Carlton did reveal that Michael will be back. I'm guessing in the other reality though not the on island one
Is it Tuesday yet? Cause I'm so ready for more! It's like punishing myself to watch it, lol, cause I always want more. The premiere was great cause at least there were two hours of it! Anyone else start getting a little nuts that we saw the same thing over and over and over again. LOL! We get it, we get it, get on with the show! How about Hurley when they were bringing Sayid through the cave to the temple and Jin told him the skeleton on the ground had no arm cause the smoke monster ripped it off and Hurley goes, "This is going to be so awesome." :guffaw:
OK... Claire! I've been dying to know what happened to her, so... FINALLY!
I'm starting to wonder if the Christian she was in the house with was another version of the smoke monster guy inhabiting John right now?

This whole Sayeed stuff is confusing me. If the pyramid people are on Team Jacob ( :lol: ), and Sayeed was sort of touched by Jacob and thus probably reincarnated (and possibly inhabited by Jacob) then why would he be considered poisoned? Or does this have something to do with the fact that the water wasn't clear when they dunked him?

Oh LOST... always leaves me with more and more questions... Pffft! :lol:
Sayid, my poor Sayid! I don't want him killed off but I don't want him to turn 'dark' as mysterious "I don't like the way English tastes on my tongue" guy said he will just like Claire. What the hell does that mean anyways? *sigh*

Am I the only one who doesn't really care 'What Kate Does'? I just don't really like the character. When Sawyer had that engagement ring for Juliet and threw it into the ocean she finally realized he wasn't in love with her. She had two guys after her and now poor Kate, Sawyer doesn't care anymore.

I'm looking forward to the storyline on Richard Alpert. I'm missing Ben too, lol! Who would've thought I'd ever miss him? Such a great character and great acting by Michael Emerson.

I can't wait for next week's new episode! I hope they aren't going on hiatus like everyone else since they just finally came back!