LOST # 2 ~ 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Smokey, I seem to recall that it had four toes

I want to know if they're going to figure out how to get back to this time period.

Ah yes! You're probably right! I just know it was less than five. :lol:

Maybe they don't have to get back to this time period on the island. Maybe if/when they get back off the island they will be back where they left off.

That's not a bad theory Smokey. It sounds plausible.
You know, I had a thought... what if Locke's group from the new plane is actually in the current time? Aren't they using an "abandoned" Dharma building right now? What if both groups are on the island but in different times? Can that happen?
You know, I had a thought... what if Locke's group from the new plane is actually in the current time? Aren't they using an "abandoned" Dharma building right now? What if both groups are on the island but in different times? Can that happen?

Anything's possible with this show! :lol:
I'm digging this 70's vibe! :lol: And I love how Sawyer's in charge and Jack is a janitor! It's about time he started listening to someone for a change.

I also love the whole Sayid meet little Ben thing. And good golly...Nigel Crane is Ethan's dad! :eek: How appropriate is that?! :lol:

Ethan. Ick. Just the name gives me the creeps.
Hubby called that kid as young Ben as soon as he saw a little kid. I forgot that my hubby writes this show. :lol:

I feel bad for Sayid. And I love that Sawyer is in charge and Jack is a lowely janitor. That is great! About time he was taken down a peg!
Maybe I was just in a weird mood, but I laughed all the way through this episode. I just thought all those little ironic "aha" moments were so great.

My thoughts as I watched:

I loved the very beginning when Sawyer said, "It's 1977," and Hurley just goes..."Uh...what?" and they cut straight to LOST and the creepy theme music. :lol:

Nigel Crane is Ethan's Dad. That is amazing. :guffaw:

Miles is just funny whenever he's on screen. The look on his face when he sees the survivors...there are no words.

I still don't like the Sawyer/Juliet thing. I'm not a die-hard Skate or Jack/Juliet shipper...it's just...I don't know. It erks me for some reason.

Oh. Poor Sayid. He's so confused.

Why is it that every time there's a creepy character standing in the shadows (no matter what continent and time period there in), it's always Christian Shepard? Where in space does that guy come from anyway?

Little Ben meets Sayid. :lol: But why would Sayid even think that it was Ben as a little kid? He doesn't know about the time traveling yet. Although the whole "Darma Initiave is alive and well" thing might have been a bit of a giveaway.
I loved the very beginning when Sawyer said, "It's 1977," and Hurley just goes..."Uh...what?" and they cut straight to LOST and the creepy theme music. :lol:

I had to rewind that and watch again, it was so funny! :lol:

I still don't like the Sawyer/Juliet thing. I'm not a die-hard Skate or Jack/Juliet shipper...it's just...I don't know. It erks me for some reason.

I'm not a shipper either, but I think it was good that Sawyer and Juliet came together. But now stupid ol' Kate is back to confuse things again. She always wants what (and who) is convenient at the moment, and it's clear that Sawyer still loves her. :(

Why is it that every time there's a creepy character standing in the shadows (no matter what continent and time period there in), it's always Christian Shepard? Where in space does that guy come from anyway?

:lol: When I saw him in the shadows, I was like...it's Christian! No, it's Richard! No, it's Christian! I knew it had to be one of them...creepy "time traveling always look the same" guys.

Little Ben meets Sayid. :lol: But why would Sayid even think that it was Ben as a little kid? He doesn't know about the time traveling yet. Although the whole "Darma Initiave is alive and well" thing might have been a bit of a giveaway.

Well, we've seen that same kid play Ben before, so WE knew who he was. But he did introduce himself as "Ben", so that's how Sayid knew. And I don't think he's surprised by anything that happens on that island anymore, so he's taking it in stride. :)
I think I may have been right too- I think part of them are on the island in the current time, while Jack and co. are in the past. I wonder how the split happened though, especially since I would have thought all the originals (like Sun) would have been together, and the newbies separate- clearly I was wrong about that theory though!

I did that, 'It's Christian... no it's Richard... no Christian..." thing too! :lol:
I think I may have been right too- I think part of them are on the island in the current time, while Jack and co. are in the past. I wonder how the split happened though, especially since I would have thought all the originals (like Sun) would have been together, and the newbies separate- clearly I was wrong about that theory though!

I did that, 'It's Christian... no it's Richard... no Christian..." thing too! :lol:

It seems like the ones in the seventies are on the main island and the ones who landed with the plane on the other island are past the seventies. As to why they separated, who knows? :lol: Because there was the group with Jack, the group with Sun, and then somehow Locke ended up somewhere alive too.
I think I may have been right too- I think part of them are on the island in the current time, while Jack and co. are in the past. I wonder how the split happened though, especially since I would have thought all the originals (like Sun) would have been together, and the newbies separate- clearly I was wrong about that theory though!

I did that, 'It's Christian... no it's Richard... no Christian..." thing too! :lol:

It seems like the ones in the seventies are on the main island and the ones who landed with the plane on the other island are past the seventies. As to why they separated, who knows? :lol: Because there was the group with Jack, the group with Sun, and then somehow Locke ended up somewhere alive too.
Wasn't Locke with Sun's group? During "Jeremy Bentham" I thought he was with that group, but then I didn't see him in the last episode. I'm so confused. :(
Missed this past Wednesday's episode. I am royally pissed off. And I don't think it's re-airing before this Wednesday's episode. :rolleyes:
Holy crap! Just watched tonight's episode and... holy crap!

All I can say right now is, I do enjoy a solid Sayeed episode. :)

I'm going to have to gather my thoughts on this one. Seems like that had to create a paradox but... ah, I need to think! :lol:
Holy crap! Just watched tonight's episode and... holy crap!

All I can say right now is, I do enjoy a solid Sayeed episode. :)

I'm going to have to gather my thoughts on this one. Seems like that had to create a paradox but... ah, I need to think! :lol:

Yes, I enjoy Sayid episodes as well. That man is hot! :drool:

Isn't Ben just the creepiest? When Sayid killed that guy who tried to bribe hm (and I do hope he pocketed that money!) then met Ben behind those gates he looked so creepy! LOL! I love Michael Emerson, he's a great actor!
Did you notice how much the younger "Ben" can make his eyes go sort of weird-wide-ish like older Ben, too? Very cool. That kid is a good copy. :)