*wipes tears of laughter off face*
just saw it.
where do i start?
the stories were amazing, very well thought out and well done.
max is downright hilarious. the way that suzie identified him was cute. that whole storyline was awesome.
and i thought that i was accident prone! (spilling coffee, ashtrays, banging limbs at work, slipping on water...)
the look on brass' face when he saw the toys- priceless.
that train thing. OMG. i love those. love them. when i was a kid in pittsburgh i would get my parents to take me to the science center and childrens museam just to see those.
nice to see cath laughing.
gris had some great expressions.
greg findong the condom was cute. i like the way that he analyzed hte scene. is grissom starting to believe in him? hope so.
and what the _ is up with doc? i think that superdave went to cry after that. job stress? just a busy night? trouble at home?
brass and max...every scene with max was amazing. my cat thought that i was crying from sadness i think. im not sure if he understands laughter.
speaking of my cat, when i said "heres david" he jumped into my lap to get a better view LMAO.
speaking of david, his facial expressions were great. his WOOO WHOOO.......:lol: gris wasnt that nice to him, but the exchange was hilarious.
warrick and suzy...very very cute.
im not into kids, but suzy is a cutie.
im SURE that ill have more to say later.
hhunter i think that i can also say that it is the best so far this season. davidwise, he didnt have enogh screentime, but as far as the plot goes, and the acting, and the whole entire thing, the comic relief...definately the best!!!
i give it a 10