Locker Room #18: Danny/Carmine: Welcome to the Insane Asylum!

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Maybe we could make a list of questions here. ;) I would definitely like to know how he thinks about his current storylines.

Random comment: I wish we would see Danny in his suits again. I thought they suited him really well. ;)
Sounds like a good idea. I mean, everyone maybe doesn't have the chance to join the chat, but still want to ask some questions. So they can leave some questions here, and someone else who will join the chat (like me) can ask Carmine those questions.

What suits? I don't think I can remember them.
I season 1 and some parts of season 2 he was wearing suits. Looked really good. ;) That's a nice idea! Like I said, I would like to know what he thinks about Danny's storyline caused by what happened in the season 5 finale. I'll think about some questions, right now my mind is blank.
No one have a heart attack, but I'd really like to know where he'd like to see Danny, Lindsay and Lucy go from here. :eek: :wtf:

Seriously. I know I said I don't want all the questions to be about DL and I'm very vocally against DL, but I'd really like his take on how the marriage and baby story line went and where he'd like Danny (and subsequently Lindsay and Lucy) to go now that their lives have changed so drastically. Because really, even though I may not like it, every story that develops for Danny has ramifications for Lindsay and Lucy and I'd like to see what he would like to see for Danny keeping that in mind.

ETA: I'd also like to know how he liked writing for a TV show and where/how he came up with the idea for "Sanguine Love."
*gets a heart attack* :lol: Yeah, I would like to know what kinds of storylines he'd like to see for Danny. And what he thinks will happen next with their family. That would be interesting to know. So far we didn't see much of how being parents and having to handle their jobs affects the both of them. I also totally forgot about his own episode. *blushes* Yeah, I bet it was an awesome experience for him to write one and it would be nice to see what he thought of doing it.
No one have a heart attack, but I'd really like to know where he'd like to see Danny, Lindsay and Lucy go from here. :eek: :wtf:

Seriously. I know I said I don't want all the questions to be about DL and I'm very vocally against DL, but I'd really like his take on how the marriage and baby story line went and where he'd like Danny (and subsequently Lindsay and Lucy) to go now that their lives have changed so drastically. Because really, even though I may not like it, every story that develops for Danny has ramifications for Lindsay and Lucy and I'd like to see what he would like to see for Danny keeping that in mind.

ETA: I'd also like to know how he liked writing for a TV show and where/how he came up with the idea for "Sanguine Love."

Hahaha, I don't think it's a "heart attack" question even coming from the people against the whole D/L thing because, sadly, it is a part of his character. Or at least pretty much related, like you said. One doesn't go without the other kinda thing..

I'm curious to hear his take on this whole debacle too. How he sees it now that they are married and parents, how he implemented it to his character and how he thinks it made Danny matured? Or does he even think Danny has matured at all?! How he thinks the couple has dealt his handicap and then Danny on a personal point of view... And I'd really like to hear him about Flack, on a "Danny being a friend to Flack" perspective... :)
How many of you will join the chat later? If I get the time difference right, I will join it later. If I don't see you there, I may use your questions and see if we get any answers :)
Quick reminder; the chat is today, March 3rd, 1pm PT. Those of you who'll enter, maybe let us know what was asked and what he answered?
I posted some question as a comment, hopefully they will be answered. As only some of these questions will be answered according to the website. I took some of your questions, as I thought they were good, and I couldn't think of anything better. I posted this comment with questions:

I would like to know what you think about Danny's storyline caused by what happened in the season 5 finale. What did you think about liked writing for CSI New York, and where/how did you come up with the idea for "Sanguine Love? I also wonder what you think about Danny and Lindsay, now that they are married and parents, how you implemented it to his character and how you think it made Danny matured? Or do you even think Danny has matured at all?! How do you think the couple has dealt with Danny's handicap?
Best part of the Carmine chat so far:

Q: I just love watching Danny/Flack scenes. There is such a great dynamic between those two characters & let's not forget that sexy New York accent you both have ;). Would you say there is also such a dynamic between Eddie and you off screen?
JoeyDC (a TalkCSI user - yay!)

Carmine Giovinazzo:
Yes, Eddie and I have been dating since season 3.
Best part of the Carmine chat so far:

Q: I just love watching Danny/Flack scenes. There is such a great dynamic between those two characters & let's not forget that sexy New York accent you both have ;). Would you say there is also such a dynamic between Eddie and you off screen?
JoeyDC (a TalkCSI user - yay!)

Carmine Giovinazzo:
Yes, Eddie and I have been dating since season 3.

Best answer ever. :lol: :D
Haha, I had to screencap that part and post it in the DF thread. Oh Carmine, that's one way to rekindle some of my waning love for you. :lol:

(Why hello, people, I don't think I've been in a Carmine thread in...a really freaking long time. *waves*)
Haha, I had to screencap that part and post it in the DF thread. Oh Carmine, that's one way to rekindle some of my waning love for you. :lol:

(Why hello, people, I don't think I've been in a Carmine thread in...a really freaking long time. *waves*)

I posted in the DF thread saying someone should ask the obvious question: "Since you and Eddie are dating are we going to get art imitating life and see a Danny/Flack hookup down the road?" I actually went back to to ask the question, but the chat was over. Damn. :guffaw:
Hahaha, damn, too bad the chat was over--good question! That would be a hot hookup. :devil:
From the chat:

Q:My next question is, do you hang out with any of the cast members offset? If so, who and how often?

Carmine Giovinazzo:

Eddie, AJ Hil and I are all very close friends. Gary and Melina too but they don't have time to hang as much as we do, offset.

hmmmm....I think you have forgotten someone there Carmine, LOL.
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