Locker Room #17: Danny/Carmine: Our Utility Guy

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I remember being so touched by the scene when I saw it for the first time, entranced by Danny's pain... and then my friend, who was watching RSRD with me, started laughing her head off, saying: "What a ugly cry!"

Destroyed all the emotion of the moment...

Cying is never beautiful, in my opinion. But who cares how Danny looked like in that scene? I don't, because it is more important that he shows his feelings instead of hiding them
I liked the crying in RSRD. It was truthful and there were tears. No man in this world can have a nice crying scene. They all do it ugly :D Maybe because it's a bit unexpected for a man to cry.

LOL I agree... BUT>>> did you ever see the episode of Dawson's creek when Pacey cried to his father? THAT was good, he didn't make me feel awkward watching it either! Usually men crying makes me uncomfortable.
I heart Danny, he breaks my damn heart.
After much procrastination of me not doing my Uni work and eager to try out windows media centre... I got the carmine add on FiveUS at the moment.

I missed the 1st line which is the best line... but it still shows how hot he looks in it. Now i no how the recorder work i can attempt again.

^ I'll probably upload to youtube when have time so for limited time its on my photobucket.
Brilliant, Dawni :thumbsup:
It is a real shame though that the 1st little bit of Mr G is missing as that's the bit were you can REALLY see and fall into those beautiful blue eyes:drool:
The pause works really well too - try it when you can just see his silhouette :drool::drool:
god even his silloette is gorge- love that ad it makes a shiver go up my spine! i thort the crying scene was an amzing piece of acting. i cried too which shows that the creative exploration of human emotion is working- isnt that all acting is - looking at ourselves and how we deal with things. Carmine did well
I remember being so touched by the scene when I saw it for the first time, entranced by Danny's pain... and then my friend, who was watching RSRD with me, started laughing her head off, saying: "What a ugly cry!"

Destroyed all the emotion of the moment...

Cying is never beautiful, in my opinion. But who cares how Danny looked like in that scene? I don't, because it is more important that he shows his feelings instead of hiding them

I agree with you, CarmineFan.

What destroyed the moment for me was my friend laughing histerically, not Carmine's acting. He was perfect in that scene. But how can you possibly concentrate on a sad scene when someone is making fun of it? :(
After much procrastination of me not doing my Uni work and eager to try out windows media centre... I got the carmine add on FiveUS at the moment.

I missed the 1st line which is the best line... but it still shows how hot he looks in it. Now i no how the recorder work i can attempt again.

^ I'll probably upload to youtube when have time so for limited time its on my photobucket.

Thanks for uploading that, Dawni! That's a cute ad. :D
I remember being so touched by the scene when I saw it for the first time, entranced by Danny's pain... and then my friend, who was watching RSRD with me, started laughing her head off, saying: "What a ugly cry!"

Destroyed all the emotion of the moment...

Cying is never beautiful, in my opinion. But who cares how Danny looked like in that scene? I don't, because it is more important that he shows his feelings instead of hiding them

I agree with you, CarmineFan.

What destroyed the moment for me was my friend laughing histerically, not Carmine's acting. He was perfect in that scene. But how can you possibly concentrate on a sad scene when someone is making fun of it? :(

That's why I almost watch alone. No friends or family members who destroy moments like that
Luckily I watch all on my own, so no one has ever ruined a Danny crying moment for me. :lol: Though if I ever watched with midnight_tiptoes I imagine it would be bad--she makes fun of Danny like it's nobody's business. :lol:

New episode this week...finally!!!! :D :D :D
Yeah, I learn from my mistakes... :rolleyes:

Now I watch it alone and using headphones so no one can disturb me... ;)

Yeeeey for a new episode!!! :thumbsup:
Yay for new episodes indeed! Maybe I should put this under the You Know You Watch to Much CSINY thread as well but I miss the show terribly:( I'm suffering from severe withdrawal symptoms :lol: You know the symptoms you start watching old episodes and reading fan fics or want to start writing your own:lol:. But at least now the guys are back. I notice there hasn't been a picture up here in days that's just shameful so I bring along old stock and I mean really old its from the very first New York episode the cross over with Miami. That was the first time I ever saw Carmine and well it was love at first sight for me at least.:lol:

^^ Cometh the hour cometh the man:lol: I loved how Danny walked into this apartment and laid eyes on Horatio Caine and looked at Mac and said, "Whose this?" Loved it even more because I'm not a big fan of Mr. Caine.


Who else wants to see Danny in a tie again on the show? He can borrow one from Flack or something.
Thanks for posting those pics, althea! Man, that seems like so long ago, but yeah, I noticed him right away, too. Danny just stands out--his personality is just one you notice right away. I have to say, they really changed his look for the show itself and I'm glad. He was cute in MIA/NYC, but the glasses just really helped make the character. It would be cute to see him in a tie again! I forget, did he wear one to court in "Comes Around"?
Thanks PA. He sure did look pretty in "Comes Around." :lol:

I think the only time he wore a tie was in that MIA/NYC episode. It's funny how little things can really change the look of the character--taking away the tie, adding glasses, etc. He was cute in MIA/NYC, but I can't imagine Danny without the glasses now.
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