Locker Room #17: Danny/Carmine: Our Utility Guy

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You do? Well I'm a fan for some time now, but seems like I never digged deep enough into information to find that out
I've always seen Danny out of all the characters the one who would have a breakdown he seems the most fragile (if thats the right word) and the one who would turn round a quit similar to Sara in LV reason not being able to handle it any more.
But then I think if they went down that road they would have to do it the right way and it could be amazing but as someone said above i can also see him seeking help because its too much as much as he resented seeing a shrink in S1. It'd be a decision of stop it before it gets worse by gettin help or thinking he can beat it on his own.
I definitely agree with Danny being the most emotional one, though I don't see him going homicidal, I do see him breaking down emotionally. Would he quit, I'm not too sure. I do see that there would more of a build up to him quitting than there was for Sara, her departure seemed a little random to me. Not that I want Danny to leave, but whatever course his character takes break down wise would be foreseeable through the shows continuity.
I'd love to see Danny have a breakdown. I'm kind of surprised it didn't happen in season two, after Aiden died and Louie got beat up. But in both of those instances, Danny was just a helpless bystander. I think it's different with Ruben because Danny feels totally responsible for what happened to him.

I agree that Danny is the most fragile member of the team. He's the one people usually seem concerned about or protective of. I thought it was really interesting that when Danny saved the rest of the team on the train, Mac and Stella both went out of their way to mention that and kind of praise him. Both Mac and Stella have noticed him struggling with evidence in the lab and made it a point to help him or offer advice, where everyone else is usually left to figure things out on their own. And of course Flack always goes out of his way to help Danny, whether it's to support him emotionally like in "On the Job" or "Comes Around" or to chase him around Manhattan to make sure he doesn't get in over his head like he did in "All in the Family."

So I think if anyone is going to have a breakdown, it's probably Danny. As for whether he'd seek help or not--that's a wild card. With guidance Danny sometimes acts in his best interests, but a lot of times he doesn't. And if he's close to a breakdown, I don't know that he'd have the perspective necessary to make the right call.
I always remember near the end of the season when Danny went to see the shrink it was like it was a huge step to actually do it and even the people close Aiden and Mac thought he wouldn't do it even though it was compulsory.
I agree that Danny is the most fragile member of the team. He's the one people usually seem concerned about or protective of. I thought it was really interesting that when Danny saved the rest of the team on the train, Mac and Stella both went out of their way to mention that and kind of praise him. Both Mac and Stella have noticed him struggling with evidence in the lab and made it a point to help him or offer advice, where everyone else is usually left to figure things out on their own. And of course Flack always goes out of his way to help Danny, whether it's to support him emotionally like in "On the Job" or "Comes Around" or to chase him around Manhattan to make sure he doesn't get in over his head like he did in "All in the Family."

So I think if anyone is going to have a breakdown, it's probably Danny. As for whether he'd seek help or not--that's a wild card. With guidance Danny sometimes acts in his best interests, but a lot of times he doesn't. And if he's close to a breakdown, I don't know that he'd have the perspective necessary to make the right call.

It'd be interesting to see how a breakdown would effect/affect his relationship with the team as well as the team's relationships with each other. He's always been submissive to Flack, but would a breakdown change that, and in turn would it be the thing that pushes Flack to behave differently with Danny than what we've seen previously? And what about his relationship with Mac? Could a breakdown bring back the tension, destroy their relationship completely, bring back the father vibe with Mac toward Danny? Danny has saved both Hawkes and Adam in the past, how would they respond? Would Lindsay as his friend/girlfriend be able to step up to the plate to help him? What about Stella? Everyone is going to have a different response based on their relationship with Danny, and those responses could have major consequences, good and bad, for the team dynamic.

Having a Danny breakdown could be a catalyst to providing development for and insight into the other characters if it's done well.
I think Danny having a breakdown could make or break the team. When other members of the team have been in trouble Danny has always been there supporting them and trying to figure the crime out. That being said that was because the others were victims of crimes.
Danny having a public break down could affect them all and not in a good way. We know Danny only really shows his feelings to Flack and that would probably upset Lindsay. Mac would need to consider if Danny was still capable of doing his job and the rest of the team would need to be colleagues and friends. It's not nice seeing anyone go through a breakdown but with Danny would he push the team away or call out for their help.
I hope that made sense.
I just wouldn't want his mental breakdown to involve another ugly cry moment sorry but a woman can only take so much.
Dude, you should watch Ianto on Torchwood--his Ugly Cry puts Danny's to shame. :lol:

Interesting thoughts on Danny having a breakdown, guys--I read everything, but I really have nothing to add. So yeah, I posted just to mention the Ugly Cry. :p
Yeah I forgot to add, as much as his crying scene at the end of RS,RD upset me please don't give him another one of them. I'm begging you.
Make him go angry and smash a few things up.
I always remember near the end of the season when Danny went to see the shrink it was like it was a huge step to actually do it and even the people close Aiden and Mac thought he wouldn't do it even though it was compulsory.

Aiden really kind of had to push him into it. I think Danny is reluctant to seek help even when he really needs it. He did go to Mac in RSRD but it would have been pretty serious if he hadn't. And he's turned to Flack before. But he still tries to handle things on his own most of the time--like in "All in the Family."

It'd be interesting to see how a breakdown would effect/affect his relationship with the team as well as the team's relationships with each other. He's always been submissive to Flack, but would a breakdown change that, and in turn would it be the thing that pushes Flack to behave differently with Danny than what we've seen previously?

I think it would be interesting to see how everyone reacted to that. I don't think a breakdown would change Flack's behavior towards Danny. He's always been pretty protective of Danny. He might be a bit gentler--more RSRD than All in the Family--but I think he'd feel more protective if anything.

And what about his relationship with Mac? Could a breakdown bring back the tension, destroy their relationship completely, bring back the father vibe with Mac toward Danny?

I think with Mac it would depend on if Danny jeopardized a case or not. Mac was fairly paternal towards Danny in "Child's Play" and RSRD--I'd probably expect more of the same.

Danny has saved both Hawkes and Adam in the past, how would they respond? Would Lindsay as his friend/girlfriend be able to step up to the plate to help him? What about Stella? Everyone is going to have a different response based on their relationship with Danny, and those responses could have major consequences, good and bad, for the team dynamic.

Having a Danny breakdown could be a catalyst to providing development for and insight into the other characters if it's done well.

Agreed--it would be interesting to see if some people were just frustrated, or if maybe they didn't all rally around Danny. I expect they would though. Everyone seems to be very fond of him.

Yeah I forgot to add, as much as his crying scene at the end of RS,RD upset me please don't give him another one of them. I'm begging you.
Make him go angry and smash a few things up.

I like the "ugly cry" though! :lol: Carmine does it well, and I can't really see Danny having a breakdown without a few tears. :lol:
Carmine is a great actor and a mental breakdown would give him another chance to show off his amazing acting skills. As someone said before, Danny has saved Adam and Hawkes and it would be wonderful if we got to see Adam comforting him because there is a beautiful dynamic between those two. When I first read the information about the mental breakdown and all the parts with him wanting to be so involved in music a part of me was scared that the mental breakdown could be used for him leaving the show. Has anyone else thought of that? No? OK, it's my paranoia, I know :D

I liked the crying in RSRD. It was truthful and there were tears. No man in this world can have a nice crying scene. They all do it ugly :D Maybe because it's a bit unexpected for a man to cry.
I think that was what got to me. The scene itself at the end of RS,RD was so powerful I just didn't expect Carmine to cry real tears. I'm glad he did because it added to the scene but I just ddn't like it. It was too upsetting.
I remember being so touched by the scene when I saw it for the first time, entranced by Danny's pain... and then my friend, who was watching RSRD with me, started laughing her head off, saying: "What a ugly cry!"

Destroyed all the emotion of the moment...
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