Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

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:lol: I can think of nothing else to contribute but that yeah, it was pretty bad. :lol: That, and that screaming in the end is something I can never erase from my mind no matter how many times I try.

That, and the stupidity of Carmine's character. Take off the fucking shoes, man! Take them off!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Having not seen it, now I'm intrigued by the shoes... :lol: But thanks for all the, er, useful advice ladies, as the DVD was offered free to me I may as well watch a couple of minutes just to see if it's really all that bad. :lol:


I'm happy to say that Danny is looking mighty fine in the promo picture. White shirts definately suit him, and the one he's wearing in the picture really does look similar to the finale one. What's with the fully healed hand though??
Oh no! You can't just watch a few minutes of it because you have to go through the 25 minute long car scene. Not THAT car scene, the one directly before it. :rolleyes: I don't remember the shoes thing though? Refresh my memory.
^ You don't remember the shoes? At the end, he's running through a subway station (I think that's what it is - if I remember correctly), trying to escape bad guys who want to kill him. He's wearing these really noisey shoes. Likely oddly noisey, so as he's running down this long, tiled hallway, he betrays his location with every step.

The viewer sits there going, "WTF? Ditch the shoes, dumb ass!" But that thought is lost once he starts screaming and you fight to contain your laughter. His screams are as convincing as Anna's depiction of pain when Lindsay got bitten by the snake.
Ohhhh yeah. I have to admit, I usually fall asleep before I get to the end. :lol: I think I've only seen the ending once and I've watched it like, 4 or 5 times.

I clearly watch CSI:NY for one reason and one reason only, and it's not even a good one, because I don't remember Lindsay getting bit by a snake. :lol:
lookaboomerang said:
I think I've only seen the ending once and I've watched it like, 4 or 5 times.
:eek: Wow, that must be some crush you're harboring because I'm not sure I could withstand multiple viewings ... unless he were present in the room and praising the merits of his work would result in some gain for me. :lol:

I clearly watch CSI:NY for one reason and one reason only, and it's not even a good one, because I don't remember Lindsay getting bit by a snake. :lol:
It was in Sweet 16. Remember, some chick's dad is found dead in her brand new car he's giving her for her 16th birthday and when Lindsay opens the car door, she's bitten? She says, "Ouch!" with all the conviction of having just received a paper cut. Truly one of her finer moments on the show. But the fact that she spent the remainder of the episode unseen (purportedly at the hospital) made the acting somehow less painful to endure.
From what I recall it was Vincent's character that had the noisy shoes, when he realised Carmine's character had noiseless shoes he made them swap so he could get away quietly and poor Carmine had the cops chasing him because of those damn noisy shoes :mad:
4 or 5 times? :eek: :eek: :eek: Daaaaaamn, lookaboomerang, you've got it as bad as Flack. ;)

Elsie said:
Having not seen it, now I'm intrigued by the shoes... :lol: But thanks for all the, er, useful advice ladies, as the DVD was offered free to me I may as well watch a couple of minutes just to see if it's really all that bad. :lol:

It's definitely worth one watch, if just to compare and further reinforce how much of a great fit CSI: NY is for Carmine. And his acting has definitely gotten better over the years. MrsG does not lie when she says the scream is on par with Anna's "acting" in the snakebite scene in CSI: NY. At least we know Carmine improved. ;)


I'm happy to say that Danny is looking mighty fine in the promo picture. White shirts definately suit him, and the one he's wearing in the picture really does look similar to the finale one. What's with the fully healed hand though??

Damn that's one fine photo! That man was born to wear a white button-down shirt! Lindsay must have bought him a new one after the other one was destroyed. :lol: Or maybe it was Flack. ;) :devil: Either way, as happy as I was to see the sexy white shirt, it sure was disappointing to see that his hand seems fine. I guess if it's been a few months since the finale it would have healed, but if it's only been two weeks, I'm going to be mighty disappointed. cute is the pointing? He's all like, "There's the one that copped a feel! Go get 'em, Flack!" :lol: ;)
^ Like which part? The end credits? :lol:

EDIT: Damn. Tried to comment on one of Top's spoiler comments and couldn't get the little spoiler thing to work for me. My apogolies to anyone who may have seen my comment before I deleted it. :(
There's a couple good parts. I love it when they're setting up an accident and he slams on the brakes at the end of the road, the car goes to one side and he's like, "Come on! Come on!" That's just funny to me for some reason. And the part when he's talking to the old man in the hospital about being a floor wiper and someday being promoted to ass wiper. That's funny!

I refuse to believe that at least a few of you haven't watched it on more than one occasion.
Gosh, I never knew that a locker room could be sooooo much fun sans testosterone. I had to run and get a glass of wine, and find a comfy spot just to catch up. Thanks for the link lookaboomerang. The pics were YUMMY (wiping the drool from my mouth), and Mrs G......I'm speechless.
^ Glad you're enjoying it here, Hillicious (nice name, btw :D). I've seen you in a couple threads now and don't believe you've been officially welcomed. So - welcome! Keep that wine flowing and get cozy. What we lack in testosterone, we make up for in pure filth. :devil:
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