Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

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Elsie said:
His face definately suits glasses. I really think he looks completely different without them. I haven't noticed the pretty lashes though, I'm going to have to search out some pictures now to get a better look at them. :p

Have a look here Elsie.....

Thanks Twinkletoes, I'm not sure about the lashes but he does look adorable in that picture, kind of like a cute puppy that you want to pet... :p

Danny without glasses just looks wrong if you ask me, but you do get a good shot of his 'pretty' lashes: ;)

I have to admit, I like him with or without. I think he has got the most gorgeous blue eyes ever.
"M-whores"? Yuck. :p We are all ladies here! :lol: Well, if perhaps not always ladies, certainly not whores. ;)

Anyway, to answer the glasses question, I love the glasses on Danny. He was cute beforehand (in MIA/NYC--NonStop) but with the glasses he's really striking and unique. There's something really cute and sweet about the glasses look, and yet devastatingly sexy at the same time. They're so Danny, too. I think they set him apart and play up his eyes. I could go on and on about the glasses--I think they're an integral part of the character and I hope they don't go away, ever.

As for Carmine, I can see what you guys are saying. I think they look good on him, too, but he dresses differently from Danny and, I'd imagine, probably wants to distinguish himself from the character he plays on TV.
Danny just wouldn't be Danny without his glasses, and I couldn't imagine Carmine with glasses. I think they defo separate the character and the actor. Recently my daughter gave me a scare when she saw some photos of Carmine on my computer and she said that they looked like my ex :( I was horrified and now much prefer to look at Danny than Carmine :( Hopefully this repulsiveness will soon pass :confused:
i get you lookaboomerang. It totally is a danny thing. if hes at an event in glasses you expect the theme tune to start blareing out.

i like glasses on danny, especially when he does that stressy thing when he takes his glasses off and rubs the bridge of his nose. anyone else notice tht?
Yeah I know I'm double posting but that was a couple of hours ago, anyhoo, does anyone know what Carmie's doin for his birthday - besides us that is :devil: :eek:

Poor boy, we get him on our birthdays and he gets all of us on his :devil: :lol:

So how will we do it this year, 10 minutes a piece or 2 of us at once? After all there's alot of us and only one Carmie, poor boy, he won't be getting up for work the next morning :devil: :devil: Let alone walk properly :lol: :lol:

Hey, I just had a thought ... Eddie will be wanting his share too :D does that mean we have to share with him as well ... or do all us fangirls share Carmie and Eddie at the same time :devil: :devil: :eek: :eek: :lol: :lol:
Elsie said:

Well, I will not say anything on the glasses-or-not discussion, but I have a question after seeing that picture: does anyone know what t-shirt he is wearing? I have been searching for it for a long time, but can't find it. Maybe one of you knows where to get it :)
^I don't know where his shirt is from, but a lot of the shirts in that episode were from

I have no idea what Carmine is actually doing for his birthday, but please, no more of this "Carmie" nickname! :eek: It's hurting my eyes! :p ;)
'Carmie' sounds like a redneck pronunciation of 'karma' (said the girl from North Carolina). :lol:
Jeez, *Carmie* sounds like something an obligatory blonde (no offense to blondes cause I am one, ok) silicone breasted, micro-mini skirted bimbo with platform boots who aspires to the Playboy mansion :lol: would be calling him, whilst playing with her hair and pouting for him to take her shopping....
It's a freaking terrible nickname. Kinda makes my skin crawl.

Ladies, it's Carmine's birthday! :D The big 3-4 today. What a good lookin' dinosaur. No offense to my older buddies here. ;)
Wow... I can't believe that we needed an actual reminder for his birthday this year. What's wrong with us? As penance, I offer up a mould of my left b:eek::eek:b for a cake. That should comfortably feed us all, no?
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