Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

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Lord, can you imagine the conversations.....

"Oh Danny, It's all my fault," pouts Lindsay, after Danny whines about not being able to cut the steak she'd just made for him.

"No it isn't, don't be silly," he replies, in between being spoonfed bitesized chunks whilst reclining on the couch.

"If you hadn't changed shifts with me," she sighs ruefully, plumping up the cushions behind him.

"Then I'd be the one runnin' around after your ass all summer"
:lol: :lol:
Twinkletoes said:
Just thought I'd post some of the screencaps from the recent Carmine interview for those who are interested....

Yum, yum pig's bum...You're such a star :D Ta for those, matey.
Twinkletoes said:
Just thought I'd post some of the screencaps from the recent Carmine interview

Thanks, great screencaps. :)

I'm still trying to appreciate the, er, hottness of Carmine myself, and I have to say...I'm somewhat impressed. There are many picture of him looking quite nice... :devil: I may post some of my favourites tomorrow. :lol:
Elsie said:
I'm still trying to appreciate the, er, hottness of Carmine myself, and I have to say...I'm somewhat impressed. There are many picture of him looking quite nice... :devil: I may post some of my favourites tomorrow. :lol:
:eek: :eek: :eek: Wait, I thought you hated Danny and, by extention, weren't loving Carmine? Are we rubbing off on you? Better hide, Midnight is gonna be pissed when she learns we may have a convert.
Elsie said:
I'm still trying to appreciate the, er, hottness of Carmine myself, and I have to say...I'm somewhat impressed. There are many picture of him looking quite nice... :devil: I may post some of my favourites tomorrow. :lol:

I am with MrsG on the :eek: :eek: :eek:! I thought you were one of the major Danny/Carmine fans! :lol:
She'll be on our side before long. my buddie JC didn't see the beauty until I sat her ass down and made her watch let's just say I have someone to talk to about the gorgeousness that is that man! :devil:
The pictures were just incredible! So sweet!
lookaboomerang said:
Aww! We're wearing you down!

:lol: I'm easily led. And weak.

Kimmychu said:
I thought you were one of the major Danny/Carmine fans! :lol:

Nah, only when paired with Flack... But now that I've met some die-hard Danny/Carmine fangirls, and discovered that they appear to be completely normal and rational people, I wondered what exactly it was about him that I had missed? How can so many fangirls be wrong? :p ;)

MrsGiovinazzo said:
I thought you hated Danny and, by extention, weren't loving Carmine?

Not at all, I was merely indifferent to him. In my extensive quest to understand what it is that everyone loves about Carmine one of my friends admitted to owning a DVD of The Learning Curve(?) which apparently he is in. She said I could have it, but when I asked her what it was about her only description was "it's crap." :lol: I'll let you know if I ever watch it.

Anyway, I have found some things I like about him. He does have quite a fine body, particularly his arms. And his accent is great, I could listen to him all day...

Are we rubbing off on you? Better hide, Midnight is gonna be pissed when she learns we may have a convert.

Elsie said:

Not at all, I was merely indifferent to him. In my extensive quest to understand what it is that everyone loves about Carmine one of my friends admitted to owning a DVD of The Learning Curve(?) which apparently he is in. She said I could have it, but when I asked her what it was about her only description was "it's crap." :lol: I'll let you know if I ever watch it.

Anyway, I have found some things I like about him. He does have quite a fine body, particularly his arms. And his accent is great, I could listen to him all day...

The Learning Curve is only enjoyed, and even minimally then, by those who have it bad. You should wait awhile. :lol:

*wipes a tear* You are starting to sound like a true fangirl! Talking about his fine body, sculpted arms, the accent we've all grown to love. It's only a matter of time before you become one of "us". :lol:
Elsie said:
Kimmychu said:
I thought you were one of the major Danny/Carmine fans! :lol:

Nah, only when paired with Flack...

Nothing wrong with that. ;) :devil: Danny really is at his best around Flack--he's calmer and less bratty in general around Flack. And it's cute when they go back and forth together with a suspect. Plus, they're so cute together it's ridiculous. :lol:

But now that I've met some die-hard Danny/Carmine fangirls, and discovered that they appear to be completely normal and rational people, I wondered what exactly it was about him that I had missed? How can so many fangirls be wrong? :p ;)

:lol: I'm sure midnight has a few theories. :lol: But MrsG has remarked on how interesting it is that so many of us with such diverse tastes all find him sexy. It is kind of interesting.
lookaboomerang said:
The Learning Curve is only enjoyed, and even minimally then, by those who have it bad. You should wait awhile. :lol:
I must concur. Shitty, shitty movie and the acting ... well, let's just say our boy has made astounding professional advancements. But once you've got it bad and are hopelessly crushing on him, there are 10 glorious seconds that will make watching worth your while. ;)

A tip though: Under no circumstances should Mr. Elsie be forced to endure this cinematic gem. My husband spent the first half of the movie telling me what I was going to have to do to him in payment for making him watch "the worst movie ever", but when I offered 'payment' at the end, he declined, saying there is nothing I could do to compensate for the hour and a half of his life that was lost. :lol:

MrsG has remarked on how interesting it is that so many of us with such diverse tastes all find him sexy. It is kind of interesting.
That really is interesting. We're such a diverse group that I can't imagine us all agreeing on one guy -- yet, oddly, we do.
MrsGiovinazzo said:
My husband spent the first half of the movie telling me what I was going to have to do to him in payment for making him watch "the worst movie ever", but when I offered 'payment' at the end, he declined, saying there is nothing I could do to compensate for the hour and a half of his life that was lost. :lol:

Was this a 'Lindsay' type payment, Mrs G ? :lol:
lookaboomerang said:
The Learning Curve is only enjoyed, and even minimally then, by those who have it bad. You should wait awhile. :lol:

MrsGiovinazzo said:
I must concur. Shitty, shitty movie and the acting ...

:lol: Yeah, I'm getting the impression that if I watch this movie it's not going to help my inner Carmine fangirl to emerge...

A tip though: Under no circumstances should Mr. Elsie be forced to endure this cinematic gem. My husband spent the first half of the movie telling me what I was going to have to do to him in payment for making him watch "the worst movie ever", but when I offered 'payment' at the end, he declined, saying there is nothing I could do to compensate for the hour and a half of his life that was lost. :lol:

:lol: Now, MrElsie has read this and is thinking up 'payments' as I write. I think he wants to watch it...

Anyway, it definately is interesting to me that Carmine has such a universal appeal. I'm still not sure what it is that draws so many people to him, I guess he just has something for everyone. :)
Elsie said:
:lol: Now, MrElsie has read this and is thinking up 'payments' as I write. I think he wants to watch it...
Oh boy. :rolleyes: Better invest in some quality knee pads, Elsie. Your debt will be huge and payment may take a while. :lol:
Yes, he will exact some strict repayment from you Elsie for the time spent watching this movie that he will never get back. Except for that short period that MrsG mentions, it's not worth the plastic it's pressed on!
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