Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

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MrsGiovinazzo said:
^ Glad you're enjoying it here, Hillicious (nice name, btw :D). I've seen you in a couple threads now and don't believe you've been officially welcomed. So - welcome! Keep that wine flowing and get cozy. What we lack in testosterone, we make up for in pure filth. :devil:

Don't forget corruption. I've corrupted my friend's eleven year old daughter. She got ticked that the CSI exhibit was based on Vegas and demanded to know where Danny "Mr Dreamy" Messer was at the exhibit. At the Coroner's table, I got "Can we trust him? He's not 'our' coroner." LOL. I'm SUCH a bad influence.
lookaboomerang said:
Top41 said:
4 or 5 times? :eek: :eek: :eek: Daaaaaamn, lookaboomerang, you've got it as bad as Flack. ;)

What! I own it. Might as well get my money's worth out of it. :lol: It's ok in some parts!

Yeah, the parts where he's naked. :lol: :devil: ;)

MrsG, the spoiler code simply blows. Mine was messed up, too, and I never would have known it if Springmoon hadn't mentioned it to me! The code blows, and is generally evil.
I'm not sure if this is the best place to ask this, but do any of you guys know if Danny has a middle name, and if so, what is it? Thanks a million, PSG xxx
It's cute that his name is Danny. It seems like there's a Danny on every crime show, but it's always struck me as funny because I don't know any grown men who go by the name Danny. I know Dans and Daniels, but no Dannys. It's really cute and definitely fits Danny's personality.
i hope your not being rude Twinkletoes. This thread has a clean reputation u no! no smut here. lol :devil:

i have a question for all the m-whores do we think carmine/danny is fitter with or without glasses

i mean glasses are sexy and he defo pulls those off but he has the cutest eyes
Danny "Donkey" Messer????

'Donkey' like an ass or 'donkey' as in an animal who is a member of the horse family, so he is therefore hung like one? :devil:

have a question for all the m-whores do we think carmine/danny is fitter with or without glasses

Definitely a with glasses girl. I don't know, there's just something that's really sexy to me about it. Any guy, really, actually.
^^I have to agree...Danny with glasses. They're just perfect for Danny. Now Carmine, he's the 'without glasses' guy.

Of all the Dan, Danny, Daniels that I know, I only know of one of them who goes by the name Danny because his name is Danny too...not Daniel.
Definitely with the glasses on. There's something remarkabley hot about a good looking dork. It's not the sexy cop in the tight t-shirts that does it for me. It's the sexy lab dork in the coat and glasses that gets me every time. There's something unique about being sexy in that way.
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Definitely with the glasses on. There's something remarkabley hot about a good looking dork. It's not the sexy cop in the tight t-shirts that does it for me. It's the sexy lab dork in the coat and glasses that gets me every time. There's something unique about being sexy in that way.

It's because the really good looking dorks are few and far between. Danny seems really confident with himself too, so that's a few major sexy points too. Kinda makes me wish Danny Messer were real. It will be a sad day if they ever decide to retire the glasses. I think it makes the character.

1CSIMfan, totally agree that Carmine is the without glasses. It's just weird to me when he wears them to an event or something. Don't get me wrong, I think he looks fabulous in them, but it's just weird. I think it's because of the way he carries himself when he plays Danny, I just expect that look to go hand in hand with the way he acts and when he's not being Danny, it's really weird for me. I suppose that's what they're trying to get across though.
I prefer Danny with glasses too, maybe cause they help magnify those big gorgeous baby blues we drool over :p
And I think Top mentioned once that he had the prettiest lashes for a boy ... he does, and the glasses help get a good look at those as well. :D

We just had the ep - Heart of Glass - here in Australia, his expressions at finding out about Mac and Peyton were priceless :D He's such a lovable, dorky and pretty boy :D
His face definately suits glasses. I really think he looks completely different without them. I haven't noticed the pretty lashes though, I'm going to have to search out some pictures now to get a better look at them. :p
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