Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

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I think it's all about the numbers and they've got Carmine on the same page as us. They want their numbers and the the best way to get them is to have the resident manwhore lose a few articles of clothing every now and again.

We get the naked, Carmine gains confidence and attention, which we know he loves and then wants to do it more and more and they get the numbers. It's a win-win-win situation.
Top41 said:
Sooooo...are you guys buying it? Is Carmine right that the writers like to get him naked for numbers, or does Lenkov's claim that the skin is only there to serve the story seem sound to you? :lol:
It's all about stripping our boy down for the ratings. Simple. It has nothing to do with the acting and everything to do with the skin. If it were about the acting, why wasn't Hawkes the one to shed a layer of clothing as he exposed his soul? If it were about the acting, why wasn't the sweat on Danny's brow enough in "Trapped"? If it were about the acting, why couldn't we see Danny and Lindsay's faces more clearly as they consummated their relationship? To focus on their eyes or their faces as they enter uncharted territory in their relationship might make more sense than allowing Danny's body to dominate the scene. But noooooo, these points I raise are entirely void of logic as it is all about the acting. Right. :rolleyes:

EDIT: Please don't misunderstand the above as a complaint on my part. I fully support the gratuitous removal of Danny's clothing in any and all scenes. Danny's dryer breaks so he wears only a lab coat to work. Lindsay catches his unmentionables in his zipper one night so he develops a phobia of pants. Danny has trouble coordinating an outfit one morning so goes sans clothings the entire day. Whatever. No matter how ridiculous or unnecessary, I fully support Lenkov in his insatiable desire to use Carmine's ass for a ratings boost.
I fully support Lenkov in his insatiable desire to use Carmine's ass for a ratings boost.

i would just like to second that.

I think as long as they acknowledge carmines acting talent then using his gorgeousness to boost ratings is fine. Its when they get him to be the fit one that doesnt say anything when we need to worry.

using carmines body is just like using macs inner vunerability or lindsays sweetness, stellas sexyness or flacks coolness. there all trying to seduce the audience and they do it very well. :devil:
This thread is such a snooze fest in the summer. For the love of God, Carmine, please, do something...anything. We need a little excitement.
lookaboomerang said:
This thread is such a snooze fest in the summer. For the love of God, Carmine, please, do something...anything. We need a little excitement.

*lifts head from desk* Eh? What? Yeah, lookaboomerang you've got a point there....
*goes back to sleep*
:lol: You know, during the summer months, these little drive-bys I make past the board to perform my good little mod duties truly only take about two minutes as there is literally nothing going on. So sad. I really enjoy it when something big happens on the show and we fly through a whole page of posts in like a day. Good times.

Alright, just for a little conversation starter -- we can't see Danny right now and won't for at least another month. Hypothetically speaking, how do you think Danny is spending his summer? Quietly nursing his wounded hand back to health, or whining like a little bitch? And how about his pool table -- have he and Lindsay broken the legs yet?
And how about his pool table -- have he and Lindsay broken the legs yet?
BLECH! No they haven't. He kicked her out of his house the first second he could. Not to be mean to any Lindsay fans out there.
It really is sad that we don't get to see them during the summer.
Anyways! Can't wait for the new season, we need our CSIs back!
As for how the little sexpot is spending his summer, he's on romantic little getaways upstate with Lindsay during the week and letting Flack stick it to him on the weekends. :devil:
Personally, I think Danny is spending the summer nursing his hand back to health and whining like a little bitch about it every chance he gets. I also think he has Lindsay waiting on him hand and foot. It's part of the package when you date Diva!Danny.

...On a totally random note, he's got to be a pain when he's down with the flu.
MrsGiovinazzo said:
EDIT: Please don't misunderstand the above as a complaint on my part. I fully support the gratuitous removal of Danny's clothing in any and all scenes. Danny's dryer breaks so he wears only a lab coat to work. Lindsay catches his unmentionables in his zipper one night so he develops a phobia of pants. Danny has trouble coordinating an outfit one morning so goes sans clothings the entire day. Whatever. No matter how ridiculous or unnecessary, I fully support Lenkov in his insatiable desire to use Carmine's ass for a ratings boost.

I'm right there with you. How about Danny develops an allergy to fabrics and can no longer wear clothing of any kind. What a...tragedy that would be. ;)

lookaboomerang said:
As for how the little sexpot is spending his summer, he's on romantic little getaways upstate with Lindsay during the week and letting Flack stick it to him on the weekends. :devil:

Danny's such a little slut. :lol: The question is, who has to wine and dine Danny more, Flack or Lindsay? :lol:

Danny would be unbearable either sick or wounded. I'm sure Lindsay will pay in spades for her shitty behavior towards Danny for much of season three during the time it takes Danny's hand to heal. You know he's going to whine about that hand to no end! :lol:
I'd like to think that Danny would be a whiney little bitch... Lindsay (obviously feeling remorseful because it was her fault that he took her shift) would be at his beck and call, "Yes, Danny! No, Danny! Three bags full, Danny!" Then, because she is so self-centred and can't be ar*ed thinking/caring about someone other that herself, she throws a massive tantrum and storms out of Danny's apartment and personal life for good :D :lol: :lol: Danny then has lots of time to think about 'the good ship Dindsay', and reality checks in - so at the beginning of Season 4 he concentrates on getting his balls back...HIP HIP HOORAY :lol:
lookaboomerang said:
As for how the little sexpot is spending his summer, he's on romantic little getaways upstate with Lindsay during the week and letting Flack stick it to him on the weekends. :devil:
That's perfect. Sucks Lindsay would get five nights a week to Flack's two nights, but at least Flack gets something.

Given that Lindsay is self-centered as hell and has, thus far, shown Danny no consideration whatsoever, I'm banking on Flack being the better caretaker of Danny's wounded hand and fragile emotional state. And I'm certain that Danny will repay Flack's kindness to insure the good treatment continues. ;)
^Those pics are cute--thanks for posting them! I still haven't seen the interview, lol.

I think Danny would be the worst patient. You know he's going to whine about that hand for weeks on end. Lindsay will probably be pretty damn annoyed after a few weeks of that. "You're not the first person on the planet to have a broken hand!" :lol: Danny's such a drama queen, lol. It's a good thing he's cute...
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