Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

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Top41 said:
Geez, they sold those trip pics everywhere, didn't they? :lol:

I await the shots they sold to Playgirl with great anticipation. :devil: ;)
*crosses fingers*
Please, please, please, c'mon, boys, think early retirement. That 'friendship' is a cash cow.

If things should get rough financially during an extended strike, I'd like to propose that they venture into the world of 'unscripted entertainment.'
Awwwww at Lorelai's icon. :) That's one of my favorite smiles of his. And this?

Lorelai said:

There are no words to describe how amused I am. :lol: :lol: :lol:

MrsGiovinazzo said:
*crosses fingers*
Please, please, please, c'mon, boys, think early retirement. That 'friendship' is a cash cow.

:lol: Ahh, we can always depend on you to state the important things. ;) Playgirl doesn't necessarily always print out naked photographs of whatever specific star they've 'interviewed', do they? I have this Playgirl article of an actor I was once crazy about and I was so disappointed that the most naked he got was down to the pants. :p

Perhaps Carmine and Eddie will be more generous. :devil: ;)

If things should get rough financially during an extended strike, I'd like to propose that they venture into the world of 'unscripted entertainment.'

I was just saying that to Faylinn yesterday! They'll be stars in said industry in no time. Not only do they have hot bods, they can act too! :lol: Who doesn't appreciate some good acting in porn - I mean, unscripted entertainment?
:lol: OMG, that's hilarious!!! :lol: It matches exactly my expression every time she's onscreen... ;)

Key words: wet, dirty, some more dirty, very hot tempered & bold. Can't help it, I already love him.

I'm talking about him:



In that third pic, it looks like that guy wants to kiss him. :lol:

The Lindsay pic is hilarious. He looks so bored! That really should be an avatar or banner or something..."What Danny Really Thinks of Lindsay." :lol: :lol: :lol:

Adult entertainment would be a gold mine for the boys. :devil: If they're already willing to sell vacation pics, what's a few shower pics? Or, um, a "leaked" video. I would pay good money for that, and I bet I'm not the only one. :devil: :devil: :devil: I dare say MrsG would sell her youngest child to get her hands on that! :lol: :lol: :lol:
This must be my favorite scene. He's a prisoner on a German sub, he's tide up and he still has the guts not to lower his head. Love how brave (or nuts) he was looking the guy in the eyes. The guy hits him,pulls the knife on him and he's still staring! :lol: Gotta love Cooper!



I love how Carmine always plays these feisty characters. That sounds like the way Danny would behave, too--and did in "Snow Day."
A naked wiseass. :devil: I like!

That one guy seems really, really interested in him... :lol:
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