Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

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Top41 said:
A naked wiseass. :devil: I like!

As good as it gets! ;) Cooper is one hot guy!

That one guy seems really, really interested in him... :lol:

Hehehe... Well, that guy comes in and saves him from the German nut guy with the knife. But all the German guys seem to gotta push & pull him around. :lol: And being that cocky don't help him! :rolleyes:

Predictable much? :rolleyes:

Made a zip:

Carmine in "U-429 In Enemy Hands" 2004
Lorelai said:


I haven't seen this film - yet! So thanks very much for the photos, especially this one ^ Just how we want him - dirty, wet & TIED UP :devil: :devil: :devil:
P.S. His nose doesn't look as big in these photos. I'm beginning to think that the glasses 'over-emphasise' his nose?!
Lorelai said:
Well, that guy comes in and saves him from the German nut guy with the knife.
*waggles eyebrows* Maybe he was rewarded for saving the day. :devil:
Top41 said:
I dare say MrsG would sell her youngest child to get her hands on that! :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: Dude, so uncool. You know I'd actually give -- not sell -- my youngest for a little of that.
^ :lol: :lol: My bad! :eek: ;)

So I got that OK magazine that also features the little trip Eddie and Carmine took (more pics, so sexy :devil: ;) ), and this quote cracked me up:

Carmine: "I like to be an uncle to a dog every once in a while."

:lol: What a lovable dork. :lol:
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Top41 said:
I dare say MrsG would sell her youngest child to get her hands on that! :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: Dude, so uncool. You know I'd actually give -- not sell -- my youngest for a little of that.

But if you sell you get some $$$ too... It's a win, win situation
The VS fashion show on CBS last night had a few audience shots of Henry Simmons and Carmine. The handsome Mr. G was checking out the models :devil:; alas, they were the gorgeous Heidi Klum and company (it's got to be criminal to look that good :lol:). I didn't see any male models. Did anyone else?
NO! NO! NO! We just can't be having any of that... :mad: I can't compete with models :(

Anywayz... Does anybody else get all tingly & excited when they watch our favourite boy putting his knee in someones back while he's slapping on the cuffs??? :devil: It does things to me I can't even tell you about :eek:
Carmeena said:
Anywayz... Does anybody else get all tingly & excited when they watch our favourite boy putting his knee in someones back while he's slapping on the cuffs??? :devil: It does things to me I can't even tell you about :eek:

It is pretty hot when he gets all rough ... :devil:
PrettyEyes said:
The VS fashion show on CBS last night . . . The handsome Mr. G was checking out the models :devil:;

Is there any other reason to attend the show? :D I'd be concerned if he attended and wasn't watching the models. :lol:

I didn't see any male models. Did anyone else?

I didn't watch but considering VS sells women's garments, I wouldn't be surprised if the models were all female.
PerfectAnomaly said:
PrettyEyes said:
I didn't see any male models. Did anyone else?

I didn't watch but considering VS sells women's garments, I wouldn't be surprised if the models were all female.
:lol: I was just joshin' the others. They had joked earlier about male VS models. It's all in good fun. :p
PrettyEyes said:
PerfectAnomaly said:
PrettyEyes said:
I didn't see any male models. Did anyone else?

I didn't watch but considering VS sells women's garments, I wouldn't be surprised if the models were all female.
:lol: I was just joshin' the others. They had joked earlier about male VS models. It's all in good fun. :p

Oops. Missed that part. Damned selective reading skills rearing their ugly head again. Or else my memory is shot to hell. Ah well, either way, I get it now. :cool:
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