Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

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well he was in buffy albeit he ended up being a victim but looking at those fangs his just a natural blood sucker. :devil:
I was just beginning to re-watch my Season 1 DVDs too. I kinda miss his blonde highlights...hehe. ;)

Thanks for all the pics, Lorelai! The photo of Carmine in the lab is just yummy. *licks screen*
Faylinn, that’s got to be one of my most favorite pics of Danny. I love that man’s teeth. :D One of my co-workers thinks that I’m nuts because my cubicle is decorated with several pics of him flashing those teeth of his. Granted this thread is about Carmine, but I have to also admit to loving AJ Buckley’s fangs too. ;)

Lessien_Tinuviel said:
I was just beginning to re-watch my Season 1 DVDs too. I kinda miss his blonde highlights...hehe. ;)

I’m glad I’m not the only person who misses those highlights. When they re-vamped the show for the second season, Danny’s highlights were sorely missed by me.

Thanks for all the pics, Lorelai! The photo of Carmine in the lab is just yummy. *licks screen*

That pic is the hotness. :devil: Then again, most of his pics are. I don't mind his moles, particularly the one by his eye. :lol: Wait! We are talking about Lorelai's avi, right? :lol:
Faylinn,that is just full of fangs. My page randomly freezes up and all I see is fangs. *pets the fangs*
I wonder if he's ever gone as a vampire for Halloween. :devil: The cool thing about his appearance in Buffy was that you were supposed to think he was the vampire, so I wonder if Carmine got cast in part because of those fangs.

Rad said:
Faylinn said:

About those pictures from "A Daze of Wine and Roaches" farther up the page--I don't know, something about that smile reminds me of when you're taking pictures for school and you try to think of something funny to smile for it. It's definitely a pretty smile, but it's way different from something like his smile when Sid told his "dead ringer" joke in "One Wedding and a Funeral", which seemed more genuine IMO. :p

Yep! I agree. This smile is very similar to the smile he gave in "Sleight out of Hand" when he supposedly sees Lindsay walking outside the lab. Both the smiles seem very forced.

Anyone got a pic of that smile???????? ;)

Couldn't agree more. Both of those smiles, while cute, seem somewhat forced or at least less than totally spontanous. Whereas there's something so natural and warm and just happy about the one from the morgue with Sid or the one that used to be in the opening credits.
You know, you can buy fangs that big from Hot Topic least you could last christmas season.

See that's what I thought in that scene he was the vampire, than pow HE's the one getting drained.

He should be ina vampire movie for the main reason they wouldn't even have to put fangs on him. My sister is cracking up because I"m telling her of this triology I readwhere, if it were made into a movie, Carmine would fit perfectly for the role.
^What trilogy is it?

How cute was Danny in tonight's episode? I love how he always manages to save the day by throwing things. And then how everyone feels the need to make a big deal of what he did--both Mac and Stella said "Thanks to Danny" with regards to the train being stopped. He really is the child of the show. :lol:
Kam said:
He should be in a vampire movie for the main reason they wouldn't even have to put fangs on him.

The man could also play a fish or fish-like creature :lol:
WhosLaughingNow said:
The man could also play a fish or fish-like creature :lol:

Like, I don't know ... a merman?! :p :lol:

He'd be so damn hot as one. He'd have the most attractive tail in all the seas. ;)

And this might be kinda mean of me but when I saw this baby video, the baby in it totally reminded me of Danny for some reason. You just gotta watch it to know what I mean. :lol: And uh, don't drink any water while you do it. It's pretty funny.
OH! That crying baby! I had such a laugh when I saw it on America's Funniest Home Videos. :lol: :lol: It's so funny, the parents move from their spot, the baby follows, throws himself on the floor and continues his routine. Too funny! Oh, and I love how the dog is following the adults around the whole time too. LMAO.

That is such a funny picture of Danny. :lol: I agree with Kimmychu, he'd make such a beautiful merman...*fantasizes*
Danny makes the funniest faces--I seriously love them. One of my favs is my avatar--he looks so animated. :lol: Someone has a great sig one where he's doing something funny with his lips and he looks like a baby who just dropped a load in its diaper. :lol: He really has the most wonderfully expressive face--it cracks me up to no end.
I'm currently doing my college placement in a toddler room, I see that crying baby everyday :p.

I loved it when he threw the phone. He was the only one who seemed real in that scene, the others on the train were laughable.
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