Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

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Made me go look for a cap from Rain and I just realised how much I miss the S1 hair.

Aww, I love the pictures, Lorelai! Don't you just want to snorgle him and smother him in your bosom? :D

...Ok, just me then. :eek:

Seriously, though, I keep getting nostalgic for season one and I have yet to bust out the DVDs and watch some.

Too bad I thought he looked like a rat (and was about as pleasant) when I first started watching the show. :lol: What was I missing? :p

The handsome Mr. G was checking out the models
I myself often ogle the VS models, but I also enjoy ogling a tasty male model when the occasion presents itself. ;) :p
Don't you just want to snorgle him and smother him in your bosom?

All that and much more... :devil:

Too bad I thought he looked like a rat (and was about as pleasant) when I first started watching the show. What was I missing?


How was that possible? Glad you took a closer look. Danny is the most beautiful disaster ever. And I'm not talking about the look.

I guess I always liked him. He had me since MIA/NY Nonstop.

How can anyone not love this:


Lorelai said

That's one of my favorite screencap of Danny from season one. :D :D :D I miss him smiling like that. I remember that he always made similar smirks and grins around Aiden whenever he teased her and she poked back as good as any NYC babe can give.
PrettyEyes said:
The VS fashion show on CBS last night had a few audience shots of Henry Simmons and Carmine.

Who is Henry Simmons? :confused: His date? :lol:

The handsome Mr. G was checking out the models :devil:; alas, they were the gorgeous Heidi Klum and company (it's got to be criminal to look that good :lol:). I didn't see any male models. Did anyone else?

Are you sure??? Did you look hard enough??? :confused: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Annnnnyways, moving on--love the season one caps of Danny. I know it was only a few years ago, but he looks so different, so much younger. I loved Danny in season one--so passionate and vibrant. I loved seeing that passion for the job. It's nice that in season four the writers and Carmine have found opportunities to inject that back into Danny's character. The absence of that was one of the most frustrating things about season three.
I loved Danny in season one--so passionate and vibrant. I loved seeing that passion for the job.

Me too. He was perfect in all his flaws! The best character of the 3 CSI's.

It's nice that in season four the writers and Carmine have found opportunities to inject that back into Danny's character. The absence of that was one of the most frustrating things about season three.

Thank God! Frustrating is the buzz word. It was frustrating to see what they are doing to the real Danny Messer. But, this season looks like the real Danny Messer is finally standing back up. (read whatever makes u happy into this :p )

This is probably one of my favorite caps. (talking about looks now ) Just perfect. There's something breathtakingly sexy about him there. The shirt, the tie... and his just staring at a computer. It's hot & subtle & I love it.

Top41 said:
Who is Henry Simmons? His date?
Hot damn, if you're talking about this sexual chocolate, I'll knock Carmine out of the way myself. :devil:


Man, looking at season one pictures makes me miss his more dressed-up look. :( And the tie from the first Miami crossover? :devil: It's all good, baby. :lol:
I have a question about next weeks episode previews. Not sure if it's a spoiler or not, so I'll put it in one anyway.

I saw the previews tonight for next week, and usually they don't show scenes unless it will be new. And I saw Lindsay's new hair cut , but what I've been hearing around here is next week is supposed to be old???? Danny is really upset in the previews, and I thought it might have something to do with his brother, if anyone knows anything, (if it's new or not,) please let me know.

Sorry, I'm really confused. Thanks
Ohhh yeah, I do so love a man in uniform. <3

We needs to see Carmine in the NYPD uniform, stat! :D And while we're at it, why not Eddie too? Mm-hmm. ;)
Wooo, I just checked out Henry Simmons at IMDB and he be a fine piece of man. :devil: (Sure, at his height he'd used my head as an arm rest but I don't mind. :lol:)

Carmine sure knows how to pick the cute ones with whom to sit! ;) :lol:

Lorelai said:

Awww, Danny before CSI:NY officially aired. I am so glad he got the spectacles look. It suits Danny so well. He just wouldn't be the same without them.
Wooo, I just checked out Henry Simmons at IMDB and he be a fine piece of man. (Sure, at his height he'd used my head as an arm rest but I don't mind. )

Carmine sure knows how to pick the cute ones with whom to sit!
He's veeery fine. :devil:

ericisacutie said:
I have a question about next weeks episode previews. Not sure if it's a spoiler or not, so I'll put it in one anyway.

I saw the previews tonight for next week, and usually they don't show scenes unless it will be new. And I saw Lindsay's new hair cut , but what I've been hearing around here is next week is supposed to be old???? Danny is really upset in the previews, and I thought it might have something to do with his brother, if anyone knows anything, (if it's new or not,) please let me know.

Sorry, I'm really confused. Thanks
Next week is "Child's Play", which is new. Danny is upset over the death of a young boy from his apartment building.
It's interesting tonight they showed a preview for next week's episode, and Danny wasn't in it at all. It was about some practical joker who died from an explosive cigar, is this the same one as child's play or something different?
Kimmychu said:
Wooo, I just checked out Henry Simmons at IMDB and he be a fine piece of man. :devil: (Sure, at his height he'd used my head as an arm rest but I don't mind. :lol:)

Carmine sure knows how to pick the cute ones with whom to sit! ;) :lol:

Why does Carmine get all the hot ones??? :mad: :mad: :mad: *is jealous* ;)

Henry is one good looking man. :D

Lorelai said:

Awww, Danny before CSI:NY officially aired. I am so glad he got the spectacles look. It suits Danny so well. He just wouldn't be the same without them.

The glasses really do make the character, don't they? I love them on him. They're so perfect for Danny. :D

I can't wait for next week's episode! :D
snowbird said:
It's interesting tonight they showed a preview for next week's episode, and Danny wasn't in it at all. It was about some practical joker who died from an explosive cigar, is this the same one as child's play or something different?

CTV showed a different preview for Child's Play.
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