Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

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Yes he is.

Dye his hair black and I bet he'd be perfect for the part actually :D

No fake fangs needed. :devil:
Twinkletoes said:
WhosLaughingNow Your icon is fabulous!!!

I'd never noticed the resemblance before but that's it - that same downturned mouth, the same spiky hair LMAO!!

Not too sure about the bulging eyes mind you... :lol: :lol:

Haha thank you!!! You might like to know the picture I was originally going to use was a more dramatic "Beaker face" (Eyes hair and all!!!). It's a shame I couldn't find it :lol:. You would have liked it :p .

I would watch Danny if he visited the muppets, He could teach kids how murder is bad. Then him and beaker could like flail together while something not so great happened to them in the lab :lol::lol::lol:
I was just watching the 3rd season on DVD, specifically the episode "Sweet 16" - #3.10, when I noticed something funny in a scene with Danny and Mac.

About 9 minutes in, Mac and Danny at the apartment rooftop of the dead guy who reared all the racing pigeons. At around 09:12 to 09:23, Mac goes to talk to the building super, while Danny has his back to the camera, in the background. As he turns around, it seems like he bumped into something and nearly trips. Maybe it's just me, but you can see Danny (or rather, Carmine) smirking a little bit as he walks towards Mac and the guy. :lol:

I went scouring for caps of that particular shot, and here it is, courtesy of CSI Caps. :)


See him smiling a little bit back there in the last screencap? :lol:
If I recall correctly, he had stumbled in the background of that particular scene and it made it onto the final edit. The smirk was there just after that, but it was pretty funny.
I think he's tripped a few times on camera--there was one time in s. 1's "Supply and Demand" too. Maybe it's because I'm a klutz, but I find the clumsiness pretty adorable, too. :lol:

And damn, those are some fangs! :lol:
Count Dracula or not, gotta love him! :lol: The Smile is just perfect!


The scene in "Sweet 16" is a classic! LOL He looked so amused and innocent at the same time! :lol:
i love him so mutch every episode just more,i love him also personal,he's just so cute.
i like him a lot in the episode a wedding and a funeral.
Mac: could happen to you,you know
danny: what marriage?
danny:Don't even say stuff like that Mac, it's not funny.

and then dannys face its so funny

danny dtwedp
Aww, I want to hug S1 Danny. ^_^ He was such an adorable, if frustrating, little shit. :lol:

I really need to have a S1 marathon one of these days, to reminisce about things. :p

Carmine_lover, "Til Death Do We Part" was a fun episode, definitely. :p (I loved when the guy at the clothing store offered Mac and Danny a 'sweet deal'. :lol:)

About those pictures from "A Daze of Wine and Roaches" farther up the page--I don't know, something about that smile reminds me of when you're taking pictures for school and you try to think of something funny to smile for it. It's definitely a pretty smile, but it's way different from something like his smile when Sid told his "dead ringer" joke in "One Wedding and a Funeral", which seemed more genuine IMO. :p
Faylinn said:

About those pictures from "A Daze of Wine and Roaches" farther up the page--I don't know, something about that smile reminds me of when you're taking pictures for school and you try to think of something funny to smile for it. It's definitely a pretty smile, but it's way different from something like his smile when Sid told his "dead ringer" joke in "One Wedding and a Funeral", which seemed more genuine IMO. :p

Yep! I agree. This smile is very similar to the smile he gave in "Sleight out of Hand" when he supposedly sees Lindsay walking outside the lab. Both the smiles seem very forced.

Anyone got a pic of that smile???????? ;)
Mmmm, Carmine baby fangs. He can bite my neck any time. :devil: (Or whatever body part he fancies. :devil:)

Faylinn said:
About those pictures from "A Daze of Wine and Roaches" farther up the page--I don't know, something about that smile reminds me of when you're taking pictures for school and you try to think of something funny to smile for it. It's definitely a pretty smile, but it's way different from something like his smile when Sid told his "dead ringer" joke in "One Wedding and a Funeral", which seemed more genuine IMO.

Ahh, I couldn't have said it better myself. Having painted portraits of people for so many years, I've become adept at picking out fake smiles from the real one. Sometimes it's a good thing, sometimes not so much. :p And as you and Rad have mentioned, Danny's smiles in those two particular moments were quite ... forced. Yeah, that's a great adjective to describe it actually.

His smile and snicker after Sid's dead ringer joke were absolutely adorable. :)

And uh, about him 'missing' a tooth ... nah, it just looks that way because his fangs are so prominent. :lol:
Thank you guys, now I'm stuck imagining Carmine as a vampire. :)

All I'm hearing now is 'I Vant to suck your blood' and giggling. :D
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