Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

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Longtime Locker Room members: wtf? Mac tells Danny to go home and take a shower, and Danny refuses.

The old quest for a shower scene was rekindled and then squashed within moments. Curse you and your devotion to the case, Danny. Curse yooou!

Yesyesyes, it was nice that he wanted to be there and find out about the girl, etc etc--but the shower scene! *whines*

The old quest for a shower scene was rekindled and then squashed within moments. Curse you and your devotion to the case, Danny. Curse yooou!

They are teasing us Fay I am hundred percent sure of it!!
That was pretty awful. Danny, you're not supposed to gainsay your boss. When he orders you to go home and get cleaned up, dammit, you do it! And make sure the shower stall is lit properly so the cameras catch every angle!
Curses, foiled by a case! :lol: Maybe we are being teased by the writers. ;) :lol:

I loved Danny's intensity in last night's ep--I loved how he cared so much, and how once again we saw him trusting the wrong person. Poor Danny, he goes with his gut and it so often leads him wrong (Outside Man, On the Job, Trapped, Hung Out to Dry, Sleight Out of Hand... ;) :lol: ). Danny always seems to believe the wrong people.

I also loved the father/son stuff with him and Mac--nice to see that resurface! It's cute when Danny is eager to please/impressed with himself, and I loved seeing Mac's concern for him.

Speaking of that, what do you think it is about Danny that makes the tougher characters like Mac and Flack want to look out for and take care of him? I've never seen Mac tell anyone else to go home and get some rest (advice he himself has refused!) and wiseass Flack goes to great lengths to help Danny emotionally or to save his ass if he's in danger.

althea said:
Trapped is one of my fave episodes it was a such a great Danny moment. I have watched it so many times I'm surprised the dvd still works :lol:
Danny can be so childlike at times like Top41 said by pushing the button and how he dramatically throws himself on he bed saying "I gotta get out of here" :lol: And then how he calls Flack crimestopper and asks him to bring him a slice of pizza :lol: I think TPTB need to watch that episode to be reintroduced to who Danny actually is cause I think they have amnesia about him. :mad:

Danny's childlike comments and attitude is so endearing. I love the way that came out in "Trapped" and how it really made him the perfect character for that situation!
I think it's partly to do with how the senior police officers treat him like Gerrard when Stella had a go at him for insulting Danny.

Mac I think knew when he hired Danny that he wouldn't have an easy job but its the father/son relationship where Danny is so eager to please but also is soo willing to stand up to Mac and disagree. I think I dunno I feel that Mac likes someone who will give as good as he gets and also show emotion and get emotionally involved.

Its similar with Flack I think flack knows he can be a tad reckless and sometimes say the wrong thing and get emotionally involved and he think he just thinks he needs the shoulder to let it out on.

I think from the past we've heard he's had they both just want to make sure he doesn't screw it up and let him know they have his back.

I enjoy the Mac/Danny scenes when he tries to impress him its like he's still tryin to prove himself to Mac.
Top41 said:
Poor Danny, he goes with his gut and it so often leads him wrong (Outside Man, On the Job, Trapped, Hung Out to Dry, Sleight Out of Hand... ;) :lol: ). Danny always seems to believe the wrong people.

You forgot Snow Day in your list of examples. ;)

Speaking of that, what do you think it is about Danny that makes the tougher characters like Mac and Flack want to look out for and take care of him? I've never seen Mac tell anyone else to go home and get some rest (advice he himself has refused!) and wiseass Flack goes to great lengths to help Danny emotionally or to save his ass if he's in danger.

I think part of it is that his childishness is as much endearing as it is maddening. A person may want to smack him upside the head for his rash and sometimes stupid conclusions and actions, but knowing his family history and knowing that despite that history and his flaws he is a good person who is just trying to do the right thing makes a person instinctively protective of him.
“Why do we do what we do, huh?”

"One dead guy, we got a woman clinging to life... all that misery for 35 Gs. It’s pathetic, isn't it ?"

Danny :( Baby, don't break.

Speaking of that, what do you think it is about Danny that makes the tougher characters like Mac and Flack want to look out for and take care of him? I've never seen Mac tell anyone else to go home and get some rest (advice he himself has refused!) and wiseass Flack goes to great lengths to help Danny emotionally or to save his ass if he's in danger.

For the same reason we want & need to protect him. We feel what he feels, we feel with him. And he sure feels a lot. He's very intense, emotional and compassionate. Nothing ever just passes by him. Everything touches him and lives a mark. If there is such thing as being too good, that's Danny's case. He is too good and that makes him easy to get hurt. And it hurts seeing him hurting, hence the instinct of protecting him, being there for him, having his back. I think is safe to say he is the most vulnerable of them all. Not weak, just vulnerable.
I too loved pissy Danny in Buzzkill. He really is quite a poor judge of character sometimes, and it really seems to get to him when he realises... I don't know why people want to protect Danny, but I think he has a compulsion and desire to see things through, and to keep going, even when he should stop or take a rest. The others seem to pick up on it, particularly Mac and Flack, and I think they are actually just recognising that sometimes Danny needs someone else to tell him what he can't see for himself, and to try and protect him from himself. As Lorelai says, he is vulnerable, and often people instinctively want to protect the vulnerable. ;)

I also bring a couple of screencaps from Buzzkill:


Angry Danny


His looks and reactions after realising that he had been fooled were just fantastic! A pissed of Danny is quite attractive...


Ah, I love it when they get their guns out...
Another good example of Danny's reckless nature was in season 1 in the Dove Commission when he already had his mind pretty much made up about the murdered gypsy taxi driver. He even went as far to verbally attack the man's son and Aiden had to call him off because he was overreacting but in the end he realized he had made a mistake and was man enough to go and apologize to the son and you have to love a guy like that.
althea said:
He even went as far to verbally attack the man's son and Aiden had to call him off because he was overreacting but in the end he realized he had made a mistake and was man enough to go and apologize to the son and you have to love a guy like that.

Particularly when he's standing in the pouring rain looking unbelievably cute when he apologises.....
but in the end he realized he had made a mistake and was man enough to go and apologize to the son and you have to love a guy like that.

The beauty of Danny Messer. No little Mr. Perfect, but good and man enough to say I'm sorry. Gotta love him.




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