Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

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I love the glasses but i cant help looking at them and starting to laugh.

Though my mum said to me i bought mine because they were the same as Danny's but they aint.
lookaboomerang said:
Oh you guys, stop. I think he looks good in the pictures from the VS fashion show. We all drool over this guy in a white shirt and the black jacket. What is it about these that's making you all freak out? The pink background is pretty. :D
Oh, I'm not freaking out, I just thought it was funny. :p I'm scrolling and it's like: typical Carmine, typical Carmine, dude! :lol:

And honestly, y'all, this is me we're talking about, here--I think he looks adorable in the VS pictures. :lol:
Here's another VS pic from


And I agree with Fay he looks flaming hot in the VS pics.
^^He looks trés suave et trés sophistiqué there ;)... I don't know what I said about those pics before but I take it back. I like... Rower.
I love you guys, you are all my freaks. :devil: ;)

But seriously, I think the glasses are perfect for the occasion. :lol: Pink! See, Carmine wearing them, people just think, "Ahh, he's trying something new and wants to stand out on the red carpet."

Danny wears them and it's, "Dude ... are you thinking of going onto that Queer Eye for the Straight Guy show? Ya know, as the one who picks out the curtains for the straight guy?"
WhosLaughingNow said:
BHAHAHAHAHAHA :lol::lol::lol: I'm sorry but after reading that I looked at the Golf Digest pictures then the VS one and all could think was "Wow, it's like night and gay"

Dude, do not take this back! Seriously, best pun ever! :lol: I was laughing for like five minutes. :lol: And so true!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

It looks like he hired a stylist who made him a little too pretty for that event. ;)

The People's Sexiest Men issue hit the newsstands last week, and Carmine wasn't in it. :( I blame third season, and the declawing of Danny for his exclusion. As pretty as he is, it's Danny's intensity that really makes him magnetic and impossible to look away from.

Speaking of pretty, or rather damn gorgeous...

Lorelai said:



Is it just me or is Danny just breath-takingly gorgeous sometimes? I love his expressions--the character really does have an appealing innocence to him that just draws you in. Gotta love Danny. :D
^Yeah, I agree. The glasses make them look wide and large. It's a nice effect.
PerfectAnomaly said:
Here's another VS pic from


No offence, but I don't think pink is Carmine's color. :lol:

jk, but something about this picture...maybe the glasses? is a turn off. :(

WhosLaughingNow said:
BHAHAHAHAHAHA :lol::lol::lol: I'm sorry but after reading that I looked at the Golf Digest pictures then the VS one and all could think was "Wow, it's like night and gay"

Genius. Pure genius. :lol: :lol: :lol:

PerfectAnomaly said:
Kinda OT: Has anyone seen comedian Jim Gaffigan talking about Hot Pockets? Hehehe.

Yes yes YES! :lol: That is seriously hilarious.
I think the problem with the VS pictures is the tint in his lenses. I'm not sure if there is an actual tint, but all the pink surrounding him makes his lenses look a bit pinkish, which doesn't actually work for him. I like his look, and I think the glasses work, just not as pink.
Top41 said:
It looks like he hired a stylist who made him a little too pretty for that event. ;)
Exactly! He looks freakin' hot at the VS event, but too perfectly styled. I like to be the pretty girl in the relationship and, while I never mind standing in a line of fangirls a mile deep, I'm not sure I want to stand in line behind five miles of Just Jack from "Will & Grace." :lol:

The People's Sexiest Men issue hit the newsstands last week, and Carmine wasn't in it. :( I blame third season, and the declawing of Danny for his exclusion. As pretty as he is, it's Danny's intensity that really makes him magnetic and impossible to look away from.
Carmine got hosed! But I agree that it's not really about his looks and the magnetism was missing last season.
A little late in replying, but whoa. Carmine looks HOT in those VS pics! But I agree, he looks a little too perfectly styled, I like it when he looks a little rugged...hehe! I wonder if we'll be able to get a glimpse of him when the show airs on TV? ;) I'd probably be focusing on the audience instead of the models strutting out on the runway... :lol:
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