Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

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Heheh, yes, the picture is from their trip. They were in a ... Ritz-Carlton suite. :devil: As to why they're making desserts, I guess that's something you're gonna have to ask them yourself 'cause I have no idea either. :lol: ;)
snowbird said:
Is this picture part of their trip, or was there a reason for them to make these desserts. Not that I need a reason for these two men to be making desserts, but I'm curious.
Snowbird, it's part of their trip to the Ritz-Carlton Bachelor-Gulch. The dessert pic is from a private dinner the executive chef and pastry chef created for the group, including Carmine, Eddie and Eddie's girlfriend Nikki. They're featured in the magazine. :)
Thanks. This is the first I've heard of their trip and the link really didn't give me much information. I guess I should've checked out the Eddie thread too.
Hella hella, I love a guy gettin' his hands all dirty and sticky in the kitchen and two of them is double the delight....quick guys, get started on the refrigerator a la 9 1/2 weeks...jeez I'm now in a happy happy place that involves blindfolds, honey and pickles!!!
Joolz said:
Hella hella, I love a guy gettin' his hands all dirty and sticky in the kitchen and two of them is double the delight....quick guys, get started on the refrigerator a la 9 1/2 weeks...jeez I'm now in a happy happy place that involves blindfolds, honey and pickles!!!
True that, but Carmine as a third wheel to Eddie and his girl would be a little creepy. :eek: :p Mr. G needs some lovin' all his own. :devil:
^I think people are just joking around. ;) I don't think anyone really believes Eddie and Carmine would take a romantic trip and invite CBS Watch Magazine along. :lol:

I love the pic of them in the kitchen. If that were Flack all of those cakes would be gone and Danny would be pouting on the side, pissed that he didn't get any. :lol: I love how Eddie's licking his arm. :lol:
WhosLaughingNow said:

I think the real question are why a couple shelfs are arranged by size? Ugh I just keep looking at it. It's driving me mad the more I look at it the worse it gets. Does this not bother anyone else? The rest of the shelves aren't like that. Why those ones? Why, why, WHY!

My Shelfs look like that :D if I try to organize them the big books cause trouble, so keep them on the edge so they can hold the shelf up and then just work around that problem when figuring out where the rest should go. Moral of story: Art books loathe being organized.

*slinks back off*
Top41 said:

I love the pic of them in the kitchen. If that were Flack all of those cakes would be gone and Danny would be pouting on the side, pissed that he didn't get any. :lol: I love how Eddie's licking his arm. :lol:

I read your comment before I saw the pic and I thought you meant that Eddie was licking Carmine's arm. Now that would have been a picture :lol: :lol:

And Carmine with a can of whipped cream - dear God, what's the man trying to do to me...? :eek: :devil:
Top41 said:
^I think people are just joking around. ;) I don't think anyone really believes Eddie and Carmine would take a romantic trip and invite CBS Watch Magazine along. :lol:

I love the pic of them in the kitchen. If that were Flack all of those cakes would be gone and Danny would be pouting on the side, pissed that he didn't get any. :lol: I love how Eddie's licking his arm. :lol:

I know they were joking, Top! :D

That pic reminded me of the scene where Flack was eating the wedding cakes, when the roommate planned her "wedding" to NY's "most eligible bachelor." Yeah, tough gig! :lol:
Twinkletoes said:

I read your comment before I saw the pic and I thought you meant that Eddie was licking Carmine's arm. Now that would have been a picture :lol: :lol:

Next time! :lol:

And Carmine with a can of whipped cream - dear God, what's the man trying to do to me...? :eek: :devil:

Depends. :devil: Did he gave that back or he kept it? U know, for later.. :devil:

407 was all about this. :lol: Yeah, that! See?

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