Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

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MrsG said:
Dear Fay,

I share my porn with you and this is how you repay my hospitality???
You're joking, right? You think showing me that porn was a good thing? Dude, seriously, I'm scarred for life. *weep*

And don't even say I volunteered to watch it. It's like a car crash--can you look away? No, you can't. You'd better have good porn (OMG NO SOCKS!) next summer, y'hear?? :p

I do have one question about the pic in front of the bookcases though. Who leaves a safe out in plan sight?
I thought about that. :lol:
Lorelai said:
Dear burglar,

Here is my safe. I'll be out of LA the 14th & 15th of this month, shooting some scenes in NY! Further info in the magazine.


ROTFLMAO!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Poor Carmine. :lol:
Lorelai - Awesome post! That is exactly what I was thinking, only you said it better.

Faylinn said:
You're joking, right? You think showing me that porn was a good thing? Dude, seriously, I'm scarred for life. *weep*

And don't even say I volunteered to watch it. It's like a car crash--can you look away? No, you can't. You'd better have good porn (OMG NO SOCKS!) next summer, y'hear?? :p
Actually, that porn did blow. Hard. I fully acknowledge the need to make it up with next summer's viewing material. I've consulted the porn master (aka my husband :lol:) and he claims to know of a website that has exactly what we're looking for. Based on the size of his collection, I trust that he can steer me in the right direction. Cop porn for everyone! Yay!
MrsGiovinazzo said:
I do have one question about the pic in front of the bookcases though. Who leaves a safe out in plan sight? Sure a burglar may not be able to crack the code to that very quickly, but that puppy is small enough that it could just be taken. Carmine, Hide the important stuff, particularly when opening your home to a magazine. Just a thought. Love, MrsG

I'll be honest the first thought that came to mind when I saw that was "Who puts a microwave in their bookshelf?" :rolleyes: Oops. I still kind of wish it were a microwave though.
^^LOL! You can make a Hot Pocket while you're choosing your reading material.

Curling up with a good book and a Hot Pocket--who could ask for more? :p
I didn't even notice the safe until it was pointed out. I was too busy being distracted by the picture. Compared to the other photos from the shoot, he looks kinda dorky in this one. Of course, not that there's anything wrong with that ...
MrsGiovinazzo said:
I've consulted the porn master (aka my husband :lol:) and he claims to know of a website that has exactly what we're looking for. Based on the size of his collection, I trust that he can steer me in the right direction. Cop porn for everyone! Yay!

Better make sure it ain't lesbian porn he ends up getting for you. :lol: :p
Hannah said:
I did some photoshopping and all that I could get out of the bottom bit was the first letter looked like a 'H' and the last 2 looked like a 'R' and 'T'. I had to zoom though, so I could be wrong :S

It looks like TS Eliot or Dostoevsky's The Idiot. You've got to respect a man with that many books. I wonder if he goes for the small, independent bookstores or the big megastores.

I know ya'll don't like the hat look either, but he carries that hat off pretty well. :devil:
Kimmychu said:
MrsGiovinazzo said:
I've consulted the porn master (aka my husband :lol:) and he claims to know of a website that has exactly what we're looking for. Based on the size of his collection, I trust that he can steer me in the right direction. Cop porn for everyone! Yay!

Better make sure it ain't lesbian porn he ends up getting for you. :lol: :p

Lesbian porn can be your friend. It can't honestly be any worse than the stuff we were subjected to this summer. I still wake up screaming in the middle of the night.

Them's a lot of books on that there shelf. Wonder if he's read them all? :devil:
Springmoon said:
Lesbian porn can be your friend. It can't honestly be any worse than the stuff we were subjected to this summer. I still wake up screaming in the middle of the night.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Okay, you have a point there. I didn't realize a nekkid lady acting like a high druggie is enough to make you wake up screaming though. :p

Them's a lot of books on that there shelf. Wonder if he's read them all? :devil:

Bwahahah, I thought the same thing. :devil:
snowbird said:
Compared to the other photos from the shoot, he looks kinda dorky in this one.

I agree. Or rather he looks self-conscious. I'm sure its something to do with the book he's holding. I just wish we knew for sure which book it was....
Springmoon said:
Them's a lot of books on that there shelf. Wonder if he's read them all? :devil:

I think the real question are why a couple shelfs are arranged by size? Ugh I just keep looking at it. It's driving me mad the more I look at it the worse it gets. Does this not bother anyone else? The rest of the shelves aren't like that. Why those ones? Why, why, WHY!

If I could talk to him right now I would have a serious talk about how we could organize his book shelf in an somewhat orderly yet somewhat visually pleasing fashion.

Don't get me wrong though, there might be some system there we can't see. If so, more power to him!

Now in order to get rid on my frustration let's all look at this picture

ps. If what I wrote seems a little weird just keep in mind I'm the same person who when drinking out of straws has to take sips in intervals of 5 and only eats certain foods in even numbers.
WhosLaughingNow said:
I think the real question are why a couple shelfs are arranged by size? Ugh I just keep looking at it. It's driving me mad the more I look at it the worse it gets. Does this not bother anyone else? The rest of the shelves aren't like that. Why those ones? Why, why, WHY!

I must admit, I thought his shelves were rather tidy...

ps. If what I wrote seems a little weird just keep in mind I'm the same person who when drinking out of straws has to take sips in intervals of 5 and only eats certain foods in even numbers.

Ah, that explains it :lol: :lol:
Twinkletoes said:
WhosLaughingNow said:
I think the real question are why a couple shelfs are arranged by size? Ugh I just keep looking at it. It's driving me mad the more I look at it the worse it gets. Does this not bother anyone else? The rest of the shelves aren't like that. Why those ones? Why, why, WHY!

I must admit, I thought his shelves were rather tidy...

On the shelf behind him:
1st row on top is pretty much all even MINUS a large book at each end. 2nd row goes from largest to smallest. 3rd row look randomly shoved in there, 4th and 5th I can't see.

On the shelves to his left that you can see clearly:
1 shelf on top goes from largest to smallest. 2nd is all just random

It is neat but, stick with one of the systems!

ps. If what I wrote seems a little weird just keep in mind I'm the same person who when drinking out of straws has to take sips in intervals of 5 and only eats certain foods in even numbers.

Ah, that explains it :lol: :lol:

Just think those are the less weird things I do :p
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