Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

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Great caps LivingEnd, thanks!!

Wow, hot, sweaty AND pissed-off Danny.....what more could a girl ask for? There's something so incredibly sexy about that man when he's angry... :devil: :p
Girls, in honor of the slashtastic new signature line I'm using compliments of Eddie, I'm in the market for a lovely new Danny/Flack avatar. Top hates the present cat's ass I'm using. :rolleyes: Can anyone recommend a good source for Danny/Flack avies?
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Girls, in honor of the slashtastic new signature line I'm using compliments of Eddie, I'm in the market for a lovely new Danny/Flack avatar. Top hates the present cat's ass I'm using. :rolleyes: Can anyone recommend a good source for Danny/Flack avies?

You could try the LJ Carmine Giovinazzo Daily site (Carmineg_daily), they have some good icons there. Not too sure whether they're Danny/Flack-centric but it might be worth a try....
Well, MrsG, you can check the avatar thread on the Brokeback Crimelab board (my poor baby, it's been so neglected *feels bad*): Click (it's page three of four, and the avatars were posted a long time ago for the most part). You can also check out LJ--Elsie makes a lot of icons that I love, and I do believe my latest D/F icon on LJ is from her. :p
Faylinn said:
You can also check out LJ--Elsie makes a lot of icons that I love

*snorgles Fay* Aww thanks, you're too kind. I also do special requests if anyone has a favourite screencap or text in mind. :lol:

But yes, The Brokeback Crimelab has lots of pretty Danny icons as well as Flack and D/F ones, so I would also recommend trying there first. :)
Thanks so much for the help, ladies!

*proudly trots out new avie*

Not feeling inventive enough to request any special creations at the moment, but the lovely avatar I just ripped off from Brokeback, created by Kimmy conveys the sentiment I had in mind ... to the extent that it can be adequately expressed on a PG-13 site. :devil:

Lovely work from so many industrious ladies.
Elsie said:
*snorgles Fay* Aww thanks, you're too kind.
It's all self-serving--otherwise, how will I get you to make special requests for me? ;) :p

I watched episodes 4.02 and 4.03 with my mom and sister a few minutes ago--man, Danny makes some crazy faces. :lol:
Thanks for the pics everybody! :cool:

The Kevlar vests were made to protect wearers from being shot in the chest. If you look at a standard Kevlar vest the stomach usually isn't covered. Info for the general public is at Wikipedia - Ballistic Vest. Hope that helps. :)
Top , you told me to tone down the Carmine fantasies and focus on Danny.

:confused: :confused: :confused: What the....

See now Top, this is the kind of comment that should have been mentioned in the "Why aren't you posting thread" I have absolutely no idea why you said this since it is the Carmine - Whore of the Show thread, and not the Danny Messer thread. Aren't we supposed to talk about Carmine here, apparently not going by your comment.

I won't hold it against you, :D, in fact it's getting to the point where I couldn't give a crap what people say, but that comment did not make sense to me since I'm in the right thread to talk about Carmine.

Since this is the Carmine thread I'm getting sick of everyone talking about Danny Bloody Messer. There is more to Carmine than his character and here is where I thought I could post. Obviously not.

I gotta say, sometimes the replies from you and Mrs.G on other posts just don't make sense to me, unless I perceive it differently to how you mean it, it just makes me not want to bother coming here when people don't get what I post. Even though my posts are usually in simple english

Just my problem to deal with I guess...

I was sure this was the Carmine thread...
tiara4carmine said:
Top , you told me to tone down the Carmine fantasies and focus on Danny.

:confused: :confused: :confused: What the....

See now Top, this is the kind of comment that should have been mentioned in the "Why aren't you posting thread" I have absolutely no idea why you said this since it is the Carmine - Whore of the Show thread, and not the Danny Messer thread. Aren't we supposed to talk about Carmine here, apparently not going by your comment.

I won't hold it against you, :D, in fact it's getting to the point where I couldn't give a crap what people say, but that comment did not make sense to me since I'm in the right thread to talk about Carmine.

Since this is the Carmine thread I'm getting sick of everyone talking about Danny Bloody Messer. There is more to Carmine than his character and here is where I thought I could post. Obviously not.

I gotta say, sometimes the replies from you and Mrs.G on other posts just don't make sense to me, unless I perceive it differently to how you mean it, it just makes me not want to bother coming here when people don't get what I post. Even though my posts are usually in simple english

Just my problem to deal with I guess...

I was sure this was the Carmine thread...

OK, let me clarify. I was trying to be delicate, I guess, and I can see how it came across as a mixed message. Yes, this thread is a place to talk about Danny and Carmine. But, it's not a place for your endless personal fantasies about Carmine. I've tried to be tactful about friendlying you about that, but let me be more direct: the fantasy stuff is making some people uncomfortable, and this isn't really the place for it. We're here to discuss Danny/Carmine, his roles, etc. Yes, that does include sometimes gushing over his looks, but that doesn't open the door for what really is soft core fanfic. I'm not trying to be mean or harsh about it, but it's not appropriate for the forum. You can register at if you want to write fanfic; this is a place to discuss the actor and his work and his character on CSI: NY.

Back on topic...

MrsG, love the new avatar! I'm definitely not sorry to see that cat ass go in favor of two of the lovely men of CSI: NY. ;) :devil:

And I love all the pics! Danny's old man faces always crack me up. That one from "Stuck on You" is such an old man face. :lol: That totally makes me laugh every time I see it.

And "Trapped"--pics from "Trapped" are always delicious. :devil: Gotta love those arms! One thing I liked about that ep was that it really, really showcased Danny well. It was a fun episode, but he really carried it. It's not easy to put someone in a room alone and have them do it. Yet another instance of Carmine's talent being highlighted in the show.
What?? Was I one of the only ones who liked the cats butt?
Counting MrsG, I think there were exactly two of you who liked it. :lol:

Danny and Flack staring at each other is far prettier. :p Oh man, thinking of "Blood, Sweat and Tears" (where that picture is from, of course) reminds me of when Danny looked into the garbage chute and almost got beaned over the head with a bag of trash--Flack looked very amused but said he'd post a uniform on the other floors after Danny gave him a look.

Danny is such a little princess. :lol:
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