Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

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Lessien_Tinuviel said:
You're talking about Gundy! :D

Man, I must've watched that clip (of when George and Billy first meet Gundy at the boat) over and over a thousand times! Oh, that ass. And that song. *swoon* It was a very weird song, but I was so in love with his voice I didn't really care what he was singing about. I loved how George kept correcting him in mid-song about the pronounciation of her full first name. :lol:

I thought he did an amazing job as Gundy because I think when you play a druggie it's either hit or miss and he was definitely was a hit. He completely stole the film. And I was happy when he said Gundy was one of his favorite character to play.

Life's been so empty without one like you. You're gay friend caused some friction, but you don't condem my drug addiction. I want to eat you, I want to taste you, I want to swallow you. She calls herself Georgina. -Gundy
I vaguely remember the bit about Gundy telling Billy that he took acid on the weekends. "And when I take acid, I like my music to be really loud..." *trails off* And George and Billy were like, "Okay...?" HEE!

Ah, yes. I remember the song now. :lol: The "I want to eat, I want to taste you, I want to swallow you" part was a little weird, but very funny. Haha, Georgina! George kept cutting in, "it's Georgiana" the whole time he was singing, and Gundy never bothered to correct himself either! LMAO.
Faylinn said:
I thought Danny looked like a rat, initially--I didn't like his appearance or his attitude.

:lol: :lol: That's hilarious. He has grown on me too, both his attitude (which I think has mellowed a little) and his look. But I probably prefer his season one look to the scruffy didn't have time to dress properly before work look he's sporting at the moment.

I think this *spoiler as pic is from 407* is nice on him though. Smart casual is good, and he looks fairly hot. :)
Definitely. Even Mac himself has started to dress down since the start of Season 2. ;)

Thanks so much, Elsie for posting the pic of Danny! I have an urge to cut half of the pic out... I'm sure you guys know which half. ;) Danny's looking hot, smart casual works great with him!
Lessien_Tinuviel said I have an urge to cut half of the pic out... I'm sure you guys know which half.

I have an urge to do a decapitation on you know who in the pic and copying and pasting my own head there instead ah god bless photoshop :lol:
I love danny when he was in his suit, i just have this thing for suits and he met that.
But then again i like him in the casual look because it suits the character. But the half casual is a nice comprimise.
Lessien_Tinuviel said:
Yes. Both Danny and Flack took a little getting used to at first, and now we can't stop obsessing over them. :D

As much as I love to see his arms, I agree, Faylinn. His look in Season 1 fit very well with the whole bad boy made good vibe. Right now, everyday's Casual Fridays for Danny. :lol: I really want to see him dressed in one of those Season 1 shirts, even for just one episode. Hehe. For old times' sake.

Same here. I really miss that Danny. Actually, I miss S1. The clothes, the air, the way the characters were, the everything.

He looked more like a det.


I’m really not a fan of Danny's early season one hair, but I agree that the clothes back then suited Danny as a character way better than the look he got with season three.
The pic Elsie posted is a nice compromise though.

And nice pics as usual Lorelai... Man, I miss Aiden!
Ah, the good ol' Danny/Aiden goodness. *nostalgic*

I really loved seeing Danny in that striped coat in the first pic. Drove me crazy every time he wore it on the show. :D What a yummy sight!

Actually, I miss S1. The clothes, the air, the way the characters were, the everything.
*sigh* So do I. I actually kind of liked the dark lighting of the show, it was something different. Then they had to go and brighten things up halfway through. I still love NY very, very much, but the darkness in the first few episodes kind of made the show unique, you know? And it had a real gritty feel to it too. :)
Lessien_Tinuviel said:
*sigh* So do I. I actually kind of liked the dark lighting of the show, it was something different. Then they had to go and brighten things up halfway through. I still love NY very, very much, but the darkness in the first few episodes kind of made the show unique, you know? And it had a real gritty feel to it too. :)

I can’t believe you said that! I’ve been saying that since forever. I miss the show when it had that real CSI:NY feel. It has strayed so far from what it once was that it’s like any other show now. I was looking at Hush this morning and while it’s one of my favorite episodes, it made me sad about how much the show has changed.

With Danny’s old wardrobe, I miss the suits. That’s not to complain about his shirts now, which are so tight you can see his nipples and heartbeat. :lol: I’m just for the variety. I miss the CSI:NY jackets they wore in Season One. Or, remember that three-quarter length coat he wore? I loved the highlights and even his shoes. His shoes during the second season got pointy. I hate men in pointy shoes! :mad:

I vaguely remember Gary Sinise saying on a DVD extra for Season One that he was pulled to the side by a real detective who told him that detectives MUST wear suits at crime scenes. He swore to try to live up to that standard. So much for that… I believe it was during the commentary for the cross over episode MIA/NYC – NonStop.

Thanks for the pic, Elsie. Now I’m stuck trying not to look at his crutch for the rest of the day. :devil: Like I’m the only one, right? :rolleyes:
I love the look from 407--definitely sexy, but I do miss the look of season one in general. The show and the characters just looked so much more realistic back then. But I think if you look at the wardrobe, it's very clear Danny's been sexed up since then. Much as I'd like to wholeheartedly object...heh, I can't. I like the look from 407 a lot. The tight t-shirts were a little too casual, IMO. The button downs with jeans are just a perfect look for him.
I loved the pinstripe it suited him so well.
Though i do agree with LivingEnd that i prefer his hair now to the begining of the season.

I agree Top that the button down and jeans look is best, makes him look still casual but smart to a point.
*Steps inside...blinks eyes against the bright light*

Good to see the Locker Room is still going strong! Wow, so many people here that I don't recognize...I've been away too long. I just have two questions...

Has the quest for a shower scene been abandoned?

In my absence has anyone been posting the Carmine booty picture on a regular basis?
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