Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

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That puppy is cute, it looks just like him. I was taping the eps as they came on here in Aus, so I could rewatch, and I swear I wore the tape out watching the scene of him and the dog.

They're both so cute :D :D :D

Fay don't just snorgle the puppy ... snorgle both of them together :D

They are sooooooo cute together :D :lol:

I just can't say it enough, they are sooooo cute :D
I love the pic of Danny looking through the train window! He looks like such a little sprite there. Danny looks so wide-eyed and innocent sometimes.

The Ooooh Snap! cap is funny too. :lol:
Thanks again for the pics, Lorelai! :)

Awww! How cute was Danny with the dog? *coos* I, too, have rewatched that scene over and over, just because. I wonder whose dog he borrowed. ;) And Danny really did look a little like the dog too.

Does anyone know what breed the dog is? I'm curious. Hehe. The little guy could stand to gain some meat on its bones, while my own dog could stand to lose a little weight. :lol:
Lessien_Tinuviel said:
Does anyone know what breed the dog is? I'm curious.

It looks very much like a Cairn terrier to me. Friends of mine used to have one. Tenacious, loyal and loveable. Just like Danny ;)
Breed : MUTT. L0L :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

kidding. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Although, mutts can still be cute & lovable. :p :p
So, I'm still liking the white shirt look myself, what do you all think? Yes, it would be nice for him to mix it up every now and then, but he knows what looks good...

...And even I thought he looked hot in the jeans, white shirt, kevlar vest and holding his gun. :devil:


The white shirt is still hot, but it seems to be all he's wearing these days. I do nocie Danny has been in white a lot this season.

Also, what's with the half-tucked in look? Danny either tucks it in in the front and shows off his ass or it's tucked in in the back if we're seeing him from the front. He really does get exploited on this show. :lol:
I think it's because he has his finger off the trigger? His right index finger is probably on the other side of the gun, which is why we can't see it. :) I see it a lot in cop shows, when they're sweeping a room or something. Wouldn't want Danny to be surprised and accidentally shoot someone, right? ;)

That 2nd picture made me chuckle. I didn't realize what it implied at first, but I took a second look and then I understood. :lol:

The white shirt is still hot, but it seems to be all he's wearing these days.
Maybe Danny hasn't been doing his laundry these days. Or maybe he went and bought the white shirts in bulk. ;)

It looks very much like a Cairn terrier to me.
Thanks, Kat1974! I guess I'll go look in Google for pics of the dog. Hehe. My dog is a German Shepherd-Terrier mix. Not sure which breed of Terrier though. Either Silky or Norfolk, I think. It's a weird combo, I know, we brought him home off the street. A cute little thing, but terribly yappy and aggressive. (you know, being 1/2 German Shepherd and all)
I don't know much about guns, but that really doesn't look like the proper way to hold one if you're possibly going to have to be shooting it anytime soon.

I love how Stella's going first in the other pic. :lol:
Did anyone notice that their Kevlar suits were a little small? Not much coverage, if you ask me. :lol:

I love how Stella's going first in the other pic.
If anything happens, Danny could run for cover first! :lol:
The most striking thing to be about that photo is that he has such beautiful hands. Perfect for stroking.

I wondered about the kevlar too... it seems like an easy shot to get someone in the gut if there's nothing covering it.
Yeah. Shouldn't the vests cover their entire upper body area, except for the arms? :rolleyes: Danny and Flack's stomachs were half-exposed, where's the safety in that?
i love how ur all for dannys safety. lol.

he looks hawt tho. cannot wait for season 4.

carmine defo looks good in white

hmmmm... im thinking bed sheets
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