Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

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Springmoon said:
Hey, I liked the cat!! But your new avvie isn't showing up. I feel so unloved.

Nah, the cat was freaky. ;) But the new avvie is cute, auto admin will have removed it because the file size was too big (it was over 20kb), so I've resized it for you MrsG:


Top41 said:
And I love all the pics! Danny's old man faces always crack me up. That one from "Stuck on You" is such an old man face.

Really great pics everyone. Danny does have a very expressive face, but I have to say it's not always pretty. :lol: I have some screencaps at home from 'Time's Up' and his face in most of them is an absolute picture! Scarily so, and very much like an old man!
HUGE smoochies to Elsie for resizing my avatar! You rock! I'm so clueless about that stuff. I just signed on and had a nice little automatic removal notice waiting for me and had no idea how to make it conform to the correct size. Thank you!

As for my cat ass, I thought it was funny. Thanks for appreciating fine art, Hannah. :lol: The rest of you can just go ... kiss my cat's ass. :lol:

Tiara - I must second Top. She did a lovely job in setting things straight a few posts back. This thread IS a place to discuss Carmine and Danny and, because this is the Locker Room, it's even okay to get a bit naughty. The vast majority of posters in this thread feel some degree of attraction to his physicality or they wouldn't be here. But that doesn't make this an appropriate forum for soft core. Some content doesn't fit within the PG-13 rating guideline because it doesn't become a matter of censoring just one word, but rather entire sentences. Further, anything that comes off as half-assed fanfic just gets boring to read.
*cough*Actually, it sounds like maybe Hannah was already kissing ass, if you know what I mean*cough*

;) :p

It's been ages since season 1 and I'm in the mood to be nostalgic.

Oof. *swoon* There's just something about outfits of Season 1 Danny that makes me drool... :cool: And I actually kind of liked his hair in the beginning of Season 1, the highlights and all. :D

But then, I much prefer his hairstyle now. Can this man get any hotter?! This refers to Eddie as well. Hehe!

I'm with Hannah. More old man pics, please! They never fail to make me chuckle.
I thought Danny looked like a rat, initially--I didn't like his appearance or his attitude. He grew on me, though. ;)

But aww, doesn't he look cute in his nice outfit, even with his pretty pretty arms covered? :p The look fits Danny Messer, the kid from the wrong side of the tracks trying to make right. ;)
A trip down memory lane never looked this good. I love first season Danny ;)
The look fits Danny Messer, the kid from the wrong side of the tracks trying to make right.
For me that's been my attraction to Danny besides his hot ass which always come first but the bad boy come good is a close second.
Yes. Both Danny and Flack took a little getting used to at first, and now we can't stop obsessing over them. :D

As much as I love to see his arms, I agree, Faylinn. His look in Season 1 fit very well with the whole bad boy made good vibe. Right now, everyday's Casual Fridays for Danny. :lol: I really want to see him dressed in one of those Season 1 shirts, even for just one episode. Hehe. For old times' sake.
althea said:
For me that's been my attraction to Danny besides his hot ass which always come first but the bad boy come good is a close second.

The first time I ever saw Carmine it was just his ass :D... Then the song... And people said my love for Sean Hayes was weird. Without that weird, creepy, obsessive, I can make a gay man straight love I would have never found out about Carmine. Well I would have, but later :p
You're talking about Gundy! :D

Man, I must've watched that clip (of when George and Billy first meet Gundy at the boat) over and over a thousand times! Oh, that ass. And that song. *swoon* It was a very weird song, but I was so in love with his voice I didn't really care what he was singing about. I loved how George kept correcting him in mid-song about the pronounciation of her full first name. :lol:
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