Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

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Top41 said:
Danny was a sexy hostage. :devil: I really do think the Damsel in Distress thing works well for Danny. :lol:

God help me, I totally read that as "Danny was a sex hostage."

*goes off to find her battery-operated-boyfriend*
Thanks for the birthday wishes guys :)
I'm not into fan fiction but I would totally like someone to do a story about Danny as a sex hostage :lol:
You called ... :D

Here we go ladies, let your imagination run wild and free.
:devil: :devil: :devil:

Danny Messer walked down the block toward his apartment. He was heading home after a long day at work. A long day that included some female co-worker whining in his ear. All he wanted was some peace and quiet.

Quiet that was about to be broken ...

With a screeching of rubber, a big black van screamed to a halt beside him in the street and the side door slid open.

"Hey, whatchya doin'" Danny yelled as two big beefy men leapt out and grabbed him, hauling his sexy arse into the van.

With another sreech, the van sped away.

"Hey, get ya hands off me," he yelled, trying to fend off his attackers. But he wasn't strong enough. They overpowered him with chloroform and the world went black.

His eyes slowly opened. They burned and itched, and he blinked several times to clear them. Shaking his head to get rid of the fog, he looked around the room he was now in.

There was a lamp on a small table. The bulb was blood red, making the room appear hazy, with a deeply sensual overtone.
He was laying on a bed. Thick soft covers and lots of fluffy pillows behind him. He tried to move. But couldn't.

"What the ..." he muttered, twisting his head around to see why he couldn't move his hands. They were tied. Somewhere above his head to the bedhead. He strained to see if he could release them and saw he was bound with handcuffs. He quickly looked down at his jeans, his cuffs were gone, as was his gun.

"Damnit". They used my own cuffs on me!" He pulled himself into a sitting position as best he could, then stopped.

The door had opened.

"What have ya done ta me," he demanded, watching the person slowly walk into the room. He couldn't make out the person's face, or sex :devil: but knew he was in trouble.

"What do ya want from me," he said, pulling back as the person got onto the bed from the end and slowly crawled toward him like a wild animal on the hunt.

"I want you, Danny Messer," the person replied. From the sound of the voice he knew it was a woman. In fact, it sounded like a woman he knew. :eek:

She reached for his now rumpled white shirt and slowly unbuttoned it, revealing his tight white singlet underneath. She undone the last button and pushed the shirt aside........... :eek: :eek: :eek:



:( :mad: :lol:
I love the idea of Danny as a sex hostage :devil: :devil: :devil: but we need to keep fanfic to the fanfic forum--gotta follow the rules.

But yeah, the writers should definitely consider a storyline with Danny as a sex hostage. :lol: :devil: ;)
Springmoon said:
Top41 said:
Danny was a sexy hostage. :devil: I really do think the Damsel in Distress thing works well for Danny. :lol:

God help me, I totally read that as "Danny was a sex hostage."

*goes off to find her battery-operated-boyfriend*
I fully support that storyline and understand the need for battery operated boyfriends while thinking about it. ;) Danny always get to interview the sexually dominant suspects. Perhaps one can hold him hostage, do naughty things to him and let us watch. :devil: The ratings for that puppy would be through the roof.
^Save it for ;)

And I support the idea of the episode with Danny as sex hostage having an internet tie in. Screw Second Life--we'd clearly rather participate in doing dirty things to Danny. :lol: :lol: :lol: Even if we'd all die at the hands of a rather enraged blue-eyed homicide detective at the end of it. ;)
Top41 said:
Even if we'd all die at the hands of a rather enraged blue-eyed homicide detective at the end of it. ;)

Lovely play of words there, my dear. ;) Why die once when you can die twice at the hands of yet another blue-eyed hottie? :devil: :lol:

Count me in for the Danny-sexy-hostage tie in! It'd be even better if a live webcam was involved, if you know what I mean.
Le petite morte. ;)

I love the beautiful storyline born out a quick misread. :lol: :D
Kimmychu said:
Top41 said:
Even if we'd all die at the hands of a rather enraged blue-eyed homicide detective at the end of it. ;)

Lovely play of words there, my dear. ;) Why die once when you can die twice at the hands of yet another blue-eyed hottie? :devil: :lol:

Count me in for the Danny-sexy-hostage tie in! It'd be even better if a live webcam was involved, if you know what I mean.
I'm in for the webcam action, without the second blue-eyed hottie. ;) :D :devil:
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