Locker Room #15: Single White Male--We Can Fix That

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wow... he was so hoooooooooot!!

Carmine was great in this episode. Yeah it was the old Danny. He's back. I hope that it's not just a one epi thing and next season this will ne continued.

The D/L scene... i thought it would be more. Actually people where talking about it so much that I've expected it to be something... bigger... come on it was just a few seconds. But d*mn this pool table must have been uncomftable... how could they sleep there??

Danny in this white shirt... hwat!! god... yummy yummy yummy... The man has a 'nice' body. D*mn lucky Lindsay. I want him too. And if he cost just 100$... Lol!!

I almost fainted when I heard his voice when she was reading the message... I love his accent... his voice but this was the top!! *melt*

thinking about him it's like 24/7 in the gutter :devil:
The sexy voice when Lindsey was reading the note on the blackboard sounded like a guy who'd smoked about a hundred post coital cigarettes. If any character (say Flack ;)for instance) than Lindsey had been reading it the smoulder level of that scene would have just about shot through the freakin' roof. As it was the scene sounded damn fine if I shut my eyes and blanked Lindsey out.. :lol: :lol:
I'm happy to see him get a little love in here. I just felt bad for Carmine yesterday because once upon a time, he could take off his shirt and we'd have like two whole pages devoted just to that. So the silence made me sad. But it is hard to gush when: 1) the old-timers have grown bored of the gushing and 2) we're not excited about the romantic pairing.

Where romance is concerned, it does take two to make the screen sizzle and his leading lady falls flat.
I know what you mean.......Does anyone remember the Vegas episode in season 1 'Boom' The chemistry between Nick and Kristy, even though she was just a bit part character outshines the D/L lack of chemistry every time. Now when Nick peeled off to have a roll in the sack with Kristy, it was hot. Very brief but hot nonetheless cause the chemistry was there in spades.
Messers_cupcake said:
But d*mn this pool table must have been uncomftable... how could they sleep there??

Believe me (and speaking from an experience many moons ago!) it is *!%?ing uncomfortable. Here's hoping that Danny boy was on top - that way Ms Monroe couldn't have possibly had the time of her life (HA HA HA HA.......)
MrsGiovinazzo said:
I'm happy to see him get a little love in here. I just felt bad for Carmine yesterday because once upon a time, he could take off his shirt and we'd have like two whole pages devoted just to that. So the silence made me sad. But it is hard to gush when: 1) the old-timers have grown bored of the gushing and 2) we're not excited about the romantic pairing.

Where romance is concerned, it does take two to make the screen sizzle and his leading lady falls flat.

I think part of the problem with the sex scene was that it was shown from Lindsay's perspective, we saw the whole event through her eyes via the flashback. If you're not fundamentally sympathetic to Linsday and, let's face it, many of us aren't then this completely undermines and removes any sexual excitement the scene could potentially have had. Does that make any sense?
^I think the point was to see it from Lindsay's perspective. The scene was pretty much objectifying Danny/Carmine, and giving female viewers a window seat for what sex with Danny would be like--hot at the time, sweet afterwards. If Lindsay were more universally liked it might have played a little better, but in reality, she was just a proxy for every fan girl who's ever wanted to tap that ass. I might not like the pairing, but I can recofnize a clever ploy when I see one.
MichelleK said:
He was fab in the finale - His sexy voice and seeing him all roughed up got me more than a lil excited and was even better for me than the alleged love scene.
Oh yeah--Danny being reckless and getting beat up and just generally acting a bit crazy? So much hotter than Cliche Love Scene Scenario #5.

I like to ogle Danny as much as the next person, but if that's all I want, I'll just stare at hot pictures online. On the show, I want the characterization to come first and anything else to be lower on the list--so I couldn't enjoy the 'love scene' for his hotness alone.
Faylinn said:
Oh yeah--Danny being reckless and getting beat up and just generally acting a bit crazy? So much hotter than Cliche Love Scene Scenario #5.

I like to ogle Danny as much as the next person, but if that's all I want, I'll just stare at hot pictures online. On the show, I want the characterization to come first and anything else to be lower on the list--so I couldn't enjoy the 'love scene' for his hotness alone.

I agree with that whole hartedly.

Even if I were able to watch every Wednesday night hoping only to see some semi-naked Carmine/Danny action, the finale wouldn't have cut it for me. In the lying on the pool table shots, it was an obstructed view; Anna's head and arm ruined the oogle factor. The shot of Carmine/Danny back perfection was blink and you miss it fast, which also isn't condusive to an oogle fest. If I'm gonna oogle and post gleefuly about said oogling, it gots to be quality oogling. :)

Yeah, I know. I spent way too much time thinking about my lack of excitement. I think semi-naked Carmine/Danny was owed an explanation, however. :p
The D/L situation - got the feeling that it was more 'alcohol-fuelled sex' than the start of a deep and meaningful relationship. This made me feel a lot better, as I'm no fan of Linds & Dan. Even though the feminist in me was glad to see a female make the 1st move, and I think that it was believeable that L could be like this. I felt like the tables(literally) had been turned & L was now chasing D. But this was then lost when L pathetically looked for D in the warehouse. I can't quite decide who or what to blame for this - the actress or the scriptwriters, but L's language & actions weren't indicitive of someone who was worried 'pooless' about what could have happened to her lover. Yea, Danny's "Lyndsay" was said as though he was more than happy to see her (well done, Mr G for some superb acting)...but after what he had just been through, he would have been over the moon to see anyone familiar.
Also D did appear to be a little blase after L telling him about her dream.His comments screamed out to me that he's not as hot about her as we've been led (down the garden path) to believe... maybe due to the fact that she didn't satisfy him sexually? Now there's a thought!!!
As for the 'nice' things that he did; leaving the flower/breakfast/note & swopping shifts - I think that these actions are in line with his character, as he's not a 'player'. Yet these actions DO NOT SCREAM TRUE LOVE to me. Oooooh...what if he swopped shifts so that he could avoid that awkward post-coital situation of not knowing what to say or do next? That's it, sorted now...he didn't like being beaten at pool and then having to pay off the bet by sleeping with someone who is cr*p in bed/on the pool table... so he dumps her and keeps the money to buy more expensive items for his enormous flat!
Yeah I'm glad there were things that have come out of the scene that show things maybe aren't as rosy for D/L that all the fans want.
This is drama queen Danny, of course he's going to have a a melt down some point in the future!
I know the D/L fans wanted to see that but it still doesn't mean they are in a relationship - it just seems the perfect way to have Lindsay in the finale without her having to act anything emotionally or dramatic.
The actions of Danny after he woke up and left the note were not typical with Danny Messer.
I just don't think he's going to be settling down with Lindsay or anyone anytime soon.
If I want to watch a Carmine love scene with him naked for a lot longer- I'll watch the Learning Curve or Terror Tract.
Terror Tract...It's basically a story of an estate agent who is trying to sell a house which every couple who have lived their have died in suspicious ways. It's in 3 shorts and Carmine is in the first short story. He plays a guy that a married woman is having an affair with. He comes over to her apartment after her husband leaves for work and gets her very hot and horny in about 30 seconds. Her husband comes back and roughs them both up, ending in them killing him. They then have to hide the body! The story continues like this but he's very sweet in the film.
I don't really know how else to explain it but it's definitely worth a view/buy!
If anyone ese can help - feel free too.
Ta. Do you know if it's available to buy in the UK? I know that The Learning Curve isn't. I bought The Brass Ring off e-bay the other week, and even though he only had little snippets in it, there is a decent viewing of his hot bod at the beginning. He does a good job later on in the film, again only a brief appearance, but he looks soooo different to now, but still drop-dead gorgeous.
I got all my copies off!! I managed to get the Learning Curve, Terror Tract and prety much all of his movies of there!!
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