Wow, here I was thinking ... it's my birthday today and I'll pass on the Itallion Stallion ride. I, like others, have been a bit blazé over Carmine of late, and since the debonaire Michael Weatherly has been in Australia for our tv awards, my post Carmine crush on Michael has been seriously renewed. All the ladies in Oz thought he was hot, I, thought more along the lines of gorgeous and charming. And that's why I bought the new CBS Watch mag off ebay, god damn that man's hot in a suit. Not the cream one, the navy and the tux. :devil:
Oh dear god *fans self as I melt into a steaming puddle of orgasm*
And there in lies the difference between Carmine and Michael....
Michael will seductively charm the pants off a woman ... where Carmine will rip them off with his teeth and have his wicked way :devil:
But then I get here and read that he gets a bit nekkid in the show, unfortunately we here have to wait awhile, but it looks like I might vaguely have something to look forward to...
In the meantime I'll ride Michael instead and have a real man for my 33rd birthday. :devil: :devil:
Oh and to show I still do love Carmine I made some jewellery for myself.
So while this isn't a forum for promoting business... if you want to buy one of a kind jewellery for yourself of your fav actor/tv show/character pm me and we'll talk.
Oh and for all those dirty little girls :devil: who want a dirty little Danny/Flack set... :devil: ... I happen to have handcuff and gun charms, and pics of a poodle, crack filler and a jackhammer that I can add :devil: :devil: :devil: