Locker Room #15: Single White Male--We Can Fix That

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You know, I was always a fan of the gratuitous green t-shirt, but I must say Danny does look rather nice in the white shirt. I definitely like that he has some fluff going on on that head of his again.

So, with Top’s recent interview, I must ask: is Danny really that cheap?

Apparently from how I took it, nothing happened between Danny and Lindsay until the season finale. I had the fleeting thought of Danny demanding that Lindsay wine and dine ‘im before re-sanctifying the pool table. Perhaps it takes a little more than just a $100. :lol:
Elsie said:
Ask and you shall receive....


rumpled white shirt and a gun? Could he be any hotter? :devil:

You rock! As does everyone who posted pretty, pretty pics. :D I love that white shirt. Really, he could show up wearing that white shirt and nothing else... :devil: :devil: :devil:

SimplyBlue said:
So, with Top’s recent interview, I must ask: is Danny really that cheap?

Apparently from how I took it, nothing happened between Danny and Lindsay until the season finale. I had the fleeting thought of Danny demanding that Lindsay wine and dine ‘im before re-sanctifying the pool table. Perhaps it takes a little more than just a $100. :lol:

You know, with his comment about Danny playing hard to get and not putting out until the finale, maybe he did make her shell out before he put out! :lol: Maybe Lindsay was at her wit's end by the finale and finally got an angle to get him to give it up when he lost the bet. :lol:

Guess you'd better start saving, ladies. ;) :devil: Apparently a ride on the Danny-go-round might set you back more than a $100 bucks. :lol:
Twinkletoes said:
I match your rumpled white with a tight green.... :D


Twink, any chance you've got a photo of said 'hot little bunny' in green BUT WITH GLASSES? Pretty please, then I'll be one very happy little bunny :)

OMG... I've just read Top's fantastic interview with Mr G :D :D What about this for a quote... 'I don't mind being the utility guy - you can use me - for what you need to use me for.' I, I, I, can't type anny mmmore my whhole bbbody isss tttrreembbbling...too many images...too many tools...not enough time
Twinkletoes said:
Will this do????

In the words of Janice from FRIENDS... OH...MY...GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's gone str8 on to be my screensaver. My heart dropped when I opened that link, Twink (you bright shining star, you kiss,kiss,kiss) I can't thank you enough :D :D
THE green t-shirt...THE muscles...THE arms...THE MOODY STARE :devil: :eek: :devil: :eek: :devil: :eek:
Danistheman said:
OMG... I've just read Top's fantastic interview with Mr G :D :D What about this for a quote... 'I don't mind being the utility guy - you can use me - for what you need to use me for.' I, I, I, can't type anny mmmore my whhole bbbody isss tttrreembbbling...too many images...too many tools...not enough time

You know, Locker Room #16: Our Own Personal Utility Guy works too... :lol: Though we could always save it for 17...
Or there's the other choice one: "The Whore of the Show." :lol: :devil: ;)
I dig the whore quote, too. I was almost as surprised he said it as when I realized he doesn't seem to have a problem with it.
Nope, no problem at all. That cracked me up--that and that he totally knows it's Peter Lenkov pimping him out. That's just beyond awesome. :lol:
Top41 said:
Or there's the other choice one: "The Whore of the Show." :lol: :devil: ;)
That gets my vote. Nothing hotter than a man who doesn't mind being whored out. I applaud him for recognizing his assets and being comfortable enough with himself to not mind the objectification. ... Because I certainly don't mind objectifying him. :lol:
I mentioned to Top41 about making a t-shirt for him that says "Whore of the Show". :lol: Seriously, I'd love to design one for him. In big, bold letters. With a chibi version of that photograph of him standing with his gorgeous ass facing the viewer. :devil: :lol: ;)
Oh, Kimmy, that sounds like one awesome shirt! If you do decide to make it, I'm sure we can get it to him. I guess this might be venturing too much into fan project territory, but we could put the names (real or usernames) of everyone who wanted to participate on the back or something. "Love your fangirls" or something like that? :lol:
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