Locker Room #15: Single White Male--We Can Fix That

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Hehe! I'm sure if we all donated money to a charity of his choice, he could be persuaded!
Hell a tasteful shot would probably kill me but what a way to go!!
I wonder what object they would stragetically place on MiNi G!?
^^ Oh the banana. :eek:

I say he has to use a new object -- like a cucumber. Been there, done that with the infamous fruit. :lol:
Hehe maybe like a microscope. Would feed our dirty minds and fit in with the fact that he's a crime scene investigator! Oooh the images
The banana has already put me off eating it for life! No more foods!!
But the banana is the object most representative of Carmine. Every fangirl knows exactly what the connotation is. You can't go replacing the banana with a cucumber or any other object at this junction. The man is irrevocably tied to the banana.
Yeah thinking about it MrsG, if he did use a banana, every fangirl's head would explode!! We'd all know the connection and it would be the biggest seeling issue!
MrsGiovinazzo said:
But the banana is the object most representative of Carmine. Every fangirl knows exactly what the connotation is. You can't go replacing the banana with a cucumber or any other object at this junction. The man is irrevocably tied to the banana.

Plus, jkladis would be sad. He's got the avatar!
SimplyBlue said:
^^ Oh the banana. :eek:

I say he has to use a new object -- like a cucumber. Been there, done that with the infamous fruit. :lol:

OMG, a banana :eek:

Reminds me of that pic. Please don't post it again :rolleyes:
Ah, Carminefan, now that you've said you don't want to see the pic, it's only a matter of time before someone does... :lol:
^^yeah, b/c I don't think I have seen this pic. Has it been posted before? No need to repost it if someone can direct me to it. :)
Reminds me of that pic. Please don't post it again
What? I have selective hearing. I believe you said that you wanted someone to post it? :devil:

:p I'll be nice and post it as a link so that you don't have to click unless you want to see it. ;)

:lol: I knew Fay would bring the banana! :lol: That's my girl! :D

Nothing wrong with a banana in the morning. I had one myself this morning. What? They're good for your health. ;) :devil: :lol:
Today I feel like I need to tell everyone how I feel towards Carmine/Danny. Where better than here, huh? Well, actually I already talked about him this afternoon with a friend of mine. Actually I converted her :lol: Kidding, but she has never seen CSI:NY but the other day I was showing her a video where he takes off his shirt, and she was like :eek: "Who is him?" And I was like "Well, Mr Giovinazzo, from CSI:NY. Now who is crazy for liking CSI so much?! :p". Now she calls him Mr Tatto :rolleyes:
Anyway, I obviously like Carmine and his work as Danny Messer, it's always a pleasure to see it. And well, in a particular case, I watched "On the Job" yesterday and he is so good in that episode. I was like "Oh :( poor Danny, look at him" *wants to jump to the screen and huggle him and tell him it's OK* :p It's really a good episode, he did an amazing work, all worried, stressed, nervous...Everything was (and is) fantastic in Danny Messer, the way he acts, I just can't help love it! But that's not bad, is it?
^^:lol: no, CSI Dani its not bad, I think you're just expressing what every fangirl feels(and then some if you're anything like me! :devil: :p )

also Fay yaay, with the banana!!! seriously, who would NOT want to see that?! I'm all for the banana...its like a carmine institution! :D
Well, Mr. Giovinazzo is mine for the day (which sadly is about to come to an end) so I won't even watch that banana pic... :devil: <i>*shuts down the pc and goes back to entertain her guest*</i>
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