Locker Room #15: Single White Male--We Can Fix That

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The April Fools joke last year was that Carmine was going to be in Playgirl. :lol: My heart skipped a beat for a second, but then I remembered the date. Quite a few people believed it for a while. :lol:
That was one fantastic April Fool's joke last year because people did believe it. I believed it when I saw the thread title, but after clicking on it and seeing Top's claim to have a Playgirl subscription, I laughed. Then I remembered the date and thought it was really damn good. :lol: :lol: :lol:
That sounded like a fabulous April Fool's joke! *applauds whoever made it up* I'm so gulliable that I would have fallen for it hook, line and sinker!
On a side note I wonder what his thoughts are on a tastefully nude shot done for charity?
Haha, I remember that thread. :lol: I saw it and I was like "*gasp!* Dude, where can I get one around here?!" :lol: I felt like an idiot when I realized that it was a joke and I'd fallen for it. :p But it was definitely a successful April Fool's joke. ;)
MrsGiovinazzo said:
That was one fantastic April Fool's joke last year because people did believe it. I believed it when I saw the thread title, but after clicking on it and seeing Top's claim to have a Playgirl subscription, I laughed. Then I remembered the date and thought it was really damn good. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I was relatively new last year, so I totally bought into the fact that Top had a Playgirl subscription and had seen the goods. Then I saw the date and was thinking, "Nope, it's a prank." I was a little devastated though, because that would have been the first Playgirl I'd have purchased in my life. :rolleyes:
I love that me claiming to have a Playgirl subscription was what sucked people in. :lol: Clearly, I bring the dirty. :lol:

MichelleK said:
On a side note I wonder what his thoughts are on a tastefully nude shot done for charity?

You might be my hero. :lol:
^^ Well, there are news stories galore about senior citizens posing nude for calendars to save trees, libraries and other things...Carmine would be much nicer to look at and wouldn't even have to show the goods. Although, I'm sure more money would be raised for charity if he did...I'm just sayin'! :D :devil:
Springmoon - completely agree with ya, we should be a charity, maybe Mrs.G can arrange that and then we can all get a petition going to have him strip for our charity
:devil: :devil: :devil:

And I'd fork out $5, shipping and conversion rates for that edition, hell the man owes us a spread of his legs ... um, er, I mean in a magazine :lol: just for all the love and support we give him every year.
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