Locker Room #15: Single White Male--We Can Fix That

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hehe im sure Top will have a great time with carmine!!!
Happy belated birthdays to Orison, and JDonne :D

Mrs G... any word yet on the carmine project? do u know if he has received it?! :(
^ I don't have any official confirmation that he has received the project, but I do know his publicist received it in December, so I'm sure he has it by now. For those who participated, I'm sure he got a kick out of it. What guy wouldn't be flattered by a collection of personal ads?
happy birthday everyone! jeez, wish it was my birthday too, and I'd be allowed Danny for the day... I'm going to go off and daydream now...
:cool: HAPPY belated BIRtHDAy :cool:to all those whose birthdays were in the last two weeks! Best wishes...hope you carminized your day (okay, corny.)

About the smoking picture, he does indeedy make the act look sexy/hot outwardly but truthfully I sure hope he kicks that habit. It was his New Years Resolution?? He said this?? (I'm so curious!) It's hard no doubt about it, but I know he can do it. He should try whatever Ashton Kutcher did...some book about smoking to quit smoking (?).

The banana picture! Oh that from the comedy he starred in?

Does anyone know which award shows the man himself attended and if they were ever televised? also, does anyone have a complete list of all the media/shows/articles (i know there was a list a few threads or pages back? and i loved the clip from Tony Danza [the family seems close-knit--is he a family guy? :)]) featuring him? ;)
Could I just say that it's been a while since we've had any decent hand!porn round these to speak, so may I offer you a shining example to remedy that:


*sighs* Such beautiful long, slender fingers....
Aww, I think that's from "Raising Shane." Danny was so earnest and determined to help Hawkes out in that episode. That's a side of Danny I adore.
Faylinn said:
*is offended* You know perfectly well that Rhonda is the one with the mullet picture, not me. :( *is so wounded*

What I have is the EVIL PURPLE SAILOR HAT OF DOOOOOOM! :devil:


I won't apologize, Kimmy, you brought this on yourself. *nod*

You know, Fay, I actually like Carmine in that outfit. I just can't explain it. I guess because he was all gung-ho Marine in BHD, but here he looks sort of Broadway sailor. :devil:
PrettyEyes said:
Faylinn said:

You know, Fay, I actually like Carmine in that outfit. I just can't explain it. I guess because he was all gung-ho Marine in BHD, but here he looks sort of Broadway sailor. :devil:
If by "Broadway sailor" you mean he looks f-ing gay, agreed. :lol:
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