Locker Room #15: Single White Male--We Can Fix That

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Awww, he's so adorable!! Even though I have no idea why he's down on the floor. :lol:


God, he makes a cigarette look sexy and I am totally against smoking.
kissmesweet said:

God, he makes a cigarette look sexy and I am totally against smoking.

Yeah, that's the feeling... :D

Damn, how I wish I was in Coney Island that day...

And btw, what's with the camcorder? Could be a Carmine-related thing as I can't really see why Danny would want to videotape something.
Orison said:

And btw, what's with the camcorder? Could be a Carmine-related thing as I can't really see why Danny would want to videotape something.

I was wondering that too Orison. You can't really tell because in one photo, the wider one, he's got his glasses on which suggest he's in Danny mode, while in the other he hasn't. So *shrugs* who knows... :rolleyes:
Oh my!! I guess his New Year's resolution to stop smoking ended!! He looks so sexy smoking! My lord!
Thank you for posting the pictures!!
Meh, I certainly won't hold it against him to smoke. There are much worse things to be addicted to (like alcohol, which I think is way worse in the long run), and I know how difficult an addiction it is to kick. Oh, and New Year's resolutions? They're always the first things to be broken early in the year. ;)
As much as I hate smoking because it has affected my family, I must say he looks damn good :devil: Those are some nice pictures...he's wearing that gorgeous jacket from SOOH :) beautiful.
It's weird isn't it? Smoking is daft, it kills you and makes you smell like an old ashtray - and yet it looks as sexy as hell on some people..... :rolleyes:
^^Yah that's true. I thought he was quitting, or at least that's what I heard. *sigh* Oh well. I do wish he would stop...we all know what smoking can do and how it affects your life. But no matter, he still looks hot :)
SpeedleCSIMiami said:
Does anybody else besides me wanna be that cigarette that he is smoking in that pic. :lol:
No. I want to rip the cigarette from his hand and tell him to get some freakin' will power.
Awww, he's so adorable!! Even though I have no idea why he's down on the floor.
*grabs the duct tape from SpeedleCSIMiami and tapes mouth shut* ...mumble mumble mumble... *rips tape off* Ouch! Anyway, yeah, must keep the spoilers in the 'Spoiler thread.' *sticks tape back on* :lol:

He only looks sexy smoking because it's in a picture rather than being right in the same room. I've dealt with second-hand smoke for 22 years and lemme tell ya, nothing the slightest bit sexy about it. :rolleyes: The smoke itself, the smell in everything, the nicotine that coats everything--and that's not even including the health problems. And doesn't it do bad things to your skin?...
No. I want to rip the cigarette from his hand and tell him to get some freakin' will power.
I agree with you there MrsG. As much as I love him I do wish he would quit. He's a young guy. Too many young people smoke these days. Hell I know 13 and 14 year olds who smoke. Don't get me wrong, I love Carmine, but it bothers me that such a talented and handsome young man is smoking. I've experienced first-hand what smoking can do (no I don't smoke, several of my family members did/do). No disrespect to all the Carmine fans who are reading this so please don't take this the wrong way.
Faylinn said:
Awww, he's so adorable!! Even though I have no idea why he's down on the floor.
*grabs the duct tape from SpeedleCSIMiami and tapes mouth shut* ...mumble mumble mumble... *rips tape off* Ouch! Anyway, yeah, must keep the spoilers in the 'Spoiler thread.' *sticks tape back on* :lol:

He only looks sexy smoking because it's in a picture rather than being right in the same room. I've dealt with second-hand smoke for 22 years and lemme tell ya, nothing the slightest bit sexy about it. :rolleyes: The smoke itself, the smell in everything, the nicotine that coats everything--and that's not even including the health problems. And doesn't it do bad things to your skin?...

If you need more duct tape, I have plenty more...
I agree with you on the second hand smoke. I have delt with it for 20 years and it is awful, b/c I have asthma and the smoke does not help what so ever and it smells and I could go on and on, but I won't.
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