:lol: What have we started in here?! :lol:
Ok, I see that several people asked for the picture and then mentioned it as though they got to see it already. Who still hasn't seen it?
kasmith, I just PMed the pics to you.) I'm asking because I don't want to spam you all with 'teh peen' in your PM inboxes. :lol: (
Springmoon, you're never going to let me live that down, are you?
Ok after reading how everybody is going to the Apartment I wanna go! I just don't know the way
'The Apartment' is the name of a category on the BC message board that's restricted to a certain member group. It used to be over-18 to get in, but now it's 10+ posts and you can join the porny fun. :lol: It's not all Danny/Flack stuff in there, but that's most of it.
Of course, there's been more discussion in this thread than in the thread I opened for discussion of the pictures over there. :lol: The language over there is more explicit, but that's about it.
Poor man, I bet he never thought when he filmed that scene that so many women would be glued to their monitors desparate to get a glimpse of the goods
:lol: I know, I kind of feel bad for him--but none of us have said it's insufficient. :devil:
And I still totally see it. Do I have to learn how to color it purple and make it flash for y'all? :lol: If only the scene hadn't been so dark and
Erm.....just to move the subject on from a discussion of Carmine's genitals for a moment
What? What?!
Why on earth would you suggest such a thing? :lol:
Seriously though, I loved that scene. "Dove Commission" was a good Danny episode. He let his personal feelings cloud his judgement, but in the end I'm glad he went to talk to the kid and apologize. So cute. ^_^